КВН Английский - это весело
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9, 10 класс) на тему
разработка сценария развлекательного мероприятия КВН
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Чукотский автономный округ Провиденский район Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Школа-интернат основного общего образования с.Нунлигран»
учителя английского языка Эйненкеу Виолетты Валерьевны |
КВН (тема «Английский - это весело»)
- Активизация материала по темам "Великобритания», «Праздники», «Театр и кино».
- Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
- Тренировка фонетических навыков.
- Поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
Оборудование: карточки с заданием для капитанов; 2 экземпляра задания для команд для конкурса «Будем вежливыми»; музыкальное сопровождение; карточки с заданием для конкурса скороговорок.
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, children! (Goodmorning, ...!)
-1 am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)
~ Today we shall have a competition of two teams. The topic of our competition is "Learning English is Fun". Think of the names for your
teams and choose the captains.
Учитель сообщает учащимся о проведении КВНа. Ученики заранее делятся на две команды, выбирают капитанов и придумывают названия командам в начале мероприятия (домашнее задание для команд). За каждое правильно выполненное задание команды получают определенное количество баллов. Побеждает команда, которая наберет больше баллов.
II. Конкурс «Разминка» (тема «Великобритания»)
- The first task for our teams is to answer my questions. They are
connected with Great Britain, its history and its parts. Our teams will
answer the questions one by one.
Командам предлагается по очереди ответить на 6-8 вопросов. Если команда не дает ответ на вопрос, то право ответа на данный вопрос получают соперники. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает один балл.
Примерные вопросы:
l.Why is the Westminster Palace clock called "Big Ben"? (It is called so after
Sir Benjamin Hall, a large man who was the chief commissioner in 1859.)
2.1n the sixteenth century King Henry VIII hunted wild animals in-this park. (It is
Hyde Park.)
3.What is the seventh biggest city in the world? (It is London.)
4. What area is known as the garden of England? (The County of Kent is known
as the garden of England,)
5.This monarch ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years.
(It was Queen Victoria.)
6.It is the famous Scottish song about Prince Charles Edward Stewart who was a
national hero of Scotland. (My Bonnie Lies Over the
7.' Ocean".)
8. The symbol of this country is a thistle, its patron saint is St.
Andrew. (It is Scotland.)
9.This festival is known throughout the world and takes place every August
and September in Edinburgh. (It is the military tattoo.)
10. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build this cathedral. (It is about St.
Paul's Cathedral.)
11. Which component of the United Kingdom is the smallest? (Northern Ireland
is the smallest component of the United Kingdom.)
12.What are the largest youth organizations in Britain ? (They are the
associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.)
13. She said: "I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have
the heart and stomach of a King..." (Queen Elizabeth I.)
Ш. Конкурс «Скороговорки»
- It's time to practise tongue twisters. Each team will choose two members and
they'll have to read the following poems quickly and in a natural manner.
Каждая команда представляет по 2 игрока для участия в конкурсе
скороговорок. Ученики получают по 1 стихотворению, читают его в течение
2 минут, а затем представляют их на суд жюри. Каждый участник команды
может принести в копилку своей команды до 3 баллов за правильное и
быстрое прочтение скороговорки. Во время подготовки чтецов к данному
конкурсу ведущий объясняет задание для конкурса капитанов.
Примерные скороговорки:
Robert Rowley rolled A round roll round, A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round; Where did the round roll roll Robert Rowley rolled round?
Peter Piper picked a peck
Of pickled peppers;
A peck, of pickled peppers
Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a perk
Of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers
Peter Piper picked?
A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do
Said the fly, "Let us flee,"
Said the flea, "Let us fib"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
There was a young fellow named Fisher,
Who was fishing for fish in a fissure,
When a cod with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in;
Now they are fishing the fissure for Fisher.
IV. Конкурс капитанов
Во время подготовки участников предыдущего конкурса капитаны двух команд получают карточки с заданием для разыгрывания диалога (задание разработано в формате ЕГЭ). Диалог разыгрывается с учителем перед всеми учащимися и судьями. Время на подготовку капитанов - 5 минут.
Примерные карточки для капитанов:
Вариант 1 (1.5-2 minutes)
You would like to buy a ticket for the Saturday performance "Sleeping Beauty". You need a seat in the dress circle but can spend only 80 rubles.
Ask the box-office attendant questions about:
- the ticket price;
- the time of the performance.
The teacher will play the part of the box-office attendant and will speak first. Remember: _
- to be active and polite;
- to get the needed information by asking questions;
- to buy a ticket;
- to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.
Вариант 2 (1.5-2 minutes)
You would like to buy a ticket on Monday for the film "Harry Potter and a Secret Room". You need a seat at the back but can spend only 60 rubles. Ask the box-office attendant questions about:
- the ticket price;
- the time of the film.
The teacher will play the part of the box-office attendant and will speak first.
Remember: ~ to be active and polite;
- to get the needed information by asking questions;
- to buy a ticket;
- to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.
V. Конкурс «Будем вежливыми»
- As you know, the English people are very polite. Now you will get the task and
choose the suitable variant of your answer in each situation.
Каждая команда получает задание на карточках. На выполнение задания отводится 3-4 минуты. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение данного задания - 5 баллов. Во время выполнения данного задания ведущий включает спокойную музыку или песни на английском языке.
Примерное задание для команд (choose the suitable reply):
l.Can I speak to Sam, please? a)No problem.
b)Hold the line, please.
c)He's fine. Thank you.
2. Hello, Walter! What's up?
а) Someone has stolen my bike. b)It's nice to see you.
c)The same to you.
3.Let's have lunch today.
a)That doesn't matter.
b)OK. Where shall we meet? c)Yes, I'd love one.
4. Would you mind telling me why he doesn't go to the cinema?
a) I have no idea, I'm afraid,
b)You're welcome.
c)He looks wonderful.
5. How's your Dad?
a)Thariks, you too.
b)Fine. And how are you? c)Nice to hear that.
6. We've won the football game! a)Thank you, I will.
b)It's not a problem.
c) Congratulations.
7. 1'm cold,
a) Shall I close the window? b)Is it my turn?
c)Do you really like it?
8. I suppose there are few good shows on television.
a) Just so.
b)No, thank you. I've had a lot. c)My best wishes.
19. Oh, Mary. You' ve done so much for me. Thanks a lot for everything.
а) It's nice to see you.
c)It was my pleasure, Bill.
20. We are going to an art exhibition after classes. Would you like
to join us?
a) I wish I could but I'm afraid I can't.
b) Come at 6, if you can.
c) Meet my sister Helen.
21. Good morning, Mary. How are you?
a) How do you do?
b) Morning.
c) Fine. Thanks. How are you?
22. May I help you?
a) Wait for a moment, please.
b) Well, have a good trip.
c) I have a reservation for tonight.
23. Can you speak English?
a) Yes, please.
b) I can speak it fluently.
c) My mother can speak English.
24. It might be an idea to go to the theatre,
a) Great!
b)What's the matter? с) Take it easy.
25. It's so nice to see you again, dear.
a) You must have some more salad.
b) It's nice to see you too.
c) That doesn't matter.
Ключи: 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - b: 4 - a: 5 - b; 6 - с: 7 - a; 8 - a; 9 - с: 0-b; 11-b; 12-a; 13-b; 14-a; 15-c; 16-a; 17-b; 18-a; 19-c; 20-a; 21 -c; 22-c; 23 -b; 24-a; 25-b.
VI. Конкурс «Домашнее задание»
— Now it's time to check up the hometask.Our teams have prepared юте songs and poems and the topic is "The Holidays of English-speaking [countries". I am sure it is the most interesting part of our competition. Who is ready to start?
Команды представляют свое домашнее задание: инсценировки, песни, стихи по
теме «Праздники англоговорящих стран».
Примерный сценарий выступления:
Ведущий 1. Saint Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries II over the world. On this day people present beautiful spring flowers to )se, whom they love. They dream about their wonderful future...
The language of love is understandable for everyone, and people from different countries can easily understand each other, when they speak of love, sing love songs or read poems about this feeling. Love can also be expressed through a dance.
Ведущий 2. We have some foreign guests here today. They are from Great Britain! They came to our park to enjoy me beauty of our nature... and not only for this. They want to tell each other about their feelings.
English glr 1. Oh, the flight from Great Britain to here was a little bit boring, but look, how nice it's here!
English boy. Yes, it's so sunny and warm here, not like it was in London when we left.
Engl i sh_ girl. Still I miss our Britain. By the way, do you know if they have the same holidays and traditions as we do?
English boy. I only know they don't dance round the May Pole, but they also enjoy spring here, in Russia and they also fall in love with somebody.
English girl. And they read poems to their beloved.
English boy. Ugh... I'd like also to do so. I want to recite you one poem. It's not mine. It is written by Burns, but it's exactly what I feel.
О, my love is like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June. O, my love is like the melody, That's sweetly played in tune. As fair art thou, my bonny lass, So deep in love am I, And I will love thee still, my dear, Till all the seas go dry. Till all the seas go dry, my dear, And the rocks will melt with the sun! And I will love thee still, my dear, While the sands of life shall run. And fare-the-well, my only love. And fare-the-well a while! And I will come again, my love, Though it were ten thousand miles! (Уходят.)
Ведущий 1. There is a way to say about love so that everyone understood. It's
to sing a song. In the song we can express different feelings and emotions, but
you will easily recognize a love song, even if you don't understand the
language of it. Now you can see it yourselves. Helen will sing a song "My all".
Звучит песня.
Ведущий 2. The legendary group "Beatles" sang: "All you need b love." We wish you great love, now and forever, because Love is a wonderful Thing though it's sad. Love makes you happy And goes to your head. Love keeps you warm On a cold winter night. Love makes you day-dream Makes things seem alright.
VII. Подведение итогов
- Do you like our competition today? What do you like best of all? [bank you for your work. You were clever, active and attentive. The lesson is over. See you next week. Have a nice day.
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