внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке "William Shakespeare is in our hearts"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
What does the word expression “Great unknown” mean?
The whole truth about W.S isn’t known to anybody, but there are only legends, opinions, guesses, hypothesis, some documents for property. There are very few information about his life, as in the eyes of his contemporaries W.S. was not as great as he was recognized by the next generation.
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William Shakespeare is in our hearts
Good afternoon, dear boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Today’s literary meeting is dedicated to the greatest playwright in the world literature, William Shakespeare. I’d like you to enjoy our meeting, widen your scope and of course, to improve your English. What are your expectations from our literary meeting?
Ps I think it’ll be really wonderful.
I’ll get a lot of useful information.
I expect you to enjoy my presentation.
I hope to listen to some Sh’s poems.
I think everybody will be pleased with the meeting.
T: Непостижимое слово - человек
И как постичь столь странное явленье?
Пожалуй, сам он знает меньше всех
Своих земных путей предназначенье.
Слайд William Shakespeare (portrait) 1564-1616 “ Great unknown”
T: What does the word expression “Great unknown” mean?
The whole truth about W.S isn’t known to anybody, but there are only legends, opinions, guesses, hypothesis, some documents for property. There are very few information about his life, as in the eyes of his contemporaries W.S. was not as great as he was recognized by the next generation. Could W.S think that his works would live through centuries, and we, living in the 21st century, would study his works and be interested in his life? But there are a lot of his great works.
Now you will listen about the time when SH lived and worked. You are welcome
In the 16th century there was a struggle inside the country against those who didn’t want to be free from Vatican’s influence. And at the same time England was fighting against Spain. The idea of renaissance became stronger at that time.
The 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English literature. It was the time of English Renaissance and sometimes it is called the Age of Shakespeare. Renaissance was the time, when cities grew, trade developed very quickly. Some people didn’t wish to agree that the life on the Earth mustn’t interest people, that bliss and joy are possible only after man’s death. Thanks to their activity many works of art and ideas of antiquity were found, studied and revived. Renaissance means not only the revival of old, but the birth of new cultural values. This was the time of humanism.
T: Now let’s listen about Sh’s life. You are welcome.
S. was born on the 23rd of April in 1564 in Stratford-on Avon. His father John S. was a dealer of corn, meat, wool and had several houses in Stratford. His mother, Mary Arden, was a farmer’s daughter. W.S. studied in the Stratford Grammar school, where Latin and ancient Greek were the main subjects. At the age of 14 his education finished, as he had to help his father on business. But he became highly educated person because of self-education. At the age of 18 W.S. married Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years older. They had 3 children: a daughter Susanna and twins- a son and a daughter. It is known that in 1567 W.S. went to London, because of difficult financial situation in the family.
Only in 1611 at the height of his fame S. returned to Stratford, where in April 23, 1616 he died at the age of 52. He was buried in a fine old church in his native town.
T: In London W.S. began writing plays staged at the Globe theatre.
About Globe
. Teacher: Now you will listen to some information about the
theatre «Globe».
When Shakespeare came to London, he worked with a company of actors, which was called «The Lord Chamberlain's Men». This company had no theatre of their own. Shakespeare planned to build a theatre. By the end of the 16th century the playhouse was built and was called «The Globe». There were two doors. A sign «The globe» upon was displayed in front of the main door. The Latin words read: «Аll the world is a stage». A flying flag was on top of the theatre during the performance. «The Globe» was also called by the people «The Golden Theatre» and «The Glory of the Bank».
«The Globe» was small. Performances always began at three o'clock in the afternoon and the play lasted for three hours. There was very little scene, the actors gave imagination the people. Sometimes an actor would come on the stage and say: «You shall have Asia on one side and Africa on the other» or «We must believe the stage to be a garden».
By 1592 SH. had been an important member of a well-known acting company. He wrote 37 plays: comedies, tragedies, historical dramas. His most important comedies:
“Much also about nothing”
“King Lear”
“The Comedy of Errors”
“Twelfth Night”
“A midsummer Night’s dream”
“The Merry Wives of Windsor”
“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”
“King Lear”
“Romeo and Juliet”
“Antony and Cleopatra”
Here are the titles of 5 plays. But they have been jumbled up. Sort them out.
1. «Romeo and Cleopatra» Romeo and Juliet
2. «Hamlet, Prince of Verona» Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
3. «The Two Gentlemen of Denmark» The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
4. «Antony and Juliet» Antony and Cleopatra
5. “The Comedy of Verona” The Comedy of Errors
S’s language is very rich. There are about 25000 expressions, which are used as quotations. Here are some of them:
“There is a rub”. « Вот в чём загвоздка»
“To win golden opinion”. «Заслужить благоприятное мнение”
“To be or not to be…” Быть иль не быть - вот в чем вопрос.
“Better a witty fool than a foolish wit” Разумный глупец лучше глупого мудреца.
”All the world is a stage” Весь мир – театр.
“Cowards die many times before their death”. «Трус умирает при каждой опасности, грозящей ему».
“Life is not all cakes and ale” «Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти»
“Brevity is the soul of wit”. «Краткость – сестра таланта»
“Much ado about nothing” «Много шума из-за ничего».
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. There are 3 main characters in the sonnets: the Poet, his Friend and the Dark Lady. Тhe first 125 sonnets are devoted to his friend; the rest - to the Lady. А well - known poet Marshak translated the sonnets into Russian. Marshak said: «Each of the sonnets is like а piece of music; each sonnet is important.»
In the sonnets Shakespeare wrote about love; love to the friend and to the woman; hе wrote about friendship as а great feeling, he wrote about real life he saw around him.
Now we'll listen to some of the sonnets.
Let mе not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which a1ters when it alteration finds
With the remover to remove.
О, nо. It is аn ever - fixed mark
That looks оn tempests, and is never shaken;
It is star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth' s unknown, a1though his height bе taken.
Love's not Time's Fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon mе proved,
I never write, nor по mаn ever loved.
Мешать соединенью двух сердец
Я не намерен. Может ли измена
Любви безмерной положить конец?
Любовь не знает убыли и тлена.
Любовь - над бурей поднятый маяк,
Немеркнущий во мраке и тумане,
Любовь - звезда, которою моряк
Определяет место в океане.
Любовь - не кукла жалкая в руках
У времени, стирающего розы
На пламенных устах и на щеках,
И не страшны ей времени угрозы.
А если я не прав и лжет мой стих,
То нет любви и нет стихов моих!
Sonnet 90
Тhеn hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after - loss;
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of а conquer' d woe;
Give not а windy night а rainy morrow,
То linger out а purposed overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset соmе; so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might,
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.
Уж если ты разлюбишь, - так теперь,
Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре.
Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,
Но только не последней каплей горя!
И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь,
Не наноси удара из засады.
Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь
Дождливым утром - утром без отрады.
Оставь меня, но не в последний миг,
Когда от мелких бед я ослабею.
Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг,
Что это горе всех невзгод больнее,
Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда –
Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.
S’s sonnets are translated into Russian by many writers and translators. A. Pugachyova wrote music to this sonnet and sang it.
Now listen, how Pugaghyova sings it.
Sonnet 40.
Take all my loves, my love, you, take them all:
What hast you then more than hadst before?
No love, my love, that you mayst true love call;
All mine was thine before you hadst this more.
Then if for my love thou my love ;receivest
I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest
But yet be blamed, if thou hyselfdeceivest:
By witfull taste of what hyself refusest…
Все страсти, все любви ивой возьми
От этого приобретёшь ты мало.
Все, что любовью названо людьми,
И без того тебе принадлежало.
Тебе, мой друг, не ставлю я в вину,
Что ты владеешь тем, чем я владею.
Нет, я в одном тебя лишь упрекну,
Что пренебрег любовью ты моею.
Ты нищего лишил его сумы
Но я простил пленительного вора.
Любви обиды переносим мы
Трудней, чем яд открытого раздора.
О том, чье зло мне кажется добро
Убей меня, но мне не будь врагом!
T: Sh’s plays are still popular in our days. They are staged and many of them have contemporary meaning. And now you will see the extract from “Macbeth”
Неожиданный «Макбет»
White witch: The weird sisters, hand to hand,
Posters of the sea and land,
They go about, about.
Three times to your and three times to mine
And three times again, to make up nine.
Peace! –the charm’s wound up.
Black witch: The weird sisters, hand to hand,
Posters of the sea and land,
They go about, about.
Three times to your and three times to mine
And three times again, to make up nine.
Peace! –the charm’s wound up.
Звучит колокол: Четыре удара. На первый удар колокола White witch и Black witch резко поворачивают друг к другу головы, на второй - отшатываются, на третий поворачиваются спиной друг к другу, и на
четвертый удар колокола резко поворачивают головы к залу. Звучит классическая музыка. Очень ритмичная, быстрая. White witch и Black witch уходят со сцены каждая в свою сторону Перед тем, как уйти окончательно, еще риз оборачиваются друг на друга. Одновременно с этим, с первыми звуками музыки через весь зрительный зал к сцене идут "черненькие" и "беленькие", одетые соответственно в черные и белые футболки. "Черненькие" в руках держат кто сигареты, кто пистолет. По дороге они пристают к зрителям, особенно к сидящим в первом ряду:
Первый "Черненький": Let's smoke!
Идущий за ним "Беленький": ' Oh! No! Don't do it!
Второй "Черненький": Let's drink some whisky!
Идущий за ним агорой "Беленький*': Oh Dear! Don't do this, please!
Третий "Черненький": Let’s try some drags. It is so wonderful! . .
Идущий за ним третий ,беленький": Stop, please! Never do it! Never!
. "Черненькие " и "Беленькие " проходят через зал к сцене. "Беленькие " становятся в ряд вдоль задника сцены. Все под музыку. Когда последний "беленький " встанет в ряд, начиная с него, все "Беленькие" поворачиваются спиной к залу. Когда последний повернется, начиная с него, все кладут одну руку на плечо стоящего рядом. Так они и будут стоять часть действия, символизируя этим то, что их время еще не настало. "Черненькие" образуют на сцене три одинаковые группы: одну в центре, две по краям сцены. Двое "Черненьких " садятся на пол спинами друг к другу боком к зрительному залу, третий садится спиной к ним, лицом к залу. Три их головы оказываются при этом на одном уровне Музыка стихает. Входят три ведьмы
1 Witch: When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning or in rain?
2witch: When the hurlyburly’s done,
When the battle’s lost and won.
3 witch: That will be the ere the set of sun.
1 witch: Where the place?
2 witch: Upon the heath.
3 with: Thee to meet with Macbeth.
1 witch: I come, Graymalkin!
2 witch: Paddock calls. Anon! –
Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air.
1 witch: Where have you been, sister?
2 witch: Killing swine
3witch: Where you?
1witch: A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap
And munched, and munched, and munched “Give me”
Quoth 1: “Aroint you witch! The rump-fed ronuon cries.
Her husband to Aleppo gone, master of the Tiger,
But in a Sieve I’ll thither sail,
And, like a rat without a tail
I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.
2 witch: I’ll give you wind
1 witch: YOU are kind.
3 witch: And I another.
1 witch: I myself have all the door
2 witch: Show me, show me.
1 witch: Here I have a pilot's thumb,
Wrecked, as homeward he did come.
Звучит колокол. Первый удар.
3 witch: A dram!
Второй удар колокола.
3 witch: A dram!
Третий удар колокола.
3 witch: Macbeth has come.
Четвертый удар колокола. Входят Macbeth u Banque. Одеты они во вневременные, скорее даже современные костюмы. Подходят к "столу ".
So foul and fair a day I have not seen.
Banquo: (he notices the witches)
What are these,
So withered and so wild in their attire
That look not like the inhabitants of earth
And where do you live?
You seem to understand me,
By each at once her choppy finger laying
Upon her skinny lips: you should be women,
And yet your beards forbid me to interpret
That you are so.
Speak, if you can: -what are you?
- witch All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, Thane of Gtamis!
- witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, Thane of Cawdor!
- witch: All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter.
Banquo: (turning to Macbeth) Good Sir, why do you start, and seem to fear
Things that sound so fair? - (to the witches)
My noble partner
You greet with present grace, and great prediction
Of noble having and of royal hope,
If you can look into the seeds of time,
And say which grain will grow, and which will not,
Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear
You favours nor you hate
1witch,2witch,3witch: Hail!
- witch: Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.
witch: Not so happy, yet much happier.
- witch: You shall be kings, though you be none:
So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo!
1 witch: Banquo and Macbeth, all hail!
Macbeth: Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more.
I know I am Thane of Glamis
But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives,
A prosperous gentleman; and to be king.
No more than to be Cawdor. Say;
Why upon this blasted heath you stop our way?
With such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you.
Звучит музыка (та же, что вначале). Ведьмы танцуют. "Беленькие" поворачиваются лицом к залу, подгибают руки, пальцы растопырены, машут ладонями. "Черненькие " сидящие лицом к залу, в такт музыке сгибают и разгибают руки в локтях. Девочки, придерживающие, подносы, резко поворачивают головы из стороны в сторону, естественно в такт музыки: Macbeth и Banquo танцуют нс заднем плане. Ведьмы уходят. "Белтые" возвращаются, в прежнее положение/
Banquo: The earth has Bubbles; as the water has
And these are of them. – Where did they vanish?
Macbeth: Into the air,
As breath into die wind. - Would they had stayed!
Banquo: Were such things here, as we speak about,
Or have we eaten on the insane root
That takes the reason prisoner?
Macbeth: Your children shall be kings,
Banquo: You shall he king!
Macbeth: I?
"Черненькие" ( You!
Macbeth: I shall?
"Черненькие" You shall!!!
Macbeth: I shall be king?
"Черненькие" ( Yes!!!
Macbeth: I shall be king!!!
"Черненькие" ( Yes, yes, yes!!
We’ll finish our meeting with Marshak’s poem about Shakespeare.
Я перевел Шекспировы советы.
Пускай поэт, покинув старый дом,
Заговорит на языке другом,
В другие дни, в другом краю планеты.
Соратником его мы признаем,
Защитником свободы правды, мира.
Недаром имя славное Шекспира
По-русски значит, потрясай копьем.
Три сотни раз и тридцать раз и три
Со дня его кончины очертила
Земля урочный путь вокруг светила,
Свергались троны, падали цари...
А гордый стих и в скромном переводе
Служил и служит правде и свободе
T: Our meeting is coming to an end. Thank you for your work. You tried to do your best, I think. Your projects were interesting.
And what about you? What emotions do you feel? (слайд – опоры для рефлексии эмоционального состояния)
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