Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
методическая разработка открытого урока по теме "Лондон"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: Лондон
класс: 7 Д
Цель урока: развитие навыков монологической речи по теме Лондон, обобщить и систематизировать материал по теме, познакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями Лондона.
Задачи урока:
практическая – развивать языковые навыки, технические навыки чтения и понимания иноязычного текста, воспроизводить по образцу короткие высказывания;
развивающая - развитие познавательного интереса, эмоциональной сферы личности учащегося, его творческих и интеллектуальных способностей, готовности к коммуникации, формирование логического мышления;
воспитательная - способствовать воспитанию у школьников положительного отношения к школе, формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе.
Оснащение урока:
1. компьютер
2. презентация
3. проектор
4. раздаточный материал
Ход урока
1. Приветствие. Введение темы урока
T: Good morning dear pupils. Nice to see you
St: Nice to see you too.
T: Today we have a lot of guests? Let’s greet them
St: Good morning dear guests.
T: We’re going to have a very interesting lesson. Everybody loves travelling and we too, of course. And today we are going to have a trip around the most famous sights in London. So the topic of our lesson is London. (слайд с названием темы урока)
2. Проверка домашнего задания (было задано составить мини-диалоги о том, как дети путешествуют – на каком виде транспорта)
T: There are a lot of means of travelling. People can travel by car, by bus, by plane, by train or on foot. Let’s think what the best way of travelling around London is. I know that you travel a lot. Your home task was to make up dialogues about different means of travelling. Let’s listen to the dialogues and find out how we can travel around London.
- St-St (on foot)
- St-St (by car)
- St-St (by double-decker bus)
T: Thank you very much. You see that the best way to travel around London is by a double-decker bus. (Слайд с картой Лондона и автобусом). But we can’t travel without a guide. So we have the guides that can help us during today’s excursion. (Раздаю путеводители ученикам и гостям.)(Приложение 5)
At the end of the lesson be ready, using these guides, to tell us about the places we have visited and about the place you liked most. There are special circles, where you can make notes during our excursion.
3. London Eye
T: We go to the first place of our trip. (слайд с фотографией колеса)
What is it? Do you know? Right you are. It’s the London Eye. Sonya has learned the poem about this place. And now she will recite it and you will learn some facts about it.
St: Read the poem by heart
The London Eye
Is a giant wheel
All white and bright
And made of steel
It’s slowly turning
Round and round
Offering views of London
Above the ground
Famous landmarks and
Sights dramatic
The nation’s history
Old visitors express
In children’s faces
But all agree
It’s worth the fee
To ride the wheel
The sights to see.
T: I want you to answer some questions about it.
- What size is it?
St: It’s Giant
- What is it made of?
St: It’s made of steel.
- Is it turning slowly or fast?
St: It’s turning slowly.
- What does it offer?
St: It offers views of London.
- What do the old visitors express?
St: They express sentiment
- What can we see in children’s faces?
St: We can see wonderment.
- What sights can you see from this giant wheel?
St: We can see .....
T: You’re right. We can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben from this wheel. Look at the board. (слайд с видом Букингемского дворца.)
4. Big Ben and the Houses and Parliament
T: The most famous sights in London are Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament and you’ve seen them from the London Eye. Our bus is driving us there. Here we will make a stop. You are going to do a task to refresh some interesting facts. (Слайд с заданием вставить слова в предложения)
St-s: Вставляют слова в предложения
5. Buckingham Palace
T: The next place of our tour is Buckingham Palace. What do you know about this Palace?
St: It’s the Queen’s House
T: You’re right. It’s a Queen’s House. I’ve got a reading task for you. (Раздаю тексты про дворец). (Приложение 2)
T:We are going to read some facts about Buckingham Palace. After reading be ready to do a task based on the story.
(во время чтения слайды с видами дворца)
T: Here is the task for you. (раздаю задания на сопоставление) (Приложение 3) You are going to match the two parts of the sentences. Work in pairs. You have two minutes to do the task....
St: Делают задание. St-St
T: Let’s check. (на слайде проверка упражнений)
6. Tower of London
T: We are coming up to the next historical place. It’s the Tower of London. While watching a video about this place, you have to do a task. (Раздаю задания) (Приложение 4)
Watch and listen. After that be ready to do the task. (Смотрят видео про Тауэр)
(слайд с таким же заданием, как раздаточный материал)
T: What are the symbols that were not shown on the video? I’m sure you know them.
St: Beafeators and ravens.
T: You’re right. (слайд с бифитером и вороном)
T: You know, the legend says that without them the Tower will fall and the monarchy in Britain will fall too.
7. Madame Tussaud’s Museum
T: We have visited some historical sights of London. Now we are going to a more modern, but also a very interesting place. (слайд с видом музея)
- What is it?
- What is it famous for?
T: Right you are. There we can see a lot of wax models of famous people. To find out what models we can see there, we are going to have a quiz. Divide into two teams. I’ll tell you some information about a person or a group of people and you will tell me who they are. (после того как ученики отгадали, появляются картинки с изображением этих людей)
- Famous band in the 1960s. The most famous songs of this band are “Yesterday”, “Yellow Submarine” (The Beatles)
- Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II)
- Famous princess, who died in a car accident (Diane)
- Famous footballer. He played in English team “Manchester United”. His wife’s name is Victoria. (David Beckham)
- The Prime Minister of Russia (V. Putin)
- The President of the United States (Barak Obama)
- A Famous singer. The king of pop music. (Michael Jackson)
- Famous actor, who starred in “Titanic” (Leonardo Di Caprio)
T: So, you have seen some of the famous people who you can meet in this museum.
8. Монологические высказывания
T: Our tour is coming to an end. During the trip you were making notes in your guides. Here’ the plan. (на слайде план, такой же, как и в путеводителях)(Приложение 5)
I want you to make up short stories about our trip. Think of a place you liked most and tell us some words about it.
Sts are telling about today’s excursion
9. Заключение. Объяснение домашнего задания
T: Have you enjoyed our one day tour around London? Of course we haven’t visited some historical places but I’m sure we’ll do it next time. In the guides there are some questions. Let’s read them. Your home task will be to answer them and the next lesson we’ll discuss it.
Thank you very much. You worked well. You get excellent marks for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good Bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Complete the sentences with suitable words The Houses of Parliament is the ……… of British Government. They are situated on the ……… of the river Thames. The Houses of Parliament is 940 ft in ……… . Big Ben is the name of a huge ……… in one of the tall ……… of the Houses of Parliament. People can get ……… the Tower and see how Big Ben works. There is no ……… and there are three hundred and forty ……… up to Big Ben seat clock towers bank length inside lift steps
Buckingham Palace is the same age as Saint-Petersburg . The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace from September till March. It is finally became the official Royal Palace in 1837. The monument to Queen Victoria is opposite Buckingham Palace. All the windows in the Palace are cleaned every six weeks. A flag always flies above Buckingham Palace when the Queen is in Residence. The men in front of Buckingham Palace are not just ceremonial guards but also serving soldiers. More than 50000 people visit the Palace each year. Matching
1. The Tower of London is the home of the __________ a) Crown Jewels b) Queen’s dresses c) Royal weapon 2. It was originally designed as a __________ a) Palace b) Cathedral c) Fortress 3. It was designed by __________ a) William the Conqueror b) King Arthur c) Richard the Lion’s Heart 4. The Tower is more than __________ a) 600 years old b) 700 years old c) 900 years old 5. It has served as a __________ a) fast food restaurant b) prison c) a café 6) It became a prison __________ a) after the Middle Ages b) before the Middle Ages c) in the 20 th century Choose the correct answer:
Our visit to one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe 1. We visited ... 2. London Eye surprises because … 3. The Houses of Parliament amaze because ... 4. Big Ben is magnificent because ... 5. Buckingham Palace is impressive because … 6. Tower of London is a mysterious place because … 7. Madame Tussaud’s Museum has … 8. I want to tell you about the place I liked most. It is ... 9. I’d like to visit London once again because ...
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