Открытый урок по теме Добро пожаловать в Лос Анджелес 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Добро пожаловать в Лос Анджелес 9 класс Кауфман
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Тема: Welcome to Los Angeles (Добро пожаловать в Лос-Анджелес).
Задачи урока:
- Образовательная: познакомить со столицей мировой киноиндустрии, расширять кругозор учащихся.
- Воспитательная: воспитание уважения, толерантности к чужой культуре, более глубокого осознания своей культуры.
- Развивающая: развивать способность логически мыслить, развивать языковую догадку, память, умение обобщать полученные сведения.
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент
- Good afternoon, boys and girls!
- Sit down, please.
-Who is on duty today?
- What day is it today?
- What is the date?
Who is absent today?
II What do you think we will speak about today? Look at the board.
Yes, we’ll speak about Los Angeles. And what is Los Angeles famous for?
Yes, you are right. Hollywood.
III. Фонетическая отработка лексики
Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker (Ex 3 p.146)
Now look through the words again and choose all possible answers for the questions. (Ex 4 p. 147)
IV Проверка домашнего задания. (Проверка наличия информации о городах)
V. Чтение текста «Welcome to Los Angeles» (Совершенствование навыка чтения с полным пониманием)
Now open your books at page 149 and read the text of exercise 7
Читают текст (получают карточки за чтение: если плохо синею, если хорошо розовую)
VI. Проверка понимания.
Let us see what you have learnt about Los Angeles and Hollywood. Do the test of exercise 8 (Выполняют тест и проверяют задание) (Взаимопроверка раздача карточек)
VII .Формирование навыков говорения по теме:
Answer my questions, please:
What’s LA famous for?
What does the abbreviation LA stand for?
Name the biggest studios
Where do most of celebrities live in?
What is Rodeo Drive?
What is Hollywood Boulevard famous for?
Where does the Oscar ceremony take place?
Where can you read the names of the people who made Hollywood famous?
How much does it cost to install a star?
VIII. Применение полученной информации на практике
Now try to speak about Los Angeles.
- Would you like to travel? If yes, why?
Models: I’d like to travel to change scene/learn things/ study geography/ just for fun/ learn English (выполняет первая команда)
- How would you like to travel?
Models: I’d like to travel by bus/ by car/ by plane/ on foot/ by boat (выполняет вторая команда)
3) Who would you like to travel with?
Models: I’d like to travel with friends/ parents/ boy/girl friend/ on your own/ classmates/ anybody else (выполняет третья команда)
Teacher: Thank you for answers; the first gold star the team “….”gets
IV. Контроль домашнего задания (15-20мин)-
Teacher: So let`s start “Project about California”, let’s check up your homework and ask to evaluate this task. You must do three groups and make project about California.
1) The first team “The peacemakers” will show us their project about History of California(музыкальное сопровождение, гимн «Я люблю тебя, калифорния»)
Information of project: Group after group of Americans travelled over the mountains to California. By 1846 a few thousand Americans lived there. They all dreamed of making their fortune. Do you know what is gold rush? The gold rush brought more than 80,000 people to California. They came from all over. Some came from South America and Mexico. More than 25,000 came from China. The gold rush helped to change California from a frontier area into a state. In 1850 California become the thirty-first (31) state of USA.;
2) The second team “The men in black” will show us their project about an administrative center of California-Sacramento
Information of project: Sacramento is the capital city of the U.S. state of California, and the county seat of Sacramento County. It is located at the confluence of the Sacramento River and the American River in the northern portion of California's expansive Central Valley. With a 2009 estimated population of 466,676, it is the seventh-largest city in California. Sacramento is the core cultural and economic center of the Sacramento metropolitan area which includes seven counties; with an estimated population of 2,127,355. Its metropolitan area is the fourth largest in California after the Greater Los Angeles Area, San Francisco Bay Area, and San Diego Metro as well as the 25th largest in the United States. A city attaining global status, Sacramento was cited by Timemagazine as America's most ethnically and racially integrated city in 2002.
Sacramento became a city through the efforts of John Sutter, a Swiss immigrant, and James W. Marshall. Sacramento grew quickly thanks to the protection of Sutter's Fort, which was established by Sutter in 1839. During the California Gold Rush, Sacramento was a major distribution point, a commercial and agricultural center, and a terminus for wagon trains, stagecoaches, riverboats, the telegraph, the Pony Express, and theFirst Transcontinental Railroad;
3) The third team “The invincible” will show us their project about Everyday’s life in California.
Information of project: California is one of the most attractive places in the USA. In this state you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of seaside resorts. Thanks to the nearby the Pacific Ocean and warm climate, some people can spend time swimming and lying in the sun on the beach. Lots of people go in for surfing, sailing and water skiing there. Because there are the high Cordillera Mountains, some other people go climbing and mountaineering. Fresh grapefruits, oranges, lemons, melons and peaches are not imported. Low-cost, high-quality fruits, juices and vegetables are available any time of the year due to the fact that the southern parts of the country have warm temperatures all the year round;
Information about Los Angeles
Los Angeles is the most populous city in California and the second most populous in the United States, after New York City, with a population of 3.8 million, on a land area of 498.3 square miles (1,290.6 km2). It is the focal point of the larger Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside combined statistical area, which contains nearly 17.8 million people and center of the largest urban area in California. This makes it the 12th most populous metropolitan area in the world.[4] Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated and one of the most multicultural counties in the United States. The city's inhabitants are referred to as "Angelenos"
Often known by its initials, LA, and nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. It is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields, and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States. Los Angeles has been ranked the third richest city and fifth most powerful and influential city in the world, behind only New York City in the United States. The Los Angeles combined statistical area (CSA) has a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of $831 billion (as of 2008), making it the third largest economic center in the world, after the Greater Tokyo Area and the New York metropolitan area. As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production, video games, and recorded music. The importance of the entertainment business to the city has led many celebrities to call Los Angeles and its surrounding suburbs home. Los Angeles hosted the 1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics. Los Angeles is also home to renowned universities such as the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles.
Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781 by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence. In 1848, at the end of the Mexican–American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States. Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850, five months before California achieved statehood.
Teacher: Look at the pictures on the black board, they are the places that are mentioned in the text, find and read some information about them. (работа у доски)
Photos of sights of LA:
- Los Angeles
- Hollywood
- Beverly hills
- Rodeo Drive
- Hollywood Boulevard
- Mann’s Chinese Theater
- The Egyptian Theater
- 3,300-seat Kodak Theater
- Academy Awards: “Oscars”
10) the Walk of Fame
Teacher: Thanks for answers; the third gold star the team “….”gets.
Teacher: “I want to be a star”, (петь песню)
VI Подведение итогов, выставление оценок,
Teacher: We must do the last task for today, look at the board, please, agree or disagree with the statements. Read and translate the sentences.
1. All the people are actors.
2. You can't become a star if you're not in the movies.
3. Everybody wants to be the best.
4. You need a very strong character if you want to be a star.
5. The celebrities who get a star on Hollywood Boulevard will never be forgotten.
6. You have to work and suffer a lot to become famous.
Teacher: Open your diaries and write down your homework.
Eх. A p 153
Ex. C p. 154
Let me announce the results. The team ….is stronger than others. My best congratulations to you. I am satisfied with the work you have represented. Thank you, everybody. The lesson is over. You are free for today. See you on Friday.
1) change scene
learn things study geography just for fun learn English
2) by bus, by car, by plane, on foot,
by boat
3) with friends, with parents,
with boy friend, with girl friend
on your own, with classmates
1) The first team “The peacemakers” will show us their project about History of California(музыкальное сопровождение, гимн «Я люблю тебя, калифорния»)
Information of project: Group after group of Americans travelled over the mountains to California. By 1846 a few thousand Americans lived there. They all dreamed of making their fortune. Do you know what is gold rush? The gold rush brought more than 80,000 people to California. They came from all over. Some came from South America and Mexico. More than 25,000 came from China. The gold rush helped to change California from a frontier area into a state. In 1850 California become the thirty-first (31) state of USA.;
2) The second team “The men in black” will show us their project about an administrative center of California-Sacramento
Information of project: Sacramento is the capital city of the U.S. state of California, and the county seat of Sacramento County. It is located at the confluence of the Sacramento River and the American River in the northern portion of California's expansive Central Valley. With a 2009 estimated population of 466,676, it is the seventh-largest city in California. Sacramento is the core cultural and economic center of the Sacramento metropolitan area which includes seven counties; with an estimated population of 2,127,355. Its metropolitan area is the fourth largest in California after the Greater Los Angeles Area, San Francisco Bay Area, and San Diego Metro as well as the 25th largest in the United States. A city attaining global status, Sacramento was cited by Timemagazine as America's most ethnically and racially integrated city in 2002.
Sacramento became a city through the efforts of John Sutter, a Swiss immigrant, and James W. Marshall. Sacramento grew quickly thanks to the protection of Sutter's Fort, which was established by Sutter in 1839. During the California Gold Rush, Sacramento was a major distribution point, a commercial and agricultural center, and a terminus for wagon trains, stagecoaches, riverboats, the telegraph, the Pony Express, and theFirst Transcontinental Railroad;
3) The third team “The invincible” will show us their project about Everyday’s life in California.
Information of project: California is one of the most attractive places in the USA. In this state you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of seaside resorts. Thanks to the nearby the Pacific Ocean and warm climate, some people can spend time swimming and lying in the sun on the beach. Lots of people go in for surfing, sailing and water skiing there. Because there are the high Cordillera Mountains, some other people go climbing and mountaineering. Fresh grapefruits, oranges, lemons, melons and peaches are not imported. Low-cost, high-quality fruits, juices and vegetables are available any time of the year due to the fact that the southern parts of the country have warm temperatures all the year round;
Information about Los Angeles
Los Angeles is the most populous city in California and the second most populous in the United States, after New York City, with a population of 3.8 million, on a land area of 498.3 square miles (1,290.6 km2). It is the focal point of the larger Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside combined statistical area, which contains nearly 17.8 million people and center of the largest urban area in California. This makes it the 12th most populous metropolitan area in the world.[4] Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated and one of the most multicultural counties in the United States. The city's inhabitants are referred to as "Angelenos"
Often known by its initials, LA, and nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. It is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields, and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States. Los Angeles has been ranked the third richest city and fifth most powerful and influential city in the world, behind only New York City in the United States. The Los Angeles combined statistical area (CSA) has a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of $831 billion (as of 2008), making it the third largest economic center in the world, after the Greater Tokyo Area and the New York metropolitan area. As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production, video games, and recorded music. The importance of the entertainment business to the city has led many celebrities to call Los Angeles and its surrounding suburbs home. Los Angeles hosted the 1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics. Los Angeles is also home to renowned universities such as the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles.
Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781 by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence. In 1848, at the end of the Mexican–American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States. Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850, five months before California achieved statehood.
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