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презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Ребятам, изучающим английский язык, очень важно знать историю страны языка.
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Elizabeth considered Spain her main trade rival and enemy. Elizabeth helped Protestants by allowing their ships to use English harbors from which they could attack Spanish ships, often with the help of English. The Spanish king decided that he had to conquer England if he wanted to defeat the Dutch rebels in the Netherlands. He built a great fleet of ships, an Armada, but it was attacked and destroyed. He started again and built a new Armada, bigger than previous one. But ships were not as good as English ones.
Trading empire Elizabeth encouraged English traders to settle abroad and create colonies. This policy led directly to Britain’s colonial empire of the 17 th and 18 th centuries. The first English colonists sailed to America towards the end of the century. * Sir Walter Raleigh brought tobacco back to England. England also began selling west African slaves for the Spanish in America. By 1650 slavery had become an important trade.
Only at the end of the 18 th century this trade ended. During Elizabeth’s reign so-called chartered companies were established. Some of them: The Eastland Company to trade with Scandinavia and the Baltic in 1579 The Levant Company to trade with the Ottoman Empire in 1581 The Africa Company to trade in slaves in 1588 The East India Company to trade with India in 1600.
Wales and Ireland Wales became joined to England under one administration between 1536 and 1543. Representatives of local Welsh gentry were appointed magistrates, and Welsh representatives entered the English parliament. Henry VIII persuaded the Irish parliament to recognize him as a King of Ireland. When he tired to make a Church Reformation he met a resistance (majority of Irish were Catholics).It tool a long time to introduce English government in Ireland.
A Scottish king for England Elizabeth never married and had no children. Her closest relative was Mary’s son, the Scottish king James VI, and after Elizabeth’s death in 1603, he inherited the English throne.
Wool & cloth making industry Landowners could make more money from breeding sheep than from growing crops. They sell wool for a good price to rapidly growing cloth making industry. They need more land so they fenced off land that had belonged to the whole village. (Enclosures – огораживание) The production of cloth, the most important of England’s products in the 16 th century.
Coal & steel In the 16 th century people learned to burn coal in stoves instead wood. By using coal instead of wood, people were able to produce greatly improved steel. Improved steel was used to make knives and forks, clicks, watches and etc. Birmingham grew in 16 th from village into an important industrial city.
Problem of the poor Enclosures causes great damage. Peasants who lost their lands couldn't provide for their families. People stole in order to eat. In the middle of the 16 th century there were over 10,000 people on the roads. Crime was increasing. In 1601 Parliament passes the first Poor Law . This law made local people responsible for the poor in their own area. It gave power to magistrates to raise money in the parish to provide food, housing and work for the poor and homeless of the same parish.
Domestic life Everyday life in families was hard. Most women had between 8 and 15 children, and many women died in childbirth. About half the children died at a young age. Both rich and poor lived in small family groups. Over half of the population was under 25, while only few were over 60. Queen Elizabeth reached the age of 70, but this was unusual. Most people worked hard and died young. Poor children started work at 6 or 7.
Language & culture In the mid-fourteenth cent. London English had become accepted as standard English. Educated people began to speak “correct” English (London pronunciation), and uneducated people continued to speak the local dialects. Literacy increased during the 16 th century. England felt the effect of the Renaissance later than much of europe because it was an island.
In 16 th century English thinkers were interested in Erasmus. Tomas More with his book “Utopia” was also very popular in Europe . The Renaissance also influenced religion, music and painting. In Literature such names as Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare, were very popular. Their plays were staged in all theatres.
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The name of the king who won the battle at Hastings at 1066. QIESTION 1
The king who tool part in crusades in Palestine. QIESTION 2
Who became a king after his brother’s death at hunting in 1100? QIESTION 3
The name of the king who founded the Plantagenet dynasty. QIESTION 4
The son of William the Conqueror who became a king in 1087, and he was unpopular with the church. QIESTION 5
Where were the centers of education in 12 th century and who was the most educated? QUESTION 1
The first two English universities and dates of their foundation. QUESTION 2
Printing was invented in Germany in the middle of what century? And who brought it to England? QUESTION 3
What is the loophole? QUESTION 1
The guilds. QUESTION 2
Houses and streets. QUESTION 3
Battle at Hastings. QUESTION 1
What is Magna Carta and whom and when it was sign? QUESTION 2
When and whom printing was invented? QUESTION 3
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