В помощь учителю английского языка
материал по английскому языку на тему
Данный материал будет интересен учителям английского языка, работающих в начальной школе. Многократно сталкиваясь с трудностями построения высказывания на иностранном языке, учащийся часто теряет интерес к предмету. В данной разделе рассматриваются условно-речевые упражнения, которые помогают учителю быстрее реализовать коммуникативную направленность обучения грамматике и лексике.
Вложение | Размер |
igrovye_tekhnologii.ppt | 551 КБ |
metodicheskij_proekt-igroteka.pptx | 2.41 МБ |
obuchenie_grammatike_v_nachalnoj_shkole_2007.pptx | 1.27 МБ |
uprazhnenija_dlja_obuchenija_audirovaniju_1.docx | 917.25 КБ |
uprazhnenija_dlja_obuchenija_chteniju.docx | 19.88 КБ |
uprazhnenija_dlja_obuchenija_fonetike.docx | 769.87 КБ |
uprazhnenija_dlja_obuchenija_leksike.docx | 142.09 КБ |
uprazhnenija_dlja_obuchenija_monologicheskoj_rechi.docx | 957.15 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Структура проекта Титульный лист Пояснительная записка Практическая часть- подборка игр Список литературы
Цели и задачи проекта Создать справочное пособие для преподавателей английского языка в начальной школе, а также для студентов педагогических лингвистических ВУЗов, проходящих практику в начальной школе
Актуальность проекта Актуальность данного пособия обуславливается возможностью широкого использования представленных материалов в реальной практической деятельности, комбинировании различных игр, а также адаптации к различным условиям обучения.
Структура УМК Тема 1. www . around _ the _ world . net Тема 2. In Millietown Тема 3. It’s a festival! Тема 4. In the castle Тема 5. With a little help from my friend Тема 6. We are the champions! Тема 7. Dinosauria Тема 8. Once upon a time Тема 9. My travelogue Тема 10. Until we meet again
Целевая направленность игр Совершенствование лексических навыков Совершенствование грамматических навыков Совершенствование фонетических навыков Развитие умения диалогической речи Развитие умения монологической речи
Примеры игр
Совершенствование лексических навыков (тема 2) Название: Помоги авторам исправить ошибки. Тема : ЛЕ по изучаемой теме Оснащение: карточки с картинками и ошибками в подписях к ним Суть: Учитель рассказывает о своем друге, которого попросили напечатать статью о компьютерах на английском языке. Не зная языка, друг сделал много орфографических ошибок, чем вызвал агрессию со стороны своего босса. Дабы помочь другу, учащиеся должны исправить ошибки в страницах журнала, которые, в свою очередь, являются раздаточным материалом.
Совершенствование грамматических навыков (тема 4) Название: Buy a castle! Тема: Употребление грамматических конструкций « is there …/ are there …» Оснащение: картинки с замками, рекламные вывески, карточки с заданиями, бейджики с именами продавцов Суть: Учителю и его помощникам («продавцы») необходимо продать как можно больше замков. При этом «покупатели» должны задавать интересующие их вопросы , используя грам. констр . « is there …/ are there …»
Совершенствование фонетических навыков (тема 6) Название: Listen and stand up! Тема: Краткое и долгое –о-, дифтонг – oa - Суть: Учитель зачитывает слова с длинным и долгим звуком – о- . Учащиеся хлопают в ладоши (встают, прыгают, т.д.), если слышат долгое (краткое) –о-. Учитель может проводить ту же игру, разделив класс на 2 группы. При этом за каждой группой закреплен свой звук. Также учитель может зачитывает записанные на доске слова с ошибками и без. Задача детей: отреагировать на ошибку движением или бездействием, а затем исправить ее.
Развитие умения диалогической речи (тема 1) Название: Be a journalist! Оснащение: карточки с данными на героев, вопросы для журналистов Суть: Учитель просит учащихся составить диалоги в парах, согласно информации, указанной на карточках (раздаточный материал)
Развитие умения монологической речи (тема 3) Название: Bingo! Оснащение: карточки для игры в бинго Суть: учитель раздает каждому учащемуся большой плакат с названием праздника, в котором присутствует 6 пропусков. Затем учитель произносит названия предметов. Если учащийся считает, что данный предмет связан с его праздником, он поднимает руку. После этого учитель дает ему изображение данного предмета. Тот , кто заполнит картинками все 6 пропусков- составляет рассказ о своем празднике.
“+” проекта: В каждой игре присутствует КЗ Большинство игр- ролевые Наличие раздаточного материала Принцип наглядности Наличие различных форм работы Принцип коммуникативной направленности Социокультурный компонент
«-» проекта: Эм … It’s up to you to decide!;)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Стандарт Основные коммуникативные типы простого предложения (утверждение, вопрос, побуждение), предложения типа «Я могу...», «Я должен...»; предложения с глаголом-связкой; предложения с оборотами, типичными для изучаемого иностранного языка (употребление и распознавание в речи). Правильные и неправильные глаголы, глаголы в настоящем, будущем и прошедшем времени (распознавание, различение, употребление в речи). Артикли (неопределенный / определенный/ нулевой/ частичный/ слитный ), артикли мужского, женского и среднего рода. Склонение существительных. Наиболее распространенные в речи местоимения, прилагательные, количественные числительные до 100, порядковые числительные до 20, простые предлоги места и направления (распознавание и употребление в речи).
Грамматическое явление
Задача учителя создать такую языковую ситуацию, которая способствует преодолению психологической неуверенности, страха перед изучением грамматических структур и форм английского языка.
Использование информационных технологий Позволяет создать мотивацию и интерес к изучению грамматики Создает наглядность и ситуативность
Методика обучения грамматике Грамматические игры Рифмовки, стихи, пословицы Сюжетная основа Развивающие динамические паузы
Грамматические игры Цель – научить учащихся употреблять речевые образцы, содержащие определенные грамматические трудности 1. «Лото» ( What is he doing? – He is…) 2. «Будьте внимательны (Общие вопросы типа Can a boy swim? Can a cat fly? Does Pete go in for sports? Do books sing?)
Рифмовки, стихи, пословицы Цель – мотивировать изучение грамматики и сделать ее интересной. 1. Рифмовки Глагол « to be » Если кто-то есть какой-то, Не забудь поставить is : Петя рослый – Pete is tall . Ящик мал – The box is small . Если что-то происходит Вот сейчас, сию минуту, Снова is и am , и are Вы поставить не забудьте. Я звоню вам – I am ringing . Вы поете – You are singing . Мальчик пишет – He’s writing . Бой идет – Oh ! They are fighting .
Рифмовки, стихи, пословицы 2. Стихи
Рифмовки, стихи, пословицы 3. Пословицы If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck. If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet after a wedding, she will be the next to marry. If you talk of the devil, she will appear.
Сюжетная основа Цель - научить учащихся узнавать и различать грамматические структуры. База: сказки, художественные произведения, знакомые детям младшего школьного возраста. В любое художественное произведение можно легко включить сложные грамматические структуры .
Развивающие динамические паузы Clap, clap, clap your hands» Clap, clap, clap your hands Clap your hands together Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet Stamp your feet together. Shake, shake, shake your hands Shake your hands together. Hands up, hands down» Hands up, hands down Hands on hips, sit down. Hands up to the sides, Bend left, bend right. 1, 2, 3, hop 1, 2, 3, stop. Stand still.
Спасибо за внимание!
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения для обучения аудированию
Отгадывание слов на слух по описанию:
- People like to sing songs or listen to them. They often visit different concerts and watch musical programmes on TV. Some of then can play the piano, the flute or the violin. (music)
- Some people like to watch detective films and documentaries. Some prefer soap operas and feature films. Children like cartoons. This hobby is very popular. People can spend 2 or even 4 hours a day. (watching TV).
- Such people like to visit different cities and towns. They visit different countries. The y can travel by car or by plane or by bus. This hobby helps to learn about the world, the history and geography. It helps to know traditions and customs. (travelling)
- These people like to work in the garden. They plant trees and flowers and water them with pleasure. They erad magazines about plants and have beautiful gardens (gardening).
The first task for you is to choose the right variant.
- The main character’s name is…
- Denis
- Bobby
- Dan
- He is going to catch a 9 o’clock …
- Train
- Plane
- Taxi
- Denis can’t find his…
- Plane ticket
- Money
- Passport
- Denis is going to fly to…
- England
- Boston
- Paris
- Denis wants to have a … area.
- Smoking
- Non-smoking
- -
- What seat has he got?
- Near the window
- On the aisle
- No seat at all
Say true or false
- Denis Cook often travels on business.
- He is going to catch a 10 o’clock plane.
- Denis can’t see his plane ticket.
- Denis sees his passport on a little table near the sofa.
- There is often a queue at the check-in.
- Denis is going to fly to Boston.
- Denis has a window seat.
- Denis Cook would like to sit in the smoking area.
Put down the dialogue: (письменнаяфиксация)
- Good morning, sir. Have you got your ticket?
- Oh, yes. Here you are. Flight 355. Boston.
- Where is your luggage, sir? Is it all? That’s all right, sir. Where would you like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?
- Non-smoking please. And can I have a window seat, please?
- No, I’m sorry, there isn’t one.
- Ok.
- Would you like a seat on the aisle?
- Yes, please.
- Here, sir. Seat 15C. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight is in forty minutes.
- Thank you.
Вставь пропущенные слова:
Аудирование и угадывание:
- It is one of the oldest known flowers. It has grown in Japan for nearly two thousand years. It can be white, yellow, red, purple, rose. (chrysanthemum). The flower of what month is it?
- It is one of the earliest spring flowers. It grows wild in some countries in Europe and North America but you can find it in China too. The flowers look like stars. (primrose)
- It is as wtite as snow and appears in forests and gardens when there is still snow. (snowdrop)
- It is a climbing plant with blue or purple blossoms. Their green leaves look like small green hearts. It opens early in the morning but when the sun is hot it closes. The blossoms are like bells, it has a sweet smell aтв can grow wild. (morning glory)
- These flowers are bright red or yellow. They look like cups. They often grow wild in the mountains. (poppy)
- This flower appears early in spring. The flowers are white or yellow. The plant has long leaves and a sweet pleasant smell. (daffodil)
Упражнения для обучения аудированию
Listen and put the things: 1. It is a bedroom. (+) 2. There is a sofa in the room. (-) 3. There is an armchair near the bed. (-) 4. There is a picture on the wall. (+) 5. There is a flower on the wall. (+) 6. The walls are green. (-) 7. There is a vase on the bookcase. (+) 8. There is a carpet on the floor. (+) 9. There is a standard lamp near the bed. (-) 10. There are no books in the bookcase. (-) |
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения для обучения чтению
Чтение и угадывание:
- A lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall in this city. The “Big Apple” isn’t a real apple. It’s a moving picture of an apple on the side of one buildings in Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to “fall” down the building, and when it gets to the bottom it’s the start of the new year.
(Madrid, New York, Moscow)
- Housewives start cooking special food for the New Year’s Day and all the members of the family do a big cleaning up in this coutry. The idea is to get rid of the dirt of the past year, and welcome the new. On the television or radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: “Happy New Year!” People eat the special food and drink rice wine during the meal
(Japan, Italy, Canada)
- People visit friends houses just after midnight on New Year’s night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike 12, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in. people call New Year’s Eve “Hogmanay”.
(The USA, Scotland, China)
- In this ancient city New Year’s Day was sacred to Janus, the god with two faces, which looked before and after. In other word one face of the God looked into the future, the other back into the past.
(Washington DC, Archangelsk, Rome)
Group 1
Read the text. What are the autumn flowers? What is interesting about them?
Group 2
Read the text. What are the winter flowers? What is interesting about them?
Group 3
Read the text. What are the summer flowers? What is interesting about them?
Group 4
Read the text. What are the spring flowers? What is interesting about them?
Прочитай тест и ответь на вопросы:
An old man had many sons who were always quarrelling. One day the sons were called to their father. A bundle of sticks was given to them and they were told to break it.
Each of the sons tried with all his strength but no one could break the bundle.
Then the old man untied the bundle and each son was given one stick. Of course, the sticks were broken easily. “My sons,” said the father, “if you live in friendship and help each other, you will always be strong and you will not be afraid of any enemy.”
What were the sons asked to do with the bundle of sticks?
Why was the bundle of sticks untied?
What were the sons taught by the bundle of sticks?
Прочитай тест и сделай задание:
Read the text and choose the right variant.
Every day we hear that our Earth is in danger. A lot of people are trying to do something to protect the environment, but the situation is getting worse. Let’s take water as an example. It (1) is really important for life on Earth. But there is little water that is drinkable (2) and good to use for cooking. A lot of rivers and lakes are so polluted that even fish cannot live there. Beaches that were clean fifty years ago are very dirty now so people can’t have their holidays where they liked to stay (4).
Lake Baikal which was famous for its clean waters and natural beauty is in great danger because of factories near it (3). In some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it (5) kills everything in and around. If the pollution is not stopped the lake will be lost.
Read the text and fill in the table:
Mimi | Sue | Al | John | |
The weather | ||||
Yesterday/this morning | ||||
Now | ||||
Tomorrow |
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения для обучения фонетике
Грамматические рифмовки:
Упражнения для обучения фонетике
Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Stand up! Hands up! Bend left! Bend right! Hands up clap clapclap Hands down shake shakeshake Hands on hip jump jumpjump Hop hophopstop stand still Good sit down please | Up, down, up, down Which is the way to Animal Farm? Where? Where? Up in the air! Close your eyes! And you are there! Two little feet Go tap, tap, tap, Two little hands Go clap, clap, clap, One little leap Up from the chair Two little arms Go up in the air Two little hands Go thump, thump, thump Two little feet Go jump, jump, jump One little body goes Round and round One little child Sits quietly down. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения для обучения лексике
g | r | o | c | e | r |
n | b | a | k | e | r |
u | b | t | y | p | i |
r | u | t | c | h | s |
s | e | j | r | e | t |
s | e | c | r | e | t |
s | g | e | r | o | a |
a | r | c | o | r | r |
l | e | e | n | g | y I sell meat! |
e | s | m | a | n | b I protect my country! |
Match the sentences and the speakers
I sell salt and sugar!
I cook and sell bread!
A baker A butcher A grocer A greengrocer | A nurse I work in a hospital! A doctor I sell fruit! A soldier I work in an office! I givemedicines topeople! A secretary |
Complete the sentences.
- … works in hospitals and helps doctors.
- – What is your …? – I’m a teacher.
- … sells fresh fruit and vegetables.
- … is a person who works in the office and helps her boss.
- … sells flour, sugar ad salt.
- … is a person who types letters and other papers.
- Caroline’s parents have been … for 25 years.
- … sells different things.
- My uncle is … . he sells meat.
Fill in the right letters:
Электричество – e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y
Стиральная машина – aw_ _ _ _ _ gm_ _ _ _ _ e
Пылесос – a v_ _ _ _ m c_ _ _ _ _ r
Центральное отопление – c_ _ _ _ _ lh_ _ _ _ _ g
Газ – g_s
Холодная и горячая вода – c_ _dandh_tr_ _ _ _ _ gwater
Современные удобства – m_ _ _ _ nc_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s
Check in, passport control, information, camera, customs officer, fast train, book
- … … are usually very nice people.
- I bought a ticket to go by … …..
- They … a room at the hotel yesterday.
- Have you passed the … …?
- Tom wants to get some … about his city.
- You must … … your luggage first.
- I want to make a photo. Have you got a …?
Угадай слово:
Ca_ _a_ _us_o_ S_ _ e_ _ i_ t V_ll_ _ _ S_a_ _s_ _ p S_ _ r c_ _ _ m | Sc_ _ n_ e P_ nc_ _ e H_ _ _y H_p_ Sc_ _ _ ti_ _ c S_ _ c_ |
Вставь слово:
- I go to the … with my mother.
- My mother often cooks … .
- I read a book about Russian traditions and … every evening.
- Nick buys … in the shop.
- Jane Brown is a … .
- My Granny makes … … from milk.
- She often eats pancakes with … .
Village, pancakes, customs, caviar, scientist, sour cream, honey
Встать слова в пропуски (поменяй форму слова, если нужно)
Separate, curious, explore, explorers, continue, nationality, national, rise, set
- If a child is … ,he is always asking questions.
- Columbus discovered America but he didn’t … the new continent.
- The ocean … the continents.
- What colour is the … flag of Russia?
- The sun … in the west and … in the east.
- After a short break the children … their work.
- Cosmonauts are … of the space.
- What is your …. ? - I’m English.
Fill in the new words in these sentences.
- There was a nice little house … in the forest. (deep)
- The bird is flying … in the sky. (high)
- Don’t … at home! … it in the bank (money)
- Which is the … mountain in the world? (highest)
- Moscow is … the largest cities in the world. (among)
- What are you … there, Mike? (hiding)
- The policeman … the child from the burning house (saved)
- There was no … water on board the ship. (fresh)
Вставь слово:
- People mustn’t do any … to animals and plants.
- The climate of Great Britain is …
- The problem now is … forests on the Earth.
- It was … to Nelly to go to the cinema tonight.
- People .. air.
- His granny worked at a clothes … .
- It is … to get to New York by train.
- We speak much about the … of different countries at Geography.
(harm, mild, to protect, possible, breather, factory, impossible, climate)
- … is a country ruled by a king or a queen.
- A person feels … when he is unhappy because he is alone.
- A person is … when he thinks what he is doing or saying.
- … is a group of people living together under one government.
- We are all … at the latest news.
- A dark cloud is a … of rain.
- Don’t do your work …!
- Manchester and Liverpool are … cities.
| 1. | 8. |
| 2. |
| ||||
| |||||||||
3. |
| ||||
| |||||||||
| 4. |
| |||||
| 5. |
| ||
| 6. |
| ||||||
| |||||||||
| 7. |
Вставь в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова:
Former, power, elect, belong, lawyer, include
- Does the Queen have real … in the UK?
- These books … to my friend.
- What things did you … in the shopping list?
- Do you know the … of the USA?
- A … is a person who knows much about law.
- People in Britain … members of the Parliament every 5 years.
Вставь в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова:
Offer, power, permanent, royal, delay, law
- We must … our journey because my brother is ill.
- Can I … you my help?
- The … family lives in the palace.
- I don’t know her … address.
- The House of Lords can offer and change … .
- The Queen has no real … .
Iceland is an island and an (1) country too. Iceland is not a (2). It is a republic and all the (3) in the country belongs to its people and the (4). The Head of State is the (5). Iceland is not a big (6) country. There are few towns in Iceland and rather many (7) where fishermen live. Iceland is a (8) place.
Lonely, parliament, president, independent, industrial, villages, power, kingdom.
Упражнения для обучения лексике
Кроссворд «Одежда»:
1 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
2 |
| ||||||||||
2 |
| |||||||||||||
3 |
| 3 |
| ||||
| |||||||||||||
| 4 | ||||||||||||
| 4 |
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5 |
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| |||||||||||||
- A thing that keeps you warm
- He flies a plane
- Your mother’s father is your …
- She works at school
- Your father’s brother is your ….
- A thing that only women wear
- Things that you wear on your feet in summer
- Your mother’s sister is your …
- Special trousers that many people like to wear
Guess the game:
B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ nB_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _lT_ _ _ _ sV_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lH_ _ _ _ yS_ _ _ _ _ _ gF_ _ _ _ _ _ l
Заполнение расписания:
Кроссворд «School»
- Tom is wearing new … .
- He usually watches cartoons on…
- I can see a … in the sky.
- Mr Smith lives in … .
- There is a … near our house.
- The woman is singing a song to her… .
Find a pair and make a sentence:
- I can’t do this work.
- What is your favourite colour?
- My desk is clean.
- It’s very warm today.
- I love my parents very much.
Fill in the right word!
- A place where you can take your overcoat off is …
- To make a very loud sound is …
- A room where you can watch TV or read a book is …
- To close the door with the help of a … is to … the door.
- The … door was closed and the front door was also closed!
- They drove there means that they went there by … .
Guess the word:
. A thing we can lock the door with (а key).
2. A place where we can live in (a flat or a house).
3. A thing we can sit and read before the fire (an armchair or a chair).
4. A room where we have dinner (a dining room or a kitchen).
5. A place to sit by in the armchair and get warm (a fireplace).
6. A thing where we keep our clothes (a wardrobe).
7. A thing that helps us to read when it is dark in the room (a lamp).
8. Things which are on the windows and make the room lovely (curtains).
9. A thing in the kitchen to cook our food (a cooker).
10. A thing in the kitchen where we can wash up (a sink).
11. A thing where we can see our faces (a mirror).
12. A thing at what we sit and do homework (a desk).
13. A thing that keeps food fresh and cold (a fridge).
14. A thing where we keep books (a bookcase or a shelf).
15. A thing where we sleep (a bed or a sofa).
16. A thing that tells us time (a clock).
17. A thing that is on the floor and makes the room comfortable (a carpet).
18. A thing that helps us study or play (a computer).
19. A place where we wash our faces and hands (a bathroom).
20. A thing where we keep cups, plates and dishes (a cupboard).
Find 20 words:
s | o | f | a | w | c | q | k | e |
a | u | p | c | o | o | k | e | r |
t | i | l | u | h | r | q | y | j |
y | o | k | r | k | n | h | g | d |
f | l | a | t | m | e | n | v | x |
i | n | j | a | b | r | b | i | b |
r | b | t | i | h | a | l | l | g |
e | f | x | n | m | d | v | p | r |
p | d | z | s | f | r | u | d | m |
l | w | i | n | d | o | w | q | i |
a | f | v | u | z | b | t | e | r |
c | r | s | g | z | a | o | a | r |
e | i | e | j | y | t | w | k | o |
u | d | h | l | c | h | a | i | r |
z | g | g | v | i | r | f | t | u |
d | e | s | k | r | o | k | c | k |
r | k | s | z | v | o | c | h | j |
n | d | y | w | b | m | r | e | f |
f | l | o | w | e | r | e | n | t |
j | t | d | b | b | q | w | d | o |
v | e | o | i | e | p | t | o | i |
m | r | o | u | d | h | a | l | l |
w | a | r | d | r | o | b | e | e |
x | u | p | t | o | k | l | i | t |
e | f | l | o | o | r | e | u | z |
y | g | j | z | m | e | i | h | y |
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения для обучения монологической речи
Карточка для составления монолога о себе:
Name | |
Surname | |
Age | |
Date of birth | |
Place of birth | |
Address | |
Telephone | |
Occupation | |
Likes | |
Dislikes |
Карточки для составления монологического высказывания в группах:
Карточка 1
Sports : to be popular with, useful, interesting, swimming or running, different games, to be strong and beautiful, take part in competitions.
Карточка 2
Reading: to be popular with, interesting, useful, go to the library, have a library at home, to decide the problems of life, to plan our life and time
Составление рассказа о человеке:
The name of a person | When was he/she born? | What was he/she famous for? |
План для пересказа текста:
- The name of the country is…
- The capital is…
- The people in this country are …
- The language they speak is …
- The colours of the national flag are…
План монолога по теме Animals:
- Name (it is a…)
- Where does it live?( It lives in the forest, field, sea, river, lake)
- Describe it (it is big, small. It has got … skin, fur.)
- What does it eat? (it eats grass, plants, nuts, fish, animals)
- Relations with man (people use it for sport, food, clothing, work, laboratory testing)
- How can we protect them? (we must…)
Карточки для монолога:
Name: an African giraffe Place of living: Africa Height: 5 meters Length of the neck: 2 meters Food: leaves, plants, grass Danger: hunting for beautiful skin | |
Name: a field mouse Place of living: field, forest Height: 5 centimeters Length: 10 centimeters Food: grain (зерно), plants Danger: used for laboratory tests | |
Name: a giant panda Place of living: Asia Height: 1,5 meters Length: 75 centimeters Food: bamboo Danger: hunting for beautiful fir | |
Name: a green turtle Place of living: oceans and seas Height: 30 centimeters Length: 2 meters Food: small fish, water plants Danger: no fresh water | |
Name: an arctic wolf Place of living: Europe Height: 85 centimeters Length: 1,6 meters Food: animals, birds Danger: forests are cut down, no place to live | |
Name: a polar bear Place of living: North Pole Height: 2 meters Length: 3 meters Food: fish, small animals Danger: change of the climate | |
Name: a red kangaroo Place of living: Height: 1,5 meters Length: 1,4 meters Food: plants, leaves Danger: forests are cut down | |
Name: a whale (кит) Place of living: seas and oceans Height: 4 meters Length: 15 meters Food: fish, plants Danger: pollution of seas and oceans | |
Name: a sea dolphin Place of living: seas Height: 1 meter Length: 5 meters Food: fish, small sea animals Danger: pollution of seas | |
Name: a deer Place of living: Asia Height: 1 meters Length: 1,6 meters Food: small animals, plants Danger: hunting for skin | |
Name: a Bengal tiger Place of living: India Height: 85 centimeters Length: 2,5 meters Food: animals Danger: hunting for beautiful fur | |
Name: an African elephant Place of living: Africa Height: 4 meters Length: 2 meters Food: plants, grass, leaves Danger: forests are cut down, no place to live | |
Name: an Arctic fox Place of living: North Pole Height: 30 centimeters Length: 85 centimeters Food: small animals Danger: change of the climate |
План для монолога:
- General information
- Name the problem
- The reasons for the problem
- Statistics
- Solution
- General words to end
Endangered species
- People have lived on Earth for…
- Many birds and animals are in danger. They are… .
- It happens because people… . People also… .
- For example … (Indian tigers, African elephants)
- People must… .
- I think that our Earth will become better if … .
Water pollution
- April 22 is Earth day but some people don’t think about … .
- One of the problems is … . There is a lot of water … but … .
- It is because the water is … . Plants pollute … .
- For example Lake Baikal … .
- People must … .
- I think we should … .
План для монолога о любимом времени года:
My favourite season…
I like it very much because…
I can…
We celebrate…
- What is his/her name?
- How old is he/she?
- What is he/she?
- What does he/she like to do?
- What does he/she usually wear?
Карточки для монолога:
Карточка 1. Schoolage
- At what age does school begin in Russia?
- When do children usually leave school?
- How many years do they spend in primary school?
- Are their studies formal?
Карточка 2. Timetable, subjects
- How many days a week do you have classes?
- How many subjects have you got on your timetable?
- What are they?
- How often do you have Maths (English, PE, Handicraft…)?
- How many classes do you have every day?
Карточка 3. School days
- When do your classes usually begin?
- When is your school over?
- Do you have classes outdoors?
- What is there in your school bag?
Карточка 4. Uniform
- Do you wear uniform?
- What colour is your uniform?
- Do you like your uniform?
- What uniform do you wear in your PE class?
Карточка 5. Lunch
- When do you have lunch?
- What do you usually have for lunch?
- Do you like your school lunch?
Сочинение My school:
I go to school №
My classroom
My timetable
My uniform
My friends
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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