опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Учитель английского языка Косогорская Лариса Ивановна
ГБОУ школа № 44 Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга
Обобщающий урок по теме:
1. Закрепление и активизация изученного материала по темам «Англоязычные страны», «Английский в современном мире», «Изучение иностранного языка».
2. Совершенствование навыков устной речи, чтения и аудирования.
3. Закрепление изученных речевых структур.
4. Расширение кругозора и воспитание и воспитание толерантности.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: доска,мультимедийный проектор,презентация,раздаточный материал (задания,текст,таблицы для аудирования).
1.Warm up ( Речевая зарядка). Ответы на вопросы.
2. Активизация изученного материала. Составление неполных предложений. Работа с
утверждениями. Закрепление речевых клише.
3.Совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения. Jigsaw reading.
4. Активизация и совершенствование навыков устной речи и аудирования.
5. Подведение итогов урока.
6. Домашнее задание.
- Today we are going to have a group work. Choose your place and take a seat.
- What are we going to do today at our English lesson? ( We are going to listen, speak, read and write in English).
And we are going to make a revision. Today we shall have a big talk about English as a world language, about English-speaking countries, about reasons for learning English and methods of learning English.
2. WARM UP. Речевая зарядка.
Now I want you to answer the questions. Be active and I hope you all give the right answers.
1) What languages do you speak?
2) How can you describe the Russians? ( I believe they are hospitable, kind, friendly, hard-working..)
3) Australians speak French, don't they?
4) Can you name English-speaking countries?
5) How can you describe the British? ( I think they are conservative, reserved and responsible)
6) Canadians speak German, don't they?
7) What are the most frequently languages in the world? ( Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian)
8) Is it important to learn English nowadays?Why? (...it's popular)
9) What languages are most often spoken at international summit meetings? (English, French, German)
10) Why is English called the language of the sky and the sea? (every pilot and ship captain must speak English)
11) English is the only solution to communication problems of the people in India. Why? (There are 15 official languages and thousands dialects. People don't speak others language).
12) Who speaks global English? (People of other nationalities).
Now I'll give you some uncompleted sentences. Complete them and read. (Read them with completed form).
14 sentences.
Let's look at the map and find twelve countries where English is spoken as the first language. Name these countries. ( the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Bahamas, Barbados,Trinidad, Guayana).
And let's look at the countries where English is spoken as the second language. Сan you remember how many people speak in the world speak English?
It's time to find out what you know about English-speaking countries. Take the envelope with the sentences about different countries. You can find the name of the country in the envelope. Don't show the name other groups. Choose the sentences related to your country for one minute and read them to your classmates. They must guess the name of your country. I'll give you one minute. If you are wrong, your classmates can correct your group and they can add right sentences.
NOW let's talk about the UK. What do you know about it? What associations and images do you have when you think of Britain? Say one sentence or some words to describe this country.
You've described English-speaking countries very well.
Nowadays the role of English is very important. Do you agree with me?
Look at these figures : 20%, 50%, 70%, 75%, 80%. What do these figures stand for?
20% - of the world's population speak English
50% - of the companies communicate with each other in English
70% - of Russian students choose English as the first foreign language
75% - of all international business letters are written in English
80% - of all information in the world's computers is in English
A lot of people all over the world learn English. Why do people study English? There are different reasons.
LET'S LISTEN to the adults and to the students talking about their reasons for learning English.
Write down these reasons and purposes and fill in the table.
MICHAEL – he often visits his relatives and friends in Britain, he likes reading British magazines
HANS – he is going to be a pilot, he learns English to use the Internet
JANIS – he learns English to make new friends and to know the latest musical news.
Как один из вариантов урока по времени можно разделить группы с разным мнением (если есть время)
There are some people who are against learning English. What are their reasons?
- learning takes too much time
- there is no need to read and to listen in English
- the guides and interpreters help in all situation
- films and books are translated into Russian
- enjoy the music not words.
LET'S LOOK what are the most popular reasons for learning English.
What words can help us to describe English?
( easy, difficult, main, popular, modern, international, working.....)
People often say that learning foreign languages is not easy. Why is it difficult?
- There is no one to speak with in everyday life.
- I am not good at remembering new words.
- I'm lazy.
- I have no time to learn English, I've got too many different things to do.
- I'm too shy to read aloud or speak English.
- I'm worried to make mistakes.
The most important question : ARE YOU A GOOD LEARNER OF ENGLISH ?
I'll give you a quiz to do at home. And then we are going to learn about 10 commandments (for learning a foreign language ) which a hungarian interpreter Kato Lomb gives us.
We know that success in foreign language learning is connected not only with a person's natural talent. You must work hard to learn your first language. There are different ways to learn a foreign language.
Some people travel and meet people,others read English books in the original and watch videos in English.
What is your opinion? Which way is the best or the easiest one? Which way would you like to try?
СЛАЙД. The best ways of learning foreign languages.
6. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.
- do the quiz
- read the text and write your opinion, use the phrases of agreement or disagreement from the workbook ( from ex.5p.30)
- optional creative task – make crossword “English-speaking world”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
English-a language of the world"
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