"I like shopping. And you?" открытый урок в 6 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Кириллова Надежда Ивановна

Урок проводился после изучения темы. На нем повторяется весь материал раздела"Покупки".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 6-м классе "Do you like shopping?"

Цель: активизировать знания учащихся по теме «Покупки» и обучать познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка



  • развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
  • активизировать вопросно-ответное взаимодействие в группе;
  • закреплять в письменной и устной речи лексику по теме «Покупки»;
  • совершенствовать грамматические навыки: вопросы  и ответы с How much/How many;

Воспитательные: – воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка, уважение к собеседнику, умение работать сообща (в паре, в группе);

Развивающие: – развивать память, способность к речемыслительным операциям;

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, аудиозапись песни , тематические картинки.

Тип урока: повторительно-закрепляющий

Ход урока

1. Приветствие и беседа с классом

Т: Hello, friends. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you are OK and everybody is in a good mood. Nice to meet you.

CI: Nice to meet you too.

T: What date is it today?

PI: Today is the 1-st of February.

T: What day of the week is it today?

P2: Today is Wednesday.

T: What season is it now?

P3: It's winter.

T: The weather is fine today, isn't it?

P4: Yes, it is.

T: Is it sunny (frosty, windy, rainy, snowy)?

P5: Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

2. Объявление темы урока.

T: Students, today we'll speak about shops and shopping. The topic of our lesson is "I like shopping. And you?"

3. Фонетическая зарядка:

T: Look at the blackboard and practice your phonetics.

[t], [d] – Betty, bought, butter, better

It's a tongue – twister, try to read it correctly.

Betty Botter bought some butter

"But", she said "this butter's bitter."

So he bought some better butter.

Now Betty Botter's butter's better.

bitter ['bitә ]– горький

4. Речевая зарядка:

T: As for me I like shopping very much. It's a great pleasure for me. I go shopping regularly. And I must say there are some lovely places to do it in Blagodarnyi: for example department stores "Kontinent", "Magnit", supermarket "Fortuna" and, of course, the Nizhniy Market. I go shopping alone and with my family, on Sundays and even on weekdays. And what about you?

1) Do you like shopping?
    Ps: Yes, I do. I like shopping (very much).

2) Do you often go shopping?
    Ps: Yes, I do. I often go shopping. / No, I don't. I don't often go shopping.

3) Who usually goes shopping in your family?
    Ps: My Mum goes shopping. / My parents go shopping.

4) When did you go shopping last time?
    Ps: I went shopping on Sunday (yesterday).

5) Who did you go shopping with?
    Ps: I went shopping with my Mum (alone).

6) What new things did you buy?
    Ps: We bought butter, sugar, apples and sausages.
    Ps: We bought a sweater and a T-shirt for me.

7) Do you usually try on sweaters (shoes, jeans) before you buy them?
    Ps: Yes, I do. I usually try things on.

8) What kind of shops do you know? Let's make a Word Web.


5.  Соедините  слова в пары:

What do you buy at shops?

1)       a loaf of 
2)       a carton of
3)       a bar of
4)       a jar of
5)       a can of
6)       a packet of 
7)       a box of
8)       a packet of

a)       coffee
b)       chocolate
c)       tea
d)       bread
e)       juice
f)        nuts
j)        Coke
h)       sweets

6. Контроль домашнего задания

a) Диалоги «В магазине одежды/игрушек/продуктов»

A Russian tourist is buying something at a souvenir shop in Britain (Примерный вариант диалога, подчеркнутые слова возможны для замены)

 Shopkeeper: Can I help you?

Tourist: Yes, please. I'm looking for a sweater.

Sh: What sort of a sweater ?

T: Er, dressy, I think.

Sh: I see, what about this one?

T: That looks nice. May I try it out?/May I look at it?

Sh: Yes, sure. Is it all right?

T: No, it's too boring. Have you got a brighter one, please?

Sh: Yes, we have. Here you are.

T: Oh, yes! It's wonderful. How much?

Sh: It costs 30 pounds.

T: It's rather cheap. I'll take it.

Sh: Here you are.

T: Thank you.

2) –  Hello.
–  Hello. What can I do for you?
–  I’d like a big packet of tea, please.
–  Here you are. Anything else?

–  A small jar of coffee.
–  Here it is.
–  Thank you.

3) –  Hello. Can I help you?
–  Yes, please.
–  I’d like to buy a can of Coke and a carton of orange juice.
–  What else?
–  Have you got some nuts? I want a packet of peanuts, please.
–  Here you are.
–  Thank you.
Thank you. Great!

b) Задание на нахождение логических связей в диалоге (групповая работа).

Т: Very nice dialogues. Well done! Good job. Now If you so clever and act at the shop in the right way. One more task: Reorder the conversation below and then read it out, work in groups. For this activity we'll split into 2 groups

Reorder the conversation below.


a)Good morning. Can I help you?
b)Green ones or red ones?
c)No, that's it, thanks.
d)Oh, those red ones are fine – and can I have a lettuce, please?
e)Oh, good morning. I'd like a pound of apples, please.
f)Of course. Anything else?
g)That's  1.20, please,
h) Thank you very much.

1 .a__


Key: la 2e 3b 4d 5f 6c 7g 8h

7. Монологические высказывания учеников по теме   I  like Shopping

8. Релаксация «"Hippety Hop"»

T: Are you tired of sitting and writing? Let's relax & sing: CI:

Hippety Hop to the corner shop,
To buy
some sweets for Sunday;
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
      And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to the baker's shop,
To buy some
bread for Monday;
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to
the butcher's shop,
To buy
some meat for Tuesday,
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to the fishmonger's shop,
To buy
some fish  for Wednesday,
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to the grocer's shop,
To buy
some flour  for Thursday,
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to the dairy  shop,
To buy
some butter  for Friday,
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

Hippety Hop to the greengrocer’s  shop,
To buy
some apples  for Saturday,
        Some for you,
        Some for me,
       And some for sister Sandy.

9. Письмо (лексика по теме «Покупки»)

Т: То tell you truth, I love birthday parties. And you? Would you like to invite your friends and lay the table with many tasty things? But you must prepare beforehand. To begin with , make a special shopping list. I hope your Mum will give you enough money and a free hand to buy everything you want. You have only 3 minutes to write the list.

Shopping list for my Birthday


a bar of chocolate


a box of sweets


a can of coke


a bottle of fizzy drink


a packet of tea


a carton of orange juice


a packet of nuts


bubble gum


a cake


2 kilos of bananas


2 kilos of apples

 T: Who has the longest shopping list? You are the winner. We'll listen to your list. Oh, the party will be great, super, fantastic, absolutely brilliant!

10. Fill in the table using these words: 

– Do you buy many things at shops?

cheese, coffee, sweet, meat, carrot, cake, corn, tea, potato, butter, tomato, apple, bread, banana, lemon, milk, juice, nut, egg, sandwich, porridge.







11. Грамматическое упражнение: различие How much/How many ?

It's a very important question How much/How many You can't do without it doing shopping.
T: Use How much or How many to make questions for the following sentences.

How many…                                                                                                              How      much…

…money do your parents give you every day?

A lot of

…coffee do you usually drink?

Not many

…friends have you got?

A little/ Little

…time do you spend on your homework?

A few/Few

…shops do you go every day?

Not much

…shoes have you got in your wardrobe?

Lots (of…)

12. Короткие монологические высказывание по картинкам.

Т: Look at this pictures on the blackboard and try to answer my question: Where will you go if you want to buy those things?

(На доске опорная фраза)

If I want to buy..., I'll go to the... .
If I want to buy some cheese I'll go to the dairy.
If I want to buy some bread I'll go to the baker's.
If I want to buy a sweater I'll go to the clothes shop or department store.
If I want to buy some meat I'll go to the butcher’s.

13. Выполнение заданий к упражнению 11 (Reader) p.35

14. Домашнее задание.

Your homework:

AB p.62-67 (preparation for test)
15. Подведение итогов.

Thank you for your work, I enjoyed all your activities.
..., you were a success. I'll give you 5-s.
..., you had some mistakes, were not active enough– 4s.
All the rest try to do your best next time.

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