Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Present Tenses" (Present Tenses Trainer)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Present Simple (Настоящее простое время) + S + V1 НО, если подлежащее – третье лицо ( He, She, It) , тогда к глаголу добавится окончание s/es He , She , It + V1 (s/es) - S + do n’t | does n’t + V1 ? Do | Does + S + V1 ? употребляется, когда речь идет о: Постоянных (регулярных) действиях Parents pick up their children from school at 3 pm daily. Фактах, правилах, общих истинах The sun rises in the east and sets in the west . Water freezes at zero degrees. Bees produce honey. es sh ch tch x o y zz ss
Слова-маркеры Present Simple Every day/week/month/year/century/millennium… - Каждый день/неделю/месяц/год/век/тысячелетие … Once a week - Раз в неделю Twice a month - Два раза в месяц Occasionally - Иногда, время от времени Rarely - Редко Always - Всегда Usually - Обычно Often - Часто Seldom - Редко Never - Никогда
She ______ her smartphone every night before going to bed. (charge)
She charges her smartphone every night before going to bed.
They _____ to work together on the group project. (refuse)
They refuse to work together on the group project.
___ it rain a lot in your city?
Does it rain a lot in your city?
Cats ____ not like water. (do)
Cats do not like water.
Many tourists ____ this museum each year. (visit)
Many tourists visit this museum each year.
Jack and Jill ____ excellent students in our class. (be)
Jack and Jill are excellent students in our class.
She never ____ her mistakes during conversations. (admit)
She never admits her mistakes during conversations.
We _____ online language courses every Wednesday evening. (attend)
We attend online language courses every Wednesday evening.
The sun ____ in the east. (rise)
The sun rises in the east.
I _____ on weekends to stay fit. (exercise)
I exercise on weekends to stay fit.
The store _____ at 9 AM every weekday. (open)
The store opens at 9 AM every weekday.
My siblings and I _____ books for our home library. (collect)
My siblings and I collect books for our home library.
The plant _____ sunlight to grow. (need)
The plant needs sunlight to grow.
Her favorite color ____ red. (be)
Her favorite color is red.
He often _____ to music when he works. (listen)
He often listens to music when he works.
Jenny's team ______ their tasks efficiently and quickly. (complete)
Jenny's team completes their tasks efficiently and quickly.
Present Perfect (Настоящее совершенное время) употребляется, когда говорим о действиях или событиях, которые произошли в неопределенный момент в прошлом, но имеют отношение к настоящему. Оно также используется, чтобы выразить, что действие произошло в прошлом и уже завершено, но его результаты ощущаются в настоящем. + S + have | has + V3(ed) - S + have n’t | has n’t + V3(ed) ? Have | Has + S + V1(ed) ? I have already eaten breakfast. - Действие произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом, но важно, что завтрак уже съеден и его результаты ощущаются в настоящем. They have lived in New York since 2015. - Действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени. I have just finished my work . - Действие произошло недавно, но результаты ощущаются в настоящем. My brother has n't found a job yet . - Употребление Present Perfect здесь показывает, что действие (поиск работы) произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом, но его результат еще не проявился в настоящем.
Слова-маркеры Present Perfect just - только что already - уже yet - ещё, уже ever - когда-либо, уже never - никогда recently - недавно, последнее время lately - в последнее время so far - до сих пор, пока что up to now - до сих пор until now - до сих пор, до настоящего времени still - все еще, до сих пор not yet - еще не ever since - с тех пор как for - уже, в течение (времени) since - c тех пор, как (какого-то момента в прошлом)
I _____ (never/try) sushi; I should give it a chance.
I have never tried sushi; I should give it a chance.
She _____ (just/finish) writing her new book.
She has just finished writing her new book.
They _____ (not/see) each other since high school.
They haven’t seen each other since high school.
We _____ (already/buy) tickets for tonight's concert.
We have already bought tickets for tonight's concert.
My parents _____ (visit) several countries in Europe.
My parents have visited several countries in Europe.
You _____ (live) in New York before you moved here?
Have you lived in New York before you moved here?
He _____ (change) his phone number a few times this year.
He has changed his phone number a few times this year.
They _____ (complete) the project on time?
Have they completed the project on time?
I can't believe she _____ (never/fly) in a plane!
I can't believe she has never flown in a plane!
They _____ (win) three games in a row.
They have won three games in a row.
She _____ (start) learning French, but she hasn't become fluent yet.
She has started learning French, but she hasn't become fluent yet.
We _____ (be) to Rome, but we've never visited Paris.
We have been to Rome, but we've never visited Paris.
I _____ (break) my arm twice in the past.
I have broken my arm twice in the past.
They _____ (not/meet) the new boss yet, so they don't know what to expect.
They haven’t met the new boss yet, so they don't know what to expect.
It _____ (rain) a lot this month.
It has rained a lot this month.
I _____ (have) the same car for over five years now.
I have had the same car for over five years now.
You _____ (arrive) much earlier than I expected!
You have arrived much earlier than I expected!
How many times _____ (you/watch) that movie?
How many times have you watched that movie?
We _____ (fix) the leak in the roof, so it shouldn't be a problem anymore.
We have fixed the leak in the roof, so it shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Present Continuous (Настоящее длительное время) используется, чтобы описать действия, которые происходят в момент говорения или непосредственно вокруг него. + S + to be + V1( ing ) am is are - S + am | is | are not + V1( ing ) ? Am | Is | Are + S + V1( ing ) am is are I He She It We You They !
Форма Present Continuous строится с использованием вспомогательного глагола " to be " в настоящем времени и причастия настоящего времени глагола ( ing -форма): I am doing my homework now. He is watching TV at the moment. They are playing football in the park. Are you listening to music right now? Present Continuous может использоваться для описания временного события, которое происходит вокруг момента говорения, но может не продолжаться долго: The sun is shining brightly. The children are laughing and playing in the yard. I am learning how to cook. Также Present Continuous может использоваться для описания планов на будущее, которые уже были сделаны: They are leaving for Paris tomorrow. I am having dinner with my friends tonight. She is going to a job interview next week.
В английском языке есть некоторые глаголы, которые не используются со временем Present Continuous (также известным как Present Progressive ), их можно разделить на следующие категории: Глаголы, которые обозначают чувства или восприятия: Глаголы, которые обозначают состояние или статическое действие: believe ( верить) doubt ( сомневаться) feel ( чувствовать) hate ( ненавидеть) hear ( слышать) know ( знать) like ( нравиться) love ( любить) prefer ( предпочитать) recall ( воскрешать в памяти) recognize ( узнавать) remember ( помнить) see ( видеть) suppose ( полагать) think ( думать) understand ( понимать) realize ( осознавать) appear ( появляться) be ( быть) belong ( принадлежать) concern ( касаться) consist ( состоять) contain ( содержать) cost ( стоить) deserve ( заслуживать) exist ( существовать) have ( иметь) include ( включать) involve ( вовлекать) lack ( не хватать) matter ( важен) need ( нуждаться) own ( владеть) possess ( обладать) remain ( оставаться) resemble ( походить) seem ( казаться) sound ( звучать) tend ( иметь тенденцию)
Слова-маркеры Present Continuous Now - Сейчас Currently - В настоящее время Presently - В данный момент At the moment - В данный момент At present - В настоящее время Today - Сегодня Tonight - Сегодня вечером This week - На этой неделе This month - В этом месяце This year - В этом году Nowadays - В настоящее время Look!, Listen!, etc. - Смотри!, Слушай!, и т.д. Behold! - Вот! Hurry! - Поторопись! Be quiet! - Тихо!
She _________ (prepare) dinner for the guests.
She is preparing dinner for the guests.
I _________ (learn) how to play the guitar these days.
I am learning how to play the guitar these days.
They _________ (travel) around Europe throughout the summer.
They are travelling around Europe throughout the summer.
My friends _________ (write) a screenplay for a short film.
My friends are writing a screenplay for a short film.
The mechanics _________ (fix) my car at the garage currently.
The mechanics are fixing my car at the garage currently.
You _________ (move) too quickly for me to keep up!
You are moving too quickly for me to keep up!
He _________ (paint) the living room a brighter color.
He is painting the living room a brighter color.
The cat _________ (chase) after a laser pointer.
The cat is chasing after a laser pointer.
She _________ (produce) her own music in her studio.
She is producing her own music in her studio.
He _________ (wear) his favorite shirt for the party tonight.
He is wearing his favorite shirt for the party tonight.
Some people _________ (not/agree) with the new policy.
Some people aren’t agreeing with the new policy.
We _________ (plan) a surprise party for our friend's birthday.
We are planning a surprise party for our friend's birthday.
The athletes _________ (train) for the upcoming tournament.
The athletes are training for the upcoming tournament.
Present Perfect Continuous ( Настоящее совершенное длительное время) используется для выражения длительных действий, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются в настоящем, и для уточнения, что действие происходит на данный момент. + S + have | has + been + V1( ing ) - S + have n’t | has n’t + been + V1( ing ) ? Have | Has + S + been + V1( ing )
Например: I have been studying English for three years. She has been working at the company since 2010. They have not been watching TV for long. Has he been reading this book for hours? Present Perfect Continuous также может использоваться с дополнительными словами, чтобы уточнить, насколько долго действие продолжается. Например: I have been studying English for three years now. She has been working at the company for 10 years. They have not been watching TV for very long.
Нюансы использования Present Perfect Continuous: Present Perfect Continuous употребляется, если действие началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем. Например: I have been studying math for two hours. Present Perfect Continuous употребляется, когда действие только что завершено, а результат все еще заметен в настоящем. Например: He has been painting the room all day, and now he is covered in paint. Present Perfect Continuous употребляется, когда вы хотите сказать, что действие продолжается до настоящего момента, и, возможно, продолжится в будущем. Например: She has been practicing yoga for years, and she still enjoys it.
Предложения в Present Perfect Continuous могут начинаться с некоторого времени в прошлом и продолжаться до настоящего момента. Например: I have been living in London since 2012. Present Perfect Continuous не используется, если действие произошло в определенное время в прошлом. В таком случае используется Past Simple. Например: He finished his homework an hour ago. Present Perfect Continuous также может использоваться в вопросительных предложениях для выражения удивления или раздражения. Например : Why have you been talking so loudly?
Слова-маркеры Present Perfect Continuous For - c точки начала в прошлом и продолжения в настоящем Since - с точки начала в прошлом до настоящего момента How long - как долго уже продолжается действие Lately / Recently - что происходило в последнее время All day / week / month / year - что происходило весь день/неделю/месяц/год Up until now - что происходило до настоящего момента
She _____ (work) on her novel for the past two hours.
She has been working on her novel for the past two hours.
They _____ (travel) around Europe since June.
They have been travelling around Europe since June.
He _____ (practice) the guitar every day for a month.
He has been practicing the guitar every day for a month.
We _____ (wait) for the bus for over half an hour.
We have been waiting for the bus for over half an hour.
The athletes _____ (train) for the marathon since January.
The athletes have been training for the marathon since January.
The dog _____ (bark) ever since the postman arrived.
The dog has been barking ever since the postman arrived.
My friend _____ (study) for the test every day this week.
My friend has been studying for the test every day this week.
They _____ (argue) about the project for several weeks now.
They have been arguing about the project for several weeks now.
Their baby _____ (cry) for twenty minutes now.
Their baby has been crying for twenty minutes now.
Jack _____ (try) to lose weight for the past two months.
Jack has been trying to lose weight for the past two months.
The neighbours _____ (play) loud music all afternoon.
The neighbours have been playing loud music all afternoon.
The birds _____ (sing) outside my window since sunrise
The birds have been singing outside my window since sunrise
I _____ (search) for a good recipe for over an hour now.
I have been searching for a good recipe for over an hour now.
They _____ (discuss) the new movie all evening.
They have been discussing the new movie all evening.
My parents _____ (consider) selling their house since last summer.
My parents have been considering selling their house since last summer.
She _____ (look) for a new job for the past three months.
She has been looking for a new job for the past three months.
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