An example of journalistic article
статья по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
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“Bellcrest on its own feet”
Shangina Irina
Today, there are too many companies in the world so that it’s too difficult for a small new company to survive in the world of rivalry. In spite of this fact, there is a chance to reach a standard of well-being. In this article the matter concerns the Bellcrest Company which in the course of its lifetime passed through difficult periods of crisis, but now it is put back on its feet again.
The Bellcrest Company is situated outside Leicestershire in the middle England. It employs for about 600 people and manufactures electronic components – small pieces of electronic equipments that are put together from smaller subcomponents. This Company specializes in computers, control systems.
In the past, before the Bellcrest Company passed through the difficult period, its production of electronics was well-known in England, then, there was a rapid fall of demand on those products. However, the period of steady growth followed soon afterwards and continued for 5 years. During this period the sales output per employee was doubled. The company produced more efficient products, but there were less research in development. The Bellcrest Company reached its stable position on the world’s market due to the Managing Director – Morris Downes – who is interested in the more ambitious development projects. His motto is the following “New projects for new customers”
In conclusion, it may be said that the Bellcrest Company is one of a few companies who could stand firmly on its feet after the crisis. The reasons of such rise can be explained by the facts that the electronic industry is wide-spread and is of practical importance all over the world nowadays, and that the experienced boss is such a success for the developing company.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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