Урок-путешествие "Лондон". 7 класс.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Мясникова Людмила Алексеевна

Заключительный урок-путешествие развивающий у учащихся способности и желание участвовать в процессе коммуникации на английском языке, формирует уважение и интерес к культуре и народу Великобритании.


Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: London is the capital of Britain.

Цели урока

Воспитательная:     формировать уважение к культуре иноязычных стран формировать культуру общения на английском языке, а также работу в парах и группах

Обучающая:           обобщить знания по теме London is the capital of Britain провести контроль и корректировку сложившихся умений и навыков

Развивающая:        развивать навыки речевой деятельности говорение и диалогической и монологической форме

Ход урока

1.приветствие организационный момент

T:  Good morning. Glad to see you .how are you today.                  

T: Dear boys and girls! Today we shall have unusual lesson. We are going to have a talk about Great Britain and its capital- our beautiful London. Today we shall get acquainted with London, its history, culture and sightseeing. My guide and I will help you in our excursion about London and Great Britain. Let me introduce our guide. His name is Max. He is young. Max, do you understand our pupils when they speak English?

P1 Yes, pleased to meet you, dear boys and girls. I hope we shall be friends!

T: Boys and girls! You may ask Max any question you like and get to know him better.

( беседа учащихся с гидом в режиме P1-P8)

T: Max, I must tell you that we are planning to stay in London only for a day or two. Can you tell us about places of interest?

P1: Yes, of course. They are……..

T: Shall we have enough time to visit all these places, Max?

P1: I think we shall have a nice time in London


T: Boys and girls! You have received programmers for our visit in London. Look it through! What do you think about it?

P2: It’s lovely! I have read many articles about Hyde Park, but I have never been there and now I can see it. (P1-P6).

T: And now let’s start our trip. Imagine that you are in a bus because traveling by bus is more comfortable and interesting. We shall go to the East End and then to the West End by bus. Make yourself comfortable. Our bus is setting on excursion to the East End Let’s start talking about Great Britain. Max, begin….

P1: Dear boy sand girls! Our bus is setting us to the East End. Listen to my story.

(P1- Story about Great Britain)

Checking your understanding:

  1. What do Great Britain and Northern Ireland form?
  2. What does Great Britain include?
  3. What’s the official language of Great Britain?
  4.  What’s the nickname of the flag of UK?
  5. What’s the symbol of peace in Great Britain?
  6. What’s the national bird of Great Britain?

P1: Now I would like to tell you the story about London

(P1- story about London)

T: Can I help you Max? As for as I know some pupils of our school visited London last year. I know Mary wants to tell us about the history of London.

(P1-P3 -story “The Norman Conquest of England).

Checking your understanding:

  1. What does the Albion mean?
  2.  Why did Romans call Britain “Albion”?

T: London in the middle of the 17 century was a city of narrow and dirty streets. There were little air and light. Rubbish laid in the dark corners. And that’s why the epidemics were common. Am I right? What else can you say…….?

(P1-P5- story about “Great fire in London”)

T: I wonder why the Londoners call “monument” as a monument.

T: The Great fire burnt for five days and destroyed the greatest part of the City. The old church of Saint Paul’s Cathedral was among them.

Have you seen the old church? Do you want to tell us about your impressions?

( P1-P4- story about “Saint Paul’s Cathedral”,” City”).

Checking your understanding

  1. What’s the City? What’s the population of City?

(P1-P3- story”East End”).

T: While we were talking about London, East End, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, we arrive to the centre of London- West End. Let’s get off the bus and visit Westminster Abbey. I have brought some pictures taken by our pupils who visited London last year.

 I see…… wants to tell us about her/his impressions.

(P1-P3- story “Westminster Abbey”)

Checking your understanding

 Is Westminster Abbey one of the oldest and the most beautiful churches of London? Who are berried in this church?

StoryP1-P2- - “Big Ben and the House o f Parliament”

StoryP1-“White Hall”

Story P1- “Downing Street”

StoryP1- “Mall Street”

T: Let’s go down Mall Street and soon we shall be near Buckingham Palace. By the way may be….. know about the Buckingham Palace?

(P1- story “Buckingham Palace”)

T: Children, you know that we received a letter from England last year. Our Queen sent us a letter, different books, leaflets. I shall give leaflets about the Tower of London.

 Task: Read the passage very carefully. Try to grasp both cultural idea and details

New words:

Crown Jewels-

Yeomen Warders-

Checking your understanding

  • What was the Tower of London?
  • What is the Tower now?
  • Describe the Tower of London.

T: Lydmila will be our second guide. She will help us to visit some interesting places in West End.

P1- If we go straight ahead the Mall Street soon we shall on the Trafalgar Square. Look here!  It is one of the most interesting squares in London.

(Story pupil P1- P2- “Trafalgar Square”

P2- The name of the West End is connected with wealth, luxury. In the West End there are many parks? Cinemas, museums (among them- The British Museum), 40 theatres and many galleries. N. has read many articles, books about Hyde Park. Tell us please about it.

(Story P1-P2- “Hyde Park”)

T: West End is famous for its museums and galleries. Ann, painting is your hobby Tell us please about “Tate gallery”

 Story P1- “British Museum”

Story P2- “Tate Gallery”

T: Thank you very much. So our trip is over.

III. Итог урока. Домашнее задание: написать своему другу письмо домой в Россию о том, что он видел в Лондоне.

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