Авторский элективный курс
элективный курс по английскому языку на тему

Кочкина Людмила Владимировна

Авторский элективный курс


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Speaking/      function



Unit I

To the


of destination

Lesson 1 What

is tourism?

Ss will be able to talk about tourism.


- for gist

- for detailed


for specific


- sharing opinions about pros and cons of tourism

- agreement/ disagreement with some tips

the instruction how to be a good tourist (list of tips for tourists)

Vocabulary for speaking about tourism.

Lesson 2

How to get to Britain ?

Ss will be able to discuss different ways of travelling, their advantages and disadvantages

-for gist

-for detailed information

-for gist

-for detailed information

Discussing different ways of travelling

Vocabulary for speaking about different ways of travelling

Lesson 3 Taking a booking

Ss will be able to:

- deal with their ticketing and booking arrangements

- talk about tourists’ requirements

for detailed information

- asking for info

- giving info

- express their preference

- client’s

requirements on the reservation form

Vocabulary for speaking about booking and ticketing.

Lesson 4  

In the airport

Ss will be able to exchange information at different airport’s services

 .for gist

.for detailed information

For detailed information

Exchanging information at airport’s services

Vocabulary for speaking about different services and their work at the airport.

Lesson 5

On board the plane

Ss will be able to express own feelings and opinions describing different flights

-for specific information

 -for detailed   information

-for specific information

Exchanging opinions about different flights  

Vocabulary for speaking about flights and service

Lesson 6 Asking the way

Ss will be able to:

- ask, explain and discuss routes by public transport

 -for specific information              

for gist, specific, detailed info

- start the conversation

- initiate and maintain the conversation

- asking for info

Vocabulary for asking the way to and from the airport/

Lesson 7


Ss will be able to discuss different ways of reservation

-for detailed information

-for specific information

-for gist

discussing different ways of reservation

-for detailed information

Vocabulary for speaking about reservation of rooms in the hotel

Lesson 8

At the hotel

Ss will be able to exchange their opinions about different hotels

-for detailed information

-for gist

-for detailed information

Exchanging opinions about facilities in different hotels

Vocabulary for speaking about facilities different hotels have to offer

Lesson 9 Dealing with complaints

Ss will be able to express and respond to complaints

for gist, specific, detailed info

- expressing complaints

- responding complaints

- asking for info

- giving info

- expressing own attitude to the problem (situation)

Vocabulary for expressing and responding to complaints.

Lesson 10

In a restaurant

Ss will be able to discuss orders in a restaurant

.for gist

.for detailed information

for gist

for detailed information

Expressing opinions, making orders in a restaurant

Vocabulary for speaking about making orders in the restaurant

Lesson 11

Doing shopping

Ss will be able to discuss buying in different shops

-for gist

-for specific information

-for detailed information

-for specific information

discussing buying different things at the shops

Vocabulary for speaking while changing money and doing shopping

Lesson 12 Seeing the sights

Ss will be able to: describe local tourist attractions

for specific info

- discussing tourist attractions

- agreement/

disagreement with a partner

- giving info

- expressing/

sharing opinions

- questions that people might ask about the attractions in your town/city

Vocabulary for describing local tourist attractions.

Lesson 13

Planning the evening

Ss will be able to express own wishes about spending the evening

For gist

For detailed information

For gist for detailed information

Expressing wishes how to spend the evening

Vocabulary for speaking about plans for the evening

Lesson 14-15   Check your progress.  Final task MINI-UNEX

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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