I don't live to eat but I eat to live
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях- делается акцент на этикетные нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигается вежливый,доброжелательный и доверительный тон общения.Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно , с удовольствием говорили на англ.языке.Тема "Я живу не для того, что бы есть, но ем для того, чтобы жить" очень актуальна. Важно,чтобы дети могли воспользоваться своими знаниями в реальной жизни.
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Задачи урока: Контроль усвоения изученной лексики; Тренировка речемыслительных навыков; Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Good health is above wealth Цели урока: Обучающие: повторение и закрепление лексического и грамматического материала по теме; Приобретение практических навыков при работе с диалогами; Приобретение практических навыков поведения в конкретных речевых ситуациях. Развивающие: Развитие навыков диалогической речи с употреблением лексики по теме « Good health is above wealth »; Развитие интереса у учащихся к общению на англ. языке ; Развитие творческих способностей учащихся, тренировка всех видов речевой деятельности: чтения, говорения, письма. Воспитательные: Воспитание культуры общения на англ. языке; Воспитание чувства коллективизма. Оборудование: учебник, нагл. пособия, представленные с помощью современных информационных технологий – компьютера.
Фонетическая зарядка [I:] – sweet, tea, meat, cheese, cream; [I] – biscuit, fish, chips, orange, milk; [ aI ] – pie, slice, rice, like, ice-cream; [æ] – sandwich, salad, carrot, packet; [ eI ] – cake, potatoes, plate, table; [^] – butter, lunch, dumplings, supper; [o] – bottle, oranges, chocolate. Repeat after me these proverbs all together: I don`t live to eat but I eat to live. Appetite comes with eating. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat with pleasure, Drink with measure And enjoy life as it is.
Read the text People need vitamins to stay healthy. « Vita » means life in Latin. People get vitamins from the food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. But you can hardly find any useful vitamins in Coke, chips and other fast food. Each vitamin is responsible for different things in the human body. There are about ten major vitamins. They are usually named by a letter of the alphabet (A,B,C,D, etc.). Vitamin A is in green and yellow vegetables, milk and eggs. It’s necessary for seeing in the dark. Vitamin B1 is in meat, porridge and bread. B1 is responsible for the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin leads to serious illnesses and even death. Vitamin C is in every fruit and vegetable. You can find this vitamin in blackcurrants, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits, onions, cabbages and green peppers. Vitamin C is important for building bones and teeth. It helps to prevent colds. Vitamin D is in eggs. People can also get it from sunlight. It makes our bones strong. Vitamin E is necessary for skin and body. It’s in the wheat and nuts. Vitamin B6 and K are necessary for human blood. You can find B6 in beans and milk : K-in potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Vitamins make people healthy, optimistic and strong. Remember : I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat.
Choose healthy food. Complete the sentences using the text If a person has some problems with her\his skin, he\she should have … If you have got a bad cold, you need vitamin …, which is in … . To make your bones strong you should … If you can hardly see in the dark, you should have … every day You should have … to make your nervous system work People need vitamins to …
Mark the statements true (T) or false (F) Vitamins make people healthy We get vitamins doing sports People don’t need vitamins C If you want to be healthy you should eat fruit and vegetables There are about ten vitamins extremely necessary for the people
Some products you should eat MORE and some LESS. What are these products ? Complete sentences with MORE or LESS You should eat … fat food You should eat … fruit and vegetables You should eat … desserts You should drink … milk The doctor advised him to smoke …
1. a chocolate bar 10. lunch 19. ice-cream 2. breakfast 11. Irish stew 20. fried fish 3. soup 12. afternoon tea 21. spaghetti 4. fruit juice 13. Ukrainian borsch 22. butter 5. rice 14. milk 23. cherry dumplings 6. dinner 15. canned fish 24. supper 7. a sandwich 16. bread 25. cheese 8. a beefsteak 17. coffee 9. a vegetable salad 18. omelette Food Drinks Dishes Meals Snacks 1 , Sort the words below into the corresponding columns of the table. The first one is done for you.
Read definitions and the number of letters in it. Then say a word. 1.It is a dangerous disease. 6 letters 2.You should reduce it to be healthy. 6 letters 3.They are very useful for your health. 8 letters 4.It is one of the modern bad habits. 7 letters 5. When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. 5 letters
If you want to keep fit you should remember some good rules. Good Rules to Remember : Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit Take regular exercises to keep fit Take a cool/cold shower to keep fit Eat healthy food to keep fit Never smoke to keep fit Clean your teeth every morning and every evening to keep fit Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit
Don’t forget : Too little food makes you thin Too much food makes you fat The wrong food makes you ill The right food makes you well Too many sweets are bad for you especially for your teeth
Match the words and phrases given below with their equivalents or explanation. 1. nutritious food a) food that is not good for a healthy diet 2. convenience food b) food cooked in a restaurant but eaten at home 3. junk food c) food that is good for health 4. a snack d) hot food that is served very quickly in special restaurants and often taken away to be eaten in the street 5. minerals e) one of the substances found in meat, eggs, fish and some vegetables 6. takeaway food f) food that people buy frozen or in a box, that can be prepared and cooked very quickly and easily 7. fibre g) food that is extremely important for health 8. fast food h) a limited variety or amount of food people eat for medical reasons 9. protein food i ) an occasion when people sit down to eat food 10. an essential diet j) food prepared in a particular way as a meal 11. a dish k) any of the separate parts of a meal 12. a diet l) a small meal or amount of food usually eaten in a hurry 13. a course m) the part of plants that you eat but cannot digest which helps food move quickly through the body 14. a meal n)a natural substance that is present in some food products
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