Работа с пословицами на уроке английского языка в 6-8 классах
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Работа с пословицами на уроке английского языка в 6-8 классах
На примере урока, посвященного английским пословицам, я рассказываю об использовании коллективного способа обучения, который предполагает работу в парах постоянного и сменного состава и работу в группах, когда происходит само- и взаимообучение школьников и они имеют возможность проявить такие замечательные качаства, как взаимопомощь , дружеская поддержка, терпение, доброжелательность, уважение мнения товарищей, активность и творческий подход к заданиям
Задачи урока: тренировать учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи; обогатить их словарный запас; обсудить нравственную ценность пословиц; расширить гругозор школьников; учить их следовать мудрым пословицам в жизни.
Вступительное слово учителя: «Dear friends! Our lesson is devoted to English proverbs! Proverbs are the wisdom of the people whether they are English, French or Russian. You know that most of the proverbs in different languages are quite similar: they express the same ideas. Proverbs teach us about life, they explain how to people’s behavior and so on. I believe you know a lot of proverbs but I’d like to refresh some of them in your memory. Listen to the record and repeat the proverbs in a low voice.»
Ученики слушали пословицы в грамзаписи и одновременно читали их на таблице:
«All is well that ends well.»
«Better late than never.»
«Everything is good in its season.»
«First think, then speak.»
«Live and learn.»
«Where there’s a will, there’s a way.»
И др.
По просьбе учителя, школьники раскрывали смысл некоторых пословиц. Вот как ученица объяснила пословицу «Where there’s a will, there’s a way»: «I’11 tell you a story about a Frenchman who was traveling in England. He couldn’t speak English well. Once he came to a small country inn and tried to order some eggs for breakfast. But he didn’t remember the word for ‘egg’. The Frenchman asked what the cock’s wife was called. The waiter told him she was called a hen. Then the Frenchman asked what the hen’s children were called. The Frenchman asked what the chick chickens. The Frenchman asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter said that they were called eggs. The Frenchman was happy and asked the waiter to bring him two eggs and a cup of tea. The idea of this story is that if you want something very much, you’ll always find a way out»
Затем учащиеся выполнили следующее задание учителя: «I’d like you to listen to a short story. You should find the proverb which makes the best ending to it.»
The Fox Without a Tail
Once a young fox with beautiful red fur was walking along the path forest where a trap was hidden. The fox did not see the trap and touched it with her tail. The fox was in great pain, but she was very glad that she could run away.
When the other foxes saw her without a tail, she asked all the foxes to come to her house. When they were all there, she said to them, «Dear friends, l have you something very important. Tails are not in fashion now, you know. It is better to walk without a tail. I advise you to cut your tails off»
An old fox who also very sly said, «I think you parted with your because you had to. But we are going to keep our beautiful tails.»
В конце рассказа были перечислены следующие пословицы
Наиболее подходящей концовкой рассказа ребята сочли пословицу «Tastes differ»
Следующим этапом урока работа с пословицами в парах постоянного и сменного состава. Каждый ученик получил карточку с пословицей и инструкционный лист (инструкционный лист приводился на русском языке)
Инструкционный лист.
«как работать с пословицами»
A. Выполнить задания 1-3 по карточке.
Б. Помогите товарищу выучит вашу пословицу.
В. Выслушаете его пословицу, выучите её.
Г. Выполните задание 4 на Вашей карточке и на карточке партнёра.
Д. Ваша пора распадается. Ищите другого партнёра.
Е. Работайте с новым партнёром таким же образом, начиная с задания 3.
Следуя инструкционному листу, школьники составили такой диалог:
P(1): Have you brought me the book I asked for?
P(2): I’m sorry, I’ve left it at home again.
P(1): How’s that? Yesterday you promised to bring it at last.
P(2): Don’t be angry with me! I’11 bring it tomorrow.
P(1): Do you think I believe you? «All talk but no actions.»
На других карточках были предложены следующие пословицы:
«Tastes differ.»
«He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing.»
«Never say die!»
«two heads are bitter than one.»
«So many men, so many minds.» и др.
С помощью ключевых слов и выражений, данных на обороте карточки, учащиеся составляли диалоги с пословицами «Tastes differ» были предложены следующие слова и выражения:
To like
The material is…
The colour is…
The style
I like … better
Too many buttons
Do as you like
If I were you. …
В результате получился следующий диалог между девочками («в магазине одежды»):
P(1): How do you like this red dress?
P(2): Well, Ann, you see, the material is good and the colour is nice, but I don’t like the style. I like that green one better.
P(1): Oh, it has too many buttons.
P(2): Well, do as you like, but if I were you I’d buy the green one.
P(1): «Tastes differ», you know.
Последняя часть урока была посвящена групповой работе. Учащиеся образовали три группы по 4-5 человек в каждой и получили следующие задания:
ГРУППА 1- « Make up a story using the proverb ‘East or West, home is best’ (you may remember a story about a cat or a dog that was taken away from home, but returned some time later dirty, tired and hungry).»
ГРУППА 2-«Imagine that one of you is Mr. Smith and the rest are his wise and children. This is your first visit to London. The children are pelting their father with questions, but he answers, ‘I don’t know’, ‘Who knows!’ , ‘I wish I knew’ , etc. finally Mrs. Smith asks the children to leave Dad alone because he is tired to which Mr. smith says … ( use a suitable proverb).»
ГРУППА 3 –«A young man wants to study English. He goes to an English teacher and asks her if English is very difficult. The teacher tells him that it is not, that only the first eight lessons are difficult. Then the man says that he wants to begin with the ninth lesson (make up a dialogue and use a suitable proverb/proverbs).»
Учащиеся первой группы выступили со следующим рассказом: «In summer Mrs. Brown usually sent her daughters to their grandmother who lived on a farm a hundred miles from London. She had a cat and she decided that it had to go to the country too. The girls put the cat into a basket and left London by the morning trait. Two days later Mrs. Brown got a letter from her mother which said that the girls were on the farm, but the cat had run away the same evening. A month later a tired, dirty cat ran into Mrs. Brown’s kitchen. It went up to Mrs. Brown. It was her cat. They tried to understand how the cat could cover a hundred miles and how the cat could cover a hundred miles and find its way around London. So ‘East or West, home is best’.»
Вторая группа выступила с полилогом, действующими лицами которого были D(addy), M(ummy), ch(ildren):
Сh(1): Daddy, what square is this?
D: I don’t know.
Ch(2): Daddy, are we far from Westminster Abbey?
D: who knows!
Ch(3): What a beautiful garden this is! Do you know what it is called?
D: I wish I knew.
Сh(1): What’s the name of this street?
D: Nobody knows!
Ch(2): Is this the centre of London?
D:I’ve no idea.
Ch(3): What museum is this?
D: I haven’t a clue.
M: Well, children, leave your poor Daddy alone! He is so tired of your endless questions.
D: Let them ask. After all, they must get knowledge. « The more you live, the more you see. The more you see, the more you know.»
И наконец, третья группа составила диалог между студентом (S) и преподавательницей английского языка (T):
S: I’d like to know if English is difficult.
T:No, it isn’t. you know, only the first eight lessons are difficult.
S: Oh, it’s great! Let’s begin with the ninth!
T: What’s that? «First think, then speak.» You can’t begin with the ninth lesson because the first eight are of great importance. «A good beginning makes a good en dining.»
Домашнее задание: 1) подобрать русские эквиваленты к предлагаемым английским пословицам (даются пословицы, которые не прозвучали на уроке); 2) выбрать пословицу и рассказать случай из своей жизни, подтверждающий её правоту.
- Урок занимает 2 академических часа.
- Работу в парах и группах сопровождает негромкая музыка.
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