Сценарий для конкурса гидов-переводчиков
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий для конкурса гиды-переводчики 2017
Номинация «7 чудес Мордовии»
Название «Welcome to Mordovia»
Цель мероприятия: возрождение чувства патриотизма и любви к своему Отечеству, привлечение внимания учащихся к восстановлению и сохранению уникальных исторических, культурных и природных объектов на территории нашей Родины.
Видео (место действия - Англия): в класс забегают ученики и радостно сообщают.
P1: Miss Smith! Miss Smith! We`ve won! We`ve won!
T: Keep silent! Keep silent! What happened? What have you won?
P2: A trip to Russia, to Mordovia! Here is a letter!
T: A letter!? Where is it from?
P3: From Russia! From Mordovia!
T: Give me the letter, please. Hmm! It`s true!
Учитель читает письмо на английском языке
Dear boys and girls,
You are welcome to Mordovia! You have won the first place in the competition “The best composition about foreign country”. That`s why we invite you to our republic!
Please, inform us if you can come to Mordovia. We will be very glad to see you!
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Gareeva
T: Well, pupils! Are you ready for the trip?
Ps: Yes, of course!
T: So, let`s start on our journey!
Ps: Hooray!!
(Место действия – Мордовия! Встреча детей из Англии гидами)
G1: Шумбратада, Ялгазень! Good-day, dear friends! Welcome to Mordovia!
G2: We are your guides! We are glad to see you in our republic! Would you like to see the 7 wonders of Mordovia?
P1: With please!
P2: Of course!
P3: That is great!
P4: Great!
G1: So, let`s start our tour!
(Звук колоколов)
P1: What is it?
G1: The bells of temple are ringing
Are ringing loud and gay
To hills and forests they are beginning
Sweet melody today
The bells of temple are ringing
Are ringing far and wide
Nice days they are brining
To people and countryside
G2: People say these words when they see one of Mordovia wonder Cathedral of Saint Fyodor Ushakov. It`s one of the largest and highest cathedral in the Volga region.
P1: What is the height of it?
G1: It is 63 meters.
P2: Wow. And what about its area?
G2: Its total area is 900 square meters.
P3: It is magnificent!
G1: Yes, it can accommodate up to 3 thousands worshipers. There are 12 bells on 4 bell towers. The biggest one weights 6 tone. Many relics of saints are kept here.
G2: So, you can take photos.
G1: Let`s continue our trip. I offer to take a walk along the Pushkin Park.
P1: This park is named by famous poet Alexander Pushkin, isn`t it?
G2: You are right. He is known all over the world. By the way, our park is not far from here.
P2: Oh, I want to take a ride on Ferris wheel!
G1: That`s good idea! You can see our town at a glance. Also, you have an opportunity to go on the rides and visit a zoo. There are many different wild animals here.
P3: Yes, we`d love to.
P4: It would be nice to visit Mordovian museum of arts by Stephan Erzya.
G2: Let`s go! It`s one of the major cultural center in Mordovia. It is originated in 1960. The museum collection includes about 15 thousands units of storage. Now, you can see its exhibits.
P1: Please, tell me. Is Erzya his real surname?
G1: No, his real surname is Nefyodov. He took this nickname in honor of the Erzya people.
P2: This collection is unforgettable!
G2: Let's get acquainted with national creativity of the Mordovian people. (Звучит мордовская музыка). It is so various.
G1: Look! Jewelry art, needlework, sewing beads, art processing of a tree, oral poetry art, dance art and so on.
G2: Mordovian costumes are presented to your attention.
P3: I noticed that there is a lot of red colour in these costumes. Why?
G1: Red means the joy and love for life.
P3: I see.
G2: In the Museum there are more than 3000 exhibits.
P4: Wow. How beautiful folk clothes, ceramics, household utensils
P4: When I was going to Mordovia, I read a lot of information about your republic. I was interested in Pugachyov shaft. I know that this memorial has a long story.
G2: Yes, our history is associated with the name of folk hero and robber Emelyan Pugachyov. A monument of Federal value was recognized Pugachyov tent, where was read his manifests.
G1: From Saransk to Atemar the Pugachyov shaft is stretching. It was built for protection from the Royal Army.
P4: Why do you call Pugachyov the robber?
G2: Because of his cruelty. He hated the Royal power!
P4: I see.
G2: Much wealth is in our land but there is more important wealth – cultural. So, the next point of our tour is a picturesque corner of Mordovia, orthodox cloister “Sanaksar convent”. It is situated on the river Moksha.
P1: What is the origin of this name?
G1: Perhaps, this name came from the Mordovian word “sanav sara” that means marshland or from the name of the lake “Sanaksar’ that is low place at its walls.
P2: Indeed, it`s worthy sight!
G2: Our people composed a lot of legends and songs about the lake Baykal. On the territory of our republic there is our pearl. It is the lake Inerka.
P3: What a light and pure lake!
G1: Yes, Inerka is translated as “The Great Lake”. It is protected and loved by local inhabitants.
P4: I want to take a couple of memorable photos of the lake.
G2: Of course!
G1: So, our trip is over. In fact, there are a lot of wonders in Mordovia and we are proud of our land with so rich heritage. We hope that you enjoyed the republic and its 7 wonders.
P1: I greatly love Mordovia!
Its forests, buildings, lakes.
Its towns, kind and friendly people
Its rivers, children, plains.
P2: Mordovia, be richer
Much stronger, powerful more.
You have blue sky and lovely people
You are happy and there is no war!
P3: Let nations love each other
Respect and understand.
Will kindness win the anger
Let all be faithful friends!
G1: Thank you for your attention!
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