Открытый урок Cinema
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Кириллова Надежда Ивановна

Обобщающий урок по разделу 6, учебник Кузовлева В.П. "English 10-11"


Предварительный просмотр:

МОУ СОШ № 6 пос. Щелкан

Новоселицкого района Ставропольского края


урока английского языка

(11 класс)



учитель английского языка

Кириллова Н.И.

Тема урока «The World of Cinema»

Класс: 11

Тип урока: закрепление и совершенствование коммуникативных умений  учащихся

Цель урока: активизировать имеющиеся в опыте учащихся знания, полученные на уроках английского языка по теме “What helps you to enjoy yourselves?”, а также из газет, журналов и после просмотра фильмов.

Компоненты цели:

- познавательный: расширение  кругозора и эрудиции учащихся;

- развивающий: развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к коммуникации, к логическому изложению, развитие воображения;

- воспитательный: воспитание положительного, уважительного отношения к культуре англоязычных стран и России, формирование навыков сотрудничества, коллективного взаимодействия;

- учебный: повторение и закрепление активной лексики раздела 6, формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников, развитие культуры устных высказываний.

Речевой материал: уроки Unit 6.

Грамматический материал: Emphatic sentences, Exclamatory sentences, Relative clause, Adjective modifiers.

Учебный материал: учебник английского языка для 10 – 11 классов под редакцией В.П. Кузовлёва, газета “English for children” (Сinema), журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” № 3  - 2004 г..

Оснащение урока: компьютерная версия урока в программе  Power Point, карточки с заданиями, афоризм о кино, визитные карточки учащихся, маски для драматизации сказки.

ФОРМА УРОКА: дискуссия за круглым столом.

План урока.

I.Warming-up activity.

T. Good morning dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our lesson “The World of Cinema”. “Everybody criticizes the movies. Yet everyone seems to continue to go to them” said James M. Gillis. These words will be a redline of today's lesson. I suppose you agree with me. Every year a lot of films appear on the screen. Some of them are good, some are rather bad. Imagine that you are the experts of the Academy of Picture Arts.It is your first serious task. Try to choose the best films, critisize the worst ones, share your opinions about films.

(на экране появляется слово “Cinema”)

    First of all, what words come to mind when you pronounce the word “cinema”?

P1: actors and actresses.

P2: corporations.

P3: film making process.

P4: emotions.

P5: famous directors.

P6: films.

P7: genres.

(после этого на экране полностью появляется схема к слову “Cinema”)

II.T. Well, let's speak about genres.Repeat, please, genres after me.

(на экране появляются по очереди названия жанров, учитель читает их, ученики повторяют)

Thriller, comedy, historical drama, science fiction movie, action film, western, cartoon, war film, musical, documentary, horror film, love story.

III.T. Look at these slides and answer the questions:

-Do you know any of these films?

-What type of film is each one?

(на экране появляется подборка фрагментов из разных фильмов. Они принадлежат к разным жанрам.) Ученики по очереди отвечают:

     -P1: I know this film. It is “Titanic”. It is a melodrama.

     -P2: These are…. They are…(говорит названия известных ему фильмов, указывает их жанр/жанры).

     IV.People like to discuss films. In what situations might you say the following?

-What is on?

-Who's in it?

-What's it about?

-Where is it on?

-What time does it start?

-Where shall we meet?

-What did you feel about the film?

-T. Discuss it in pairs and report your ideas to the class.

(ученики получают карточки с разными ситуациями, вместе с партнером они подбирают вопросы к конкретным ситуациям)

  1. I want to know whether the actors are any good.
  2. I can't see a free seat anywhere.
  3. I need to know what time to get to the cinema.
  4. I am leaving the cinema with a friend.
  5. There are some cinemas in town and I don't know which is showing the film I want to see.
  6. I have no idea where to go and what to see.
  7. It might be a horror film and I  wouldn't enjoy that.

T. Now report your ideas to the class. One of you is reading the question, the second pupil is reading the corresponding situation.

P1-P2, P3-P4

Keys: a-f; b-a;c-g; d-e; e-c; f-b; g-d.

T. Please, act out a dialogue with your partner using the situations and phrases of this task. You have 2-3 minutes.

(на экране появляется задумчивый котёнок, который пытается решить проблему. Через несколько минут звучат диалоги.)

              Примеры диалогов:

-S. Would you like to get together this weekend?

-R. Sure. What would you like to do?

-S. Well, how about seeing a movie?

-R. That sounds good. Did you have any particular movie in mind?

-S. Well, they say “The Island” is very impressive.

-R. “The Island” by Pavel Lungin? I haven't seen it yet. What time does it start?

-N. L., you've seen “Star Wars”, haven't you?

-L. Yes, that's right.

-N. What is it about?

-L. It is a science fiction film. I did like everything about this film       and I have enjoyed the acting. It is one of the best films I've ever     seen.

-N. Where is it on?

-L. It is locally and starts at 7 o'clock.

-N. I'd like to see it. L., what about seeing the film once more?

-L. With pleasure.

-M. Valya, what did you feel about the film “Titanic”?

-V. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. And you?

-M. Me too. At first I thought it was going to be a drag, but then it really got good.

-V. I've always liked love stories. They are marvelous. What did you like best?

-M. I did like the scene when Jack and Rose stood on the upper deck at night. How touching it was!

V. I think it is a great film.

-S. What is on, A.?

-A. Haven't you seen the programmes on the cinema bills? They are showing “The Witch”, “Volkodav” and a film about Pushkin.

-S. Really? What time do the shows start?

-A. At 12, 3 and  at 7 o'clock.

-S.Shall we go?

-A. Well, let's go and see a film about Pushkin.

-S. Who's in it?

-A. Some young actors and actresses and Sergey Bezrukov, who starred in many Russian films.

-S. Well, let's go.

-T. What did you feel about “Harry Potter”, V.?

-V. It is one the best mystery film I have ever seen. It did make a great impressions on me. And what about you, N.I.?

-T. Tastes differ, you know. I prefer films of another kind: melodrames, comedies, musicals.

-V. It's a pity. I advise you to watch some films of different genres.

V. T. Thank you for advice.Dear experts! I want you to ask each other questions about films, actors. These slides may help you. (на экране появляется общая подборка слайдов из фильмов, ученики задают друг другу вопросы).

     Which of these films have you seen?

     Which of these films would you like to see? Give your reasons.

      What is your favourite kind of film?

      What kinds don't you like?

      Who is your favourite actor or actress? Describe a film he/she has appeared in?

       If you could meet your favourite actor or actress, what would you say?

       What is your favourite film?

VI T. Are you tired? Let us relax. (звучит музыка)

Sit comfortable. Close your eyes.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Let's pretend it is summer.

You are in the forest. The weather is fine.

A light wind is blowing.

The birds are singing.

You have no troubles, no serious problems.

You are quiet. Your brain rests. You are quiet in your body.

Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing.

Your troubles are far away.

You love your relatives, school and friends.

They love you too. Learn to be happy.

The Earth is full of wonders.

You are able to do everything.

You are sure in yourself, with much energy.

You have good spirits.

Open your eyes. How are you?

VII T. There is a special rating system in the USA-MPAA. It prevents children from seeing violent films.Does our country have such a rating system?

P. There was such a rating system many years ago.

T. You are right. Too many bad and frightful films are watched nowdays by children, teenagers. They teach them to kill, to be aggressive, to be passive. You are experts. Work in groups of three. Read these reviews of films.What categories do they belong to?

(каждая группа берет наугад карточку с описанием фильма и в течение 2-3 минут готовит сообщение – к какой категории отнести этот фильм)

       Образцы карточек:

          “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmei Gorynych”

What is it about?

      It is a remake of the popular Russian fairy-tale about Dobrynya Nikitich. Zmei Gorynych and Dobrynya Nikitich are friends and they help Elisei to find his bride Zabava. Children and their parents will be fascinated.

Violence/Scariness: None.

Sex/Nudity: None.

Drugs/Alcohol: None.

Objectionable Words/Phrases: About 5.

Category: ?

        “Daylight”( disaster movie)

What is it about?

    A gigantic explosion rips through the commuter tunnel between New Jersey and Manhattan. There seems little hope for the handful of survivors trapped under the Hudson River, especially when water begins to gush in by the gallon. Only ex-Emergency Medical Chief Kit Latura(Stallone) can save the day and perhaps even exorcise a few past ghosts in the process.

Violence/Scariness: ghosts may scare youngsters and the scene of explosion.

Sex/Nudity: None.

Drugs/Alcohol: Kit drinks beer.

Objectionable Words/Phrases: About 15.

Category: ?

      “The Quick and the Dead”

What is it about?

     Even if you hide in one of the small towns of the Wild West, the Avenger will find you all the same. There will be no time on justification-a bullet will decide who right is. Only one man will survive in this ruthless fight- the man who is quicker.

Violence/Scariness: hard.

Sex/Nudity: are present.

Language; cruel.

Drugs/Alcohol: too much alcohol.

Category: ?

VIII T.Thank you dear experts. And now the last serios task for you.

You are invited to Moscow to take part in the annual Academy Award Winners.

   Look back over the past few years and note down who you would give your awards to for as many as you can of these categories. (на экране появляется список категорий, учитель читает их)

   Work in 2 groups. Discuss this task with your partner and then report your ideas to the class.

(на подготовку этого задания дать 2 минуты, затем обе группы высказывают свое мнение) Например,

   Group 1.

P1: We think that the best film of the past few years is….

P2: The best actor is…

P3: The best actress is…

P4: The best director is…

   Group 2.

P1: The film “…” deserves an Award.

P2: The best special effects were in the film…

P3: Best Music. We think it is in the film…

P4: Best costumes are in the film…

IX. T. Thank you. I think we have just enough time to play. Let's do remakes of the fairy- tale “Three little pigs”. It was your hometask to choose a genre and prepare the remakes. Group1, act out your remake, please. (первая группа показывает боевик)

    N. Once upon a time there lived three pigs.They were strong, cruel and offended all animals in the forest. A Wolf wanted to eat them.The Wolf was hungry.

  • Wolf: Knock! Knock! Knock! Little pig, let me in. I want to eat you.
  • The 1-st Pig: Go away a bad big Wolf or I'll kill you.
  • Wolf: Knock! Knock! Little pig, let me in. I want to eat you.
  • The 2- nd Pig: Go away a silly Wolf! Don't get on my nerves.
  • Wolf: Knock! Knock! Little pig, let me in. I want to eat you.
  • The 3- rd Pig: Brothers! Help me!

(поросята нападают на волка, тот убегает)

T. Now the second group, please. (вторая группа показывает мелодраму по сюжету данной сказки)

N. Once upon a time there lived three kind- hearted pigs. They were nice, helpful, generous. They liked to sing, to cook, to watch cartoons and to help lonely animals.

-Wolf: Knock! Knock! Knock! Little pigs! Open the door. Help me. I am a poor old Wolf. I have no benefits. My children have forgotten me.

-The 1- st Pig: Stay with us! You are ill and old.

-The 2- nd Pig: We are glad to help you.

-The 3- rd Pig: You are welcome!

X  T. Well done, thank you. You have worked much today at the lesson.What did you do?

-P1: We acted out the fairy- tale “Three little pigs”.

-P2: We read reviews of some films and decided what categories they were.

-P3: We gave the awards to the best actor, film, director.

-P4: We asked each other about favourite films and genres.


-T. I'd like to ask you, boys and girls: What do you feel after this lesson: joy, satisfaction, boredom, sadness,surprise, success, proud, irritation, happiness?

(на экране два солнца: одно веселое, второе печальное; на их лучах написаны слова, которые отражают настроение детей. Дети говорят о своем отношении к уроку.)

-P1: I feel satisfaction because I worked well.

-P2: I feel joy because I like watching films.

-P3: I feel success because I answered properly.


-T.Your hometask: revise Grammer rules and words ( Unit6 ).

      Your marks are….Thank you for this lesson. Good bye, everybody.

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