урок по теме Travelling
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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Дополнительные задания по теме: «Путешествия» для разного уровня на английском языке.
Учитель: Киселева Екатерина Николаевна
Ребенок, приступая к изучению иностранного языка, стремиться научиться общаться на нем. Задача учителя – поддержать это стремление с помощью заданий коммуникативного характера. Путь к таким заданиям лежит через упражнения, которые я называю «полутворческими» и которые можно выполнять на любом этапе освоения языкового материала.
В данной статье хочу поделиться некоторыми наработками по теме “Travelling”. Не секрет, что монотонное заучивание новых слов и чтение текстов не так интересны, и не настолько мотивируют учащихся что-то выучить, а потом еще и применить, как личностно-ориентированные, эвристические задания, когда нужно рассказать о себе, поделиться опытом, расспросить товарища или инсценировать реальную ситуацию из жизни. Конечно, в УМК даны задания по теме, но нам – учителям всегда не хватает более глубокой проработки. В связи с этим, я собрала воедино некоторые упражнения, которые при небольшой модернизации можно переработать в более простые/ сложные/ игровые/ групповые/ индивидуальные/ письменные/ устные задания.
Task I
Before you read:
1 Look through the list of questions. Choose one of them and interview your classmates.
a) Would you like to travel? If yes, why?
change scene learn things study geography just for fun learn English
b) What part of the world would you like to visit?
Europe Africa Asia America any other
c) How would you like to travel?
by bus by car by plane on foot by boat
d) Who would you like to travel with?
friends parents boy/girl friend on your own classmates anybody else
e) What would you like to do in the place you go to?
visit places of interest try different food meet people practise English do sports any other
2 Summarize the information and report on the results of your interview. Use the following guidelines:
Most of my classmates would like to
Some of them would like to
3 Work in pairs. Which of the items given below do you think are important when you go on holidays? Discuss it with your partner and give your reasons.
places to visit hotels food weather people transport
4 Read the text and make a list of reasons for travelling.
Travelling huge distances is no longer the miracle it once was. Millions of people travel around the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and ruined ancient towns. They travel to enjoy picturesque places, to explore the world or just for a change of scene. They can cross half the globe only to hear the same song in the clubs that they hear back home, watch the same film in the cinemas, have the same hamburger in the fast-food restaurants and the same " free smile". Travelling has become easier, but there seems to be no less reason to travel.
Those who live in the country go to big cities and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, or just going window shopping and dining at exotic restaurants. Those who live in the cities like holidays by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.
Most travelers and holiday-makers have a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests and what not. Each journey brings cups, T-shirts and enough photographs to decorate a huge palace: you in New York, you in Trafalgar Square, in Scotland, etc. When they return from journeys they stick a drawing pin into the places they've visited on the map of the world in the bedroom. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.
When it comes to exciting journeys, there is a country that attracts lots of tourists. Yes, it's Russia! The great thing about Russia is that not many people want to go there, at least not beyond the Hermitage and the Golden Ring. It's too cold they say. But they are wrong! There are quite a lot of beautiful places around Russia. Some tourists like to travel further, to other famous Russian cities such as Kazan, Samara, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk and others. They can enjoy the endless tundra and taiga, fish in crystal-clear lakes, breathe clean air, and warm themselves by a fire in the evening. Then they can live and not just visit museums and churches. There they discover the real nature of the Russians.
Every Russian believes that there is no place like home.
5 Find the words and the word combinations in the text which have a similar meaning to the following:
- a person on holiday -
- unusual -
- looking at the goods in shop windows -
- an event that can not be explained by the laws of nature -
- food that is quickly and easily prepared -………………………………………..
6 Work in groups.
a) Think of an interesting place to visit in your area. Write a tourist poster about this place. Use the following guidelines:
- Welcome to a beautiful where
- There are lots to do for everyone. There are
- There is a wide choice of
- People there are
- Welcome to where you' 11 have a fantastic holiday!
b) Introduce your poster to the class and choose the best place to go.
7 Complete the story. Use the facts from your own experience.
It is always great to travel to other countries. My dream country is…….I'd like to go there because……
To date, I have been to the most memorable trip was to I liked it because There I saw …… , and we went to ……..The people were really nice, and the local food was delicious. I would recommend all of my friends to go there one day.
Task II.
a) Find the words with opposite meaning.
Safe noisy exciting prosperous ancient dirty dangerous quiet boring poor modern clean |
b) you may also write these words in columns to match opposite e.g.
safe quiet
noisy dangerous
Task III.
Complete the spider diagram.
a) explore: rainforest/ desert/ planet/ island;
b) visit: museum/ monuments/ cities/ volcano…
c) go on: a trip/ a safari;
d) go: sailing/ skiing/ diving.
Task IV.
a) Complete the rhyme:
Mr. Par goes by………… (car)
Miss Fuss goes by …….. (bus)
Mrs. Swain goes by…….. (train)
And Sam and Mike go by …..(bike)
b) your poem with the words: plane/ ferry/ coach etc.
Task V.
Finish the question.
What can you:
get on
get off
get into
get out of
Task VI.
Discuss the saying “Travelling broadens the mind”. Give advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
Task VII.
How serious are these problems for people who are travelling:
-the flight delay
-getting ill
-bad weather
Task VIII.
Find pluses and minuses while having a rest:
the country | |
In | the seaside |
At | a river |
On | the mountains |
By | a forest |
a city | |
a lake |
Task IX.
Decide where you would go first /second/ etc. when you arrive to an unknown place. Range them according to your preferences.
historic buildings | parks |
discos | shopping centre |
museums | cemeteries |
galleries | the zoo |
cafes | information agency |
fun fair | cinema |
churches | stay in the hotel |
Task X.
Choose the odd one out:
boat ferry ship hovercraft
balloon plane hydrofoil helicopter
cart car ambulance coach
Task XI
1. Read the text.
Vacations and how to spend them
I believe that vacations should be a change. Most people like a change. Most people like a change1 of place; if they live in the country they like to go to a big town and spend their time looking at shop windows and visiting movie theaters, museums and art galleries; if they live in a city, they like a quiet vacation in the hills or by the sea, doing nothing but walking, swimming and lying in the sun.
When on vacation most people don't like to do things they have to do all the year round.
2. Work in pairs. Ask your friend the following questions:
- What do people who live in the country enjoy
doing on vacations? - What do people who live in a city hate doing?
Ask your friend where he prefers to travel (how he prefers to travel).
3. Test yourself! The way one spends a vacation can tell us a lot about a person's character. If you want to find out more about yourself, answer the following questions.
1) Where do you like spending your vacation?
- in the country
- at the seashore
- in the mountains
- at a summer camp
2) Who do you like going with?
- your best friend
- a group of friends
- on your own
- with your family
3) What do you hate doing on vacation?
a) being alone all the time
b) being in a crowd of people all the time
с)meeting new people every day
d) being just with your family
4) How do you like having your meals on vacation?
a) cooking your own meals
b) having all the meals in the same café every day
c) eating in different places every day
d) going without regular meals
5) What do you enjoy doing during the day?
a) lying in the sun all day long
- swimming
- walking
- lying in bed reading
6) What do you enjoy doing in the evenings?
a) going to a disco
b) listening to music on the radio
- going to symphony concerts
- having parties
What is your score?
A | 1-a | 2-b | 3-е | 4-d |
В | 1-d | 2-a | 3-е | 4-b |
С | 1-е | 2-d | 3-b | 4-a |
D | 1-d | 2-b | 3-е | 4-a |
E | 1-е | 2-d | 3-b | 4-a |
F | 1-a | 2-b | 3-е | 4-d |
4. Add up the number of times you score 'a', 'b' 'c' or 'd’. Now work with your partner and find out what kind of person he is. If you get mainly2:
- 'a' You are shy. You find it difficult to have a lot of friends. You enjoy the arts.
- 'b' You are serious, master of your feelings. Your head rules4 your heart, but you have a friendly
nature. - 'c' You are romantic and imaginative. You are kind, but you find it difficult to make a lot of
friends. - 'd' You are a happy person. You are impatient, but you enjoy life and its pleasures. You like to
be the center of attention.
5. Discuss the results of the test and say what kind of person you are.
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