Формы работы с пословицами на уроках английского языка
тест по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Пословицы хранят в языке крупицы народной мудрости. Знание английских пословиц обогащает словарный запас учащихся, развивает память, приобщает к народной мудрости. Данная работа предназначена для учащихся старших классов и может быть использована для подготовки к тестам по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Say which of the proverbs following the story makes the best ending to it. Why do you think so. Prove your ideas
It was Sunday and the Petrovs decided to go to the skating rink. Little Oleg was looking forward to going there the whole week because he hadn't been there before. He saw skaters on TV and thought that it was very easy to skate. But when he put the skates on he understood that it wasn’t. At first he fell several times and was about to stop skating but his father told him that he would learn. Several days later Oleg learned how to skate. His father told him:________________________
1. Rome was not built in a day
2. Everything is good in its season
3. Where there is a will there is a way
4. Still waters run deep
5. Second thoughts are best
Misha and Kolya studied in the eleventh Form. They both were going to enter the University. Misha was working hard, he always took part in different competitions and projects and always prepared for exams and tests. Kolya in his turn was working in a slipshod manner. He never did his homework and always relied upon his luck. It was June and school - leavers were passing their final examinations. Misha was very nervous but he believed that he would pass them. As for Kolya he was calm because he was sure that his luck would help him. But it didn’t. Misha successfully passed his finals and Kolya failed them. That time Kolya understood _______________________________
1. The leopard cannot change his spots
2. Never say die
3. No pains, no gains
4. Hunger is the best sauce
5. Custom is a second nature
John always dreamt about a journey abroad. At last his dream came true. He could afford to travel to different countries. He went to Germany, Italy, Belgium and many other countries in Europe and Asia. He spent a lot of time visiting places of interest and taking photographs of beautiful monuments and buildings. John liked his trip and the customs of the countries. Everywhere he was met heartily. Then John returned home. He was satisfied with his journey and was very glad to come back to his own place and he thought
1. If the cap fits, wear it
2. Every dog has his day
3. East or West, home is best
4. Brevity is the soul of wit
5. Business before pleasure
Last summer I went to the country. I went to visit my grandmother who lives in a village. I left my flat early in the morning, took a bus to the railway station and went by train to the country. Grandmother met me at the station and took me to her house. On the way she showed me the fields of wheat. It was very early and I asked my grandmother: “Why are they gathering wheat so early?” She answered:__
l. Live and learn
2 Catch the bear before you sell his skin
3. Fortune favours the brave
4. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
5. Make hay while the sun shines
Say which of the proverbs reflects the main idea of the following story. Why do think so. Try to prove it.
The poet and the lady
A famous poet came on a visit to a lady who always said that she was fond of literature and especially of poetry. When they sat down to tea the poet wondered whether she had received the little book of poems he had sent her. With a charming smile the lady said that the poems were splendid and she would like to read some from the book, but she could not remember where she put it. Her little son was ready with he answer, “Under the leg of the table, mama, to make it steady”.
1) If the cap fits, wear it
2) Deeds, not words
3) Murder will out
4) First think, then speak
5) Pride goes before a fall
1. На воре и шапка горит
- Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь
- Заранее предупрежденный – заранее вооруженный
- Нет худа, без добра
- О человеке судят по его делам
- Что было, то пропало
- Голод лучший повар
- Либо пан, либо пропал
- Не вешай нос
- В тихом омуте черти водятся
- Не говори гоп, пока не перепрыгнешь
- Где жизнь, там и надежда
- Худые вести не лежат на месте
- Краткость - сестра таланта
- Внешность - обманчива
- Терпение и труд все перетрут
- Москва не сразу строилась
- Что с возу упало, то пропало
- Делать из мухи слона
- Волков бояться - в лес не ходить.
Fill in the gaps with prepositions
1. A cat ……. gloves catches no mice
2. A stitch ……. time saves nine
3. Catch the bear ……. you sell his skin
4. Cut your coat ……. …….your cloth
5. Charity begins ……. home
6. A man is known ……. the company he keeps
7. Cleanliness is ……. ……. godliness
8. Pride goes ……. a fall
9. Talk ……. the devil and he will appear
10. There is no smoke ……. Fire
11. There’s many a slip ……. the cup and the lip
12. Brevity is the soul ……. wit
Broken Proverbs
Match the beginning in list A with their ending in list В
1.The least, said, a) build in a day
2. Tastes b) that glitters
3. Rome was not c) the soonest mended
4. Pride goes d) cannot be undone
5. No news is e) and have it
6. A man can die f) a friend indeed
7. All is not gold g) differ
8. A friend in need is h) but once
9. What is done I) good news
10. You cannot eat your cake j) before a fall
11. When in Rome, k) go hand in hand
12. A rotten apple makes l) the whole cart of apples rot
13. Gossiping and lying. m) do as the Romans do
14. The devil is not so n) so black as he is painted
15. Nothing hurts o) more than truth
16. Better to ask the way p) is as good as a rest
17. A watched pot q) no gains
18. No pains, r) out of a molehill
19. Every dog has, s) have an end
20. A change of work is t) never boils
21. The longest day must u) than to go astray
22. To make a mountain v) his day
23. Once bitten, w) twice shy
24. Look before x) out of mind
25. Out of sigh z) you leap
Find the synonymic proverbs from the columns
1. The less people think, the more they talk 1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
2. Diet cures more than the lancet 2. There is no place like home
3. It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him 3. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
4. East or West, home is best 4. Too many cooks spoil the broth
5. Scratch my back and I shall scratch yours 5. Strike while the iron is hot
6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 6. Brevity is the soul of wit
7. Many commanders sink the ship 7. It is no use crying over spilt milk
8. The wolf may lose his teeth 8. Habit is a second nature
but never his nature
9. Opportunity is knocking at the door 9. One hand washes the other
10. First think, then speak 10. A clean hand wants no washing
11. Honesty is the best policy 11. Score twice before you cut once
12. You can take a horse to water, but you 12. Everything is good in its season
cannot make him drink
13. Never put off till tomorrow what 13. Love cannot be forced
you can do today
14. What is done cannot be undone 14. Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
Chose the right variant
1. To kill two ….. with one stone
a) rats b) birds c)mice d) dogs e)hamsters
2. The ….. cannot change his spots
a) leopard b) tiger c) lion d)horse e) dog
3. Let sleeping ….. lie
a) cats b) dogs c) rabbit d)worms e) bees
4.Half a ….. is better than no bread
a) hour b) sugar c)pound d)dozen e)loaf
5. Don’t look a gift ….. in the mouth
a) fish b) hen c) sheep d)horse e)cat
6. Curiosity killed a …..
a) chicken b) cat c) fox d) pig e)hare
7.To run with the ….. and hunt with the ...
a) hare/ hounds b) hare/rats c) dogs/ cats d) hounds/hare e) lion/tiger
8.Catch the ... before you sell his skin
a) bird b) bear c) wolf d) squirrel e) cheetah
9. As well be hanged for a ….. as for a …..
a) sheep/ lamb b) bull/sheep c) cow/ donkey d) goose/duck e) hen/ chicken
10. A ….. in gloves catches no …..
a) rat/mouse b) mole/mice c) cat/ mice d) frog/fly e) dog/cat
11. The early ….. catches the …..
a) bird/worm b) bird/mosquito c) bird/bird d) bee/worm e)spider /fly
12.It is the last straw that breaks the ... back
a) goat’s b) donkey’s c)camels d) badger’s e) giraffe's
13. Care killed the …..
a) mouse b) deer c) whale d)shark e)cat
14. A ….. in the hand is worth two in the …..
a) worm/bag b) bird/pocket c) bird/bush d) fish/lake e) bird sky
15. A ….. in time saves nine
a) step b) shout c) stitch d) remark e) word
16. Fortune favours the …..
a) truth b) brave c) carelessness d) cunning e) wit
17. Cut your ... according to your ...
a) cloth/coat b) pocket/money c) coat/cloth d) clothes/hands e ) trousers/legs
18. As you make your ….. , so you must ….. on it
a) clothes/wear b)table/sit c)bed/lie d)work/rest e)report/sleep
19. One man’s ….. is another man’s …….
a) fish/poison b)meat/poison c)poison/coffee d)tea/coffee e)sweet/poison
20. Two ….. are better than one ……
a) hands b)heads c)nose d)candies e)minds
21. To act (play) the …….
a) fool b)flower c)tea d) table e)cat
22. Appearances are
a) beautiful b)deceitful c)interesting d)wonderful e)fascinating
23. Every ...... has a silver lining
a) street b)house c)sky d) cloud e)star
24. Well begin is …..
a) …. All wounds b)half done c)costs nothing d) home is best e)better than wealth
25. Make …… while the sun shines
a) straw b) hay c) friends d)love e)money
Answer sheet
1. If the cap fits, wear it
2. Second thoughts are best
3. Forewarned is forearmed
4. Every cloud has a silver lining
5. Deeds, not words
6. What is done cannot be undone
7. Hunger is the best sauce
8. Neck or nothing
9. Nether say die
10. Still waters run deep
11. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip
12. While there is life there is hope
13. Bad news travels fast
14. Brevity is the soul of wit
15. Appearances are deceitful
16. Little strokes fell great oaks
17. Rome was not built in a day
18. To act (play) the fool
19. To make mountain out of a molehill
20. Nothing venture, nothing have
Fill in the gaps with prepositions
1 – in; 2 – in; 3 – before; 4 - according / to; 5 – at; 6 – by; 7 – next / to;
8 – before; 9 – of; 10 – without; 11 – between; 12 – of;
Broken proverbs
Match the beginning in list A with their ending in list B
1-c; 2-g; 3-a; 4-j; 5-I; 6-h; 7-b; 8-f; 9-d; 10-e; 11-m; 12-l; 13-k; 14-n; 15-o; 16-u; 17-t; 18-q; 19-v; 20-p; 21-s; 22-r; 23-w; 24-z; 25-x.
Find the synonymic proverbs from the columns
1-6; 2-1; 3-14; 4-2; 5-9; 6-3; 7-4; 8-8; 9-5; 10-11; 11-10; 12-13; 13-12; 14-7;
Choose the right variant
1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-d; 6-b; 7-a; 8-b; 9-a; 10-c; 11-a; 12-c; 13-e; 14-c; 15-c; 16-b; 17-c; 18-c; 19-b; 20-b; 21-a; 22-b; 23-d; 24-b; 25-b;
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