Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе (УМК М.В. Ваулиной "Spotlight. Английский в фокусе") Module 3: три варианта.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе (УМК М.В. Ваулиной "Spotlight. Английский в фокусе") по итогам третьего раздела (Module 3) содержит три варианта аналогичных заданий.
Задание №1: вставить в предложение подходящее по смыслу прилагательное.
Задание №2: составить предложения.
Задание №3: заполнить таблицу предложенными словами.
Задание №4: расставить прилагательные в верном порядке.
Задание №5: вставить верный фразовый глагол.
Задание №6: прочитать текст и отметить утверждения по принципу "правда или ложь".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test 3/Variant I
I. Continue the sentences using the words below:
artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.
II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.
| is someone who |
III. Fill in the box with the words:
slim, baby, spiky, short, cute, dark tan
Height | Build | Face | Special features | Hair | Age |
IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.
- a (British funny tall) actor
- a (famous Greek well-built) boxer
- a(n) (French young interesting) student
V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.
- Give me .............. my skateboard!
- Lilly gave .............. fencing two years ago because of a bad injury.
- Sarah gave …….. sweets to her friends.
VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.
Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!
Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.
I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.
- Some people can’t tell if the Mona Lisa is smiling.
- None of Da Vinci’s notebooks survive today.
- Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
- His father’s name was Paolo.
- He designed a parachute.
- Da Vinci studied the human body.
Test 3/Variant II
I. Continue the sentences using the words below:
artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.
II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.
| is someone who |
III. Fill in the box with the words:
thin, child, short, of medium height, pretty, scar
Height | Build | Face | Special features | Hair | Age |
IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.
- a(n) (young nice Italian) scientist
- a(n) (English nice middle-aged) writer
- a(n) (German pretty intelligent) scientist
V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.
- Hey! Give me .............. my ball!
- John gave .............. boxing two years ago because of a bad injury.
- Mark gave his stamp collection .............. to his younger brothers.
VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
The person I admire the most is Albert Einstein. He was born on 14th March, 1879, in the German town of Ulm in Württemburg. Einstein was the greatest scientist of all time. One of his most famous discoveries is the mathematical equation about the nature of energy: E = mc2.
Einstein loved physics and learning. He never stopped exploring the world of science and he wrote many books and articles explaining his theories. Some of them are at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton.
People in universities all over the world respected Einstein. He was awarded with honorary degrees in science, medicine and philosophy. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Despite his intelligence, Einstein is also famous for being a very funny man!
I admire Albert Einstein for his love of learning and the fact that he discovered new things. He always kept his mind active.
- Kerry admires Einstein for his love of learning.
- In 1911, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
- He wrote articles about science.
- Einstein was born in Germany.
- Einstein was born in eighteen seventy-nine.
- Einstein hated Maths.
Test 3/Variant III
I. Continue the sentences using the words below:
artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, sociable, curious, determined, imaginative.
II. Match the phrases to make up sentences. One ending is extra.
| is someone who |
III. Fill in the box with the words:
skinny, young, straight, tall, ugly, beard
Height | Build | Face | Special features | Hair | Age |
IV. Put the adjectives in the correct order.
- a(n) (Japanese young interesting) student
- a(n) (talented teenage Italian) artist
- a(n) (tall French easy-going) actor
V. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.
- Shelly gave .............. her book collection to the school library.
- Give me ……….. my pencil!
- Anthony gave ……… playing football because of a bad injury.
VI. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.
Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!
Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.
I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.
- Da Vinci studied the human body.
- He designed a parachute.
- His father’s name was Paolo.
- Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
- None of Da Vinci’s notebooks survive today.
- Some people can’t tell if the Mona Lisa is smiling.
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