Грамматика. Test on Present Tenses.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
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Test on Present Tenses | |
Tony: | So, tell me. Why is it important to save the rainforests? |
Leila: | There are many reasons. One is that a number of plants which could be useful ____________(GROW) in the rainforest. We don't know all the plants yet - there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers _________________(TRY) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed. |
Tony: | I see. What other reasons are there? |
Leila: | Well, I'm sure you heard of global warming. |
Tony: | You mean the idea that the world __________________ (GET) warmer? |
Leila: | That's right. The rainforests (HAVE) an important effect on the earth's climate. They ___________________________(DISAPPEAR) at a terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People _________________________(NOT DO) enough to save them. |
Tony: | But is global warming really such a problem ? I ______________________ (ENJOY) warm sunshine. |
Leila: | Well, what ____________________(HAPPEN) when you _________________(HEAT) ice? |
Tony: | It _____________________ (MELT) of course. |
Leila: | OK. the polar ice caps ________________________(CONSIST) of millions of tons of ice. If they ________________________(MELT), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists _________________ (BELIEVE) that temperatures ________________(ALREADY RISE). We must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that __________________(INCLUDE) preserving the rainforests! |
Tony: | Thank you, Leila and good luck for your campaign. |
Tony | So, tell me. Why is it important to save the rainforests? |
Leila | There are many reasons. One is that a number of plants which could be useful GROW(GROW) in the rainforest. We don't know all the plants yet - there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers ARE TRYING (TRY) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed. |
Tony | I see. What other reasons are there? |
Leila | Well, I'm sure you heard of global warming. |
Tony | You mean the idea that the world IS GETTING (GET) warmer? |
Leila | That's right. The rainforests HAVE (HAVE) an important effect on the earth's climate. They ARE DISAPPEARING (DISAPPEAR) at a terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People ARE NOT DOING (NOT DO) enough to save them. |
Tony | But is global warming really such a problem ? I ENJOY (ENJOY) warm sunshine. |
Leila | Well, what HAPPENS (HAPPEN) when you HEAT (HEAT) ice? |
Tony | It melts (MELT) of course. |
Leila | OK. the polar ice caps CONSIST (CONSIST) of millions of tons of ice. If they MELT (MELT), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists BELIEVE (BELIEVE) that temperatures ARE ALREADY RISING (ALREADY RISE). We must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that INCLUDES (INCLUDE) preserving the rainforests! |
Tony | Thank you, Leila and good luck for your campaign. |
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