Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике "The Present Tenses".
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) по теме

Самойлова Наталья Владимировна

Упражнения направлены на активизацию настоящего времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах.


Предварительный просмотр:

The Present Continuous Tense

  1. Образуй -ing-форму от данных глаголов.

To cry, to clean, to order, to cook, to write, to drive, to bark, to wash, to look, to cut, to get, to dream, to call, to put, to kick, to study, to speak.

  1. Дополни предложения глаголом to be в соответствующей форме (am, is, are) и -ing-окончаниями. Переведите предложения.
  1. You … stand on my foot.
  2. Helen … sleep now.
  3. Your dog … bark too loudly.
  4. They … listen to pop music.
  5. Max … play in the yard.
  6. I … do my English exercises.
  7. Granny … watch TV at the moment.
  8. We … learn English.
  9. Mum … cook meat for supper.
  10. They … work in the garden.
  11. My grandparents … wait for us.
  12. Things … go from bad to worse.
  1. Выбери подлежащие из приведенных в скобках слов, чтобы составить предложения.

Example: (It/He/She) is raining heavily. – It is raining heavily.

  1. The (sun/ lamps) is shining brightly.
  2. (My brothers/ I/ Max) is playing football now.
  3. (My kitten/ We/ I) is drinking milk in the kitchen.
  4. (We/ He/ She) are learning new words.
  5. (Rita’s grandparents/ She/ Her cat) are listening to the news in their room at the moment.
  6. Alex! Hurry up! (Pete/ Your friends/ Mary) are waiting for you.
  7. (Olga/ Her parents/ They) is answering the telephone.
  8. (Nick/ The dogs/ We) is making tea for us.
  9. (They/ He/ She) are cleaning the windows.
  10. (Max/ We/ You) is walking with his terrible dog!
  1. Дополни предложения сказуемыми в форме Present Continuous, используя глаголы из скобок.
  1. Rita is in her room. She … (to read) a thrilling story. Her granny is busy too. She … (to talk) over the telephone.
  2. My brother isn’t at home. He … (to ride) his new bicycle in the yard.
  3. Where is my cat? Oh, I see. He … (to sleep) on the wardrobe.
  4. Our parents are in the sitting room. They … (to watch) TV.
  5. Grandpa wants to read fresh newspapers. That’s why he … (to look for) his glasses.
  6. Those little boys … (to play) hide-and-seek.
  7. These girls … (to walk) with their pets.
  8. Max’s uncle is in the yard. He … (to wash) his car.
  9. The pupils are in the hall. They … (to have) a meeting there.
  10. Jack is in the library. He … (to prepare) for his exams.
  1. Составь отрицательные предложения к данным утвердительным.
  1. Nina is watering flowers in the garden.
  2. The boys are swimming in the lake.
  3. We are having supper at the moment.
  4. Max is working hard at present.
  5. I am joking.
  6. It is raining hard.
  1. Преобразуй утвердительные предложения в вопросительные. Дай краткий положительный/отрицательный ответ.
  1. They are playing computer games now.
  2. She is dusting the furniture at the moment.
  3. Granny is cleaning the kitchen now.
  4. Those boys are working in the garden now.
  5. His aunt is milking the cow right now.
  6. Her uncle is washing the car at the moment.
  7. They are helping their mother now.
  8. The girls are buying pens and copybooks just now.
  9. I am waiting for you.
  10. My granny is talking to her dear parrot.
  11. Max is watching a documentary now.
  12. The puppy is eating my sister’s shoe.
  1. Найди и исправь ошибки в шести предложениях.
  1. Ben doesn’t playing football now.
  2. We are not listening to the news right now.
  3. They not walking in the park at the moment.
  4. Rita not sweeping the floor just now.
  5. Pete and Mary is not watching TV now.
  6. The boys are not watering flowers at the moment.
  7. Nina is not looking for her cat now.
  8. I don’t drinking coffee at the moment.
  9. Look! The plane is landings.

Источник: Князева И.А. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. I уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2010. – 336 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Present Perfect Tense

  1. Write the Past Participle of the following verbs.

To become, to break, to buy, to choose, to go, to drink, to drive, to find, to get, to grow, to have, to keep, to leave, to make, to see, to read, to sleep, to swim, to send, to take, to think, to wake, to write.

  1. Circle the correct item.
  1. I have/ has seen this film. 2) We have began/ begun the work. 3) Ben have/ has done his homework. 4) Molly has break/ broken her toy. 5) Julia and Betty have/ has cut the vegetables. 6) He/ We have paid for the pizza. 7) You have/ has ironed this dress. 8) Children have has/ had supper. 9) I/ She have switched off the light. 10) Martin has went/ gone. 11) The girl has drew/ drawn a nice picture. 12) You/ He has returned from the trip. 13) They have/ has gathered the harvest. 14) She/ They has packed the things. 15) We have chose/ chosen the present. 16) The train have/ has arrived.
  1. Make up the sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.
  1. We/ to return/ from the journey/ just.
  2. I/ to see/ my boss/ today.
  3. Helen/ to decorate/ her room/ already.
  4. My cousins/ to be/ to this cinema/ never.
  5. Max/ to buy/ a magazine/ today.
  6. You/ to spend/ a lot of money/ this month.
  7. John and Peter/ to repair/ the radio/ already.
  8. I/ to drive/ a car/ never.
  9. We/ to get/ some letters/ this week.
  10. The dog/ to run away/ just.
  1. Complete the sentences with for or since.
  1. We have known each other … six years. 2) Tina has worked as a nurse … April. 3) My brother has had this car … three months. 4) My grandparents have lived in this house … 1987. 5) They have been here … two hours. 6) Mr. Jackson has worked at this hospital … thirteen years. 7) Tom has had the driving licence … he was twenty. 8) Monica has had a new job … last month. 9) My sister has been a journalist … eight years.
  1. Make the sentences negative.
  1. She has found a wallet on the road. 2) We have tidied our country house. 3) The weather has changed. 4) Liz has left you a note. 5) They have moved to another hotel. 6) I have caught a big fish. 7) Pupils have learned this poem. 8) Mike has booked the tickets for us. 9) The plane has landed. 10) The doctor has prescribed an effective medicine.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
  1. Carol and Sam … (to play) two games of chess today. 2) Mary … (already to set) the table for dinner. 3) The boys … (not to return) from school yet. 4) Look! The sun … (already to rise)! 5) Scott … (not to tell) me about his voyage yet. 6) I … (not to get) letters from her for two months. 7) Alice … (just to buy) a pretty dress. 8) We … (not to discuss) this question so far. 9) Sue … (never to be) to this town. 10) The secretary … (just to receive) this e-mail letter. 11) Helen … (not to finish) cooking so far. 12) My classmates … (never to do) such a difficult task. 13) The Bakers … (just to go) to the football match. 14) I … (never to hear) about this pop group. 15) We … (not to meet) Alex this week.
  1. Make the sentences interrogative.
  1. We have been to the theatre. 2) I have painted the walls in my bedroom. 3) Richard has turned on the radio. 4) They have explained this rule to me. 5) Amy and Ron have gone to play tennis. 6) Molly has made a cup of tea. 7) His parents have gone to the market. 8) Nelly has typed three letters. 9) The parrot has flown away. 10) The students have prepared for the exams.
  1. Write short answers to the questions.
  1. Has Jessica walked the dog today? – Yes, … .
  2. Have you read this novel? – No, … .
  3. Has your brother ever been abroad? – Yes, … .
  4. Have James and Brian told you about the conference? – Yes, … .
  5. Has the show begun? – No, … .
  6. Have you ever ridden a horse? – No, … .
  7. Have your parents bought you a puppy? – Yes, … .
  8. Has Stuart taken the temperature? – No, … .
  9. Has the ferry reached the port? – Yes, … .
  10. Have the students written the test? – No, … .
  1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative. Give a short positive/negative answer.
  1. A little girl has painted a funny picture.
  2. We have visited this town.
  3. The kettle has boiled.
  4. They have understood the task.
  5. Ben has broken his leg.
  6. My mother has got a postcard from her friend.
  7. We have had breakfast.
  8. Alice has gone to Egypt.
  9. Tom has prepared his report.
  10. You have cut the grass in the yard.

Источник: Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2011. – 304 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  1. Helen … (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes. 2) My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson. 3) Sam … (to drive) a car for five hours now. 4) I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday. 5) Molly … (to paint) this picture for three days now. 6) The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock. 7) You … (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years. 8) The wind … (to blow) since yesterday. 9) My grandfather … (to collect) coins since he was a boy. 10) Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.
  1. Make up the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  1. Alan/ to mow/ the lawn/ for forty minutes now. 2) You/ to ski/ since eleven o’clock. 3) Jack/ to talk/ to the policeman/ for fifteen minutes now. 4) We/ to teach/ you/ to ride a bike/ for two hours now. 5) They/ to build/ the stadium/ for more than a year now. 6) Helen/ to vacuum/ the carpets/ since four o’clock/ 7) I/ to look for/ my wallet/ for twenty minutes. 8) It/ to rain/ since morning. 9) We/ to discuss/ the route of our journey/ since ten o’clock. 10) The teacher/ to read/ my essay/ for ten minutes.
  1. Make the sentences negative.
  1. You have been writing a report since morning. 2) We have been working in the garden for three hours. 3) I have been typing letters since ten o’clock. 4) Tom has been running for twenty minutes. 5) A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour. 6) Jane has been studying English for two years. 7) They have been building this house for more than a year. 8) My parents have been travelling for a week. 9) I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now. 10) They have been walking since afternoon. 11) Sam has been eating for fifteen minutes now. 12) We have been watching this football match since half past two.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
  1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning. 2) Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long. 3) You … (to iron) clothes all day. 4) Allan … (not to wear) this jacket for three years. 5) I … (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock. 6) Monica and Sue … (to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning. 7) Mr. May … (to read) this article for more than half an hour now. 8) It … (not to rain) since afternoon. 10) Brad … (to try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.
  1. Make the sentences interrogative.
  1. He has been boating for four hours. 2) We have been skating since eleven o’clock. 3) Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes. 4) You have been writing this article since afternoon. 5) My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years. 6) The music has been playing for three hours. 7) We have been speaking since five o’clock. 8) Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes. 9) They have been preparing for the test for two days. 10) The baby has been crying for half an hour.
  1. Make the sentences interrogative. Give a short answer.
  1. Eric/ play computer games/ since morning? No, … .
  2. Eric/ tidy the room/ for ten minutes? Yes, … .
  3. Kate and Emma/ walk in the park/ for an hour? No, … .
  4. Diana/ tidy the room/ for three hours? No, … .
  5. Diana/ write an essay/ for 15 minutes? Yes, … .
  6. Kate and Emma/ play computer games/ for 25 minutes? No, … .
  7. Kate and Emma/ tidy the room/ since yesterday? No, … .
  8. Diana/ play computer games/ since last Sunday? No, … .
  9. Kate and Emma/ write an essay/ since 6 o’clock? Yes, … .
  10. Diana/ walk in the park/ since 5 o’clock? Yes, … .
  1. Translate into English.
  1. Они пишут диктант уже полчаса.
  2. Моя сестра убирает комнату с утра.
  3. Мальчики плавают в бассейне уже больше часа?
  4. Он не смотрит телевизор с утра.
  5. Вы читаете эту книгу четыре дня? – Нет, я читаю ее только два дня.
  6. Девочки играют в волейбол уже пятнадцать минут.
  7. Он не разговаривает с нами уже три дня.
  8. Она ищет этот дом уже сорок минут.
  9. Я жду секретаря уже полчаса.
  10. Моя сестра изучает историю этой страны уже два года.
  11. Мои родители путешествуют по Европе уже неделю.
  12. Она изучает английский язык уже пять лет.

Источник: Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2011. – 304 с.

Предварительный просмотр:

The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

  1. При каких подлежащих у глагола-сказуемого появляется окончание -s (-es)?
  1. We live in London. (Мы живем в Лондоне.)
  2. He lives in Moscow. (Он живет в Москве.)
  3. I speak English. (Я говорю по-английски.)
  4. She speaks French. (Она говорит по-французски.)
  5. It often rains in June. (В июне часто идет дождь.)
  6. They play football after classes. (Они играют в футбол после уроков.)
  7. My dog plays football, too. (Моя собака тоже играет в футбол.)
  8. You know my uncle. (Вы знаете моего дядю.)
  1. Напиши глаголы в 3-м лице единственного числа.

To box, to cry, to guess, to look, to play, to think, to seem, to wait, to work, to watch, to laugh, to kiss, to sleep, to miss, to live, to study, to go, to stop, to show, to give, to wash, to have.

  1. Дополни предложения подлежащими, выбирая их из приведенных в скобках слов.
  1. … have a big flat. (Rita, we, he)
  2. … reads a lot of books. (students, they, she)
  3. … study English at school. (my brother, we, he)
  4. … live in a village. (she, my grandparents, he)
  5. … lives in London. (my penfriend, we, they)
  6. … go to school in the morning. (he, she, I)
  7. … goes to the institute in the afternoon. (we, they, my elder sister)
  8. … play football after classes. (the girl, my granny, we)
  9. … plays computer games in the evening. (my grandparents, they, my father)
  1. Найди и исправь шесть ошибок в следующих предложениях.
  1. My kitten like to sleep on the sofa.
  2. They goes to bed early on Sundays.
  3. My elder brother plays computer games after classes.
  4. Tigers likes meat.
  5. My classmates often play football in summer.
  6. My grandparents has a nice house in a village.
  7. His uncle drive a taxi.
  8. My friend has a clever big black dog.
  9. He have two sisters and three brothers.
  1. Заполни пропуски вспомогательным глаголом do/does.
  1. I … not like strong tea.
  2. My brother … not clean his room every day.
  3. These boys … not play basketball after classes.
  4. We … not go to the circus on Sundays.
  5. Rita … not quarrel with her sister.
  6. I know you … not like loud music.
  7. She … not work at weekends.
  8. Kate and Ben … not go to school by bus.
  9. You … not write to your penfriend every week.
  10. My granny … not listen to the radio very often.
  11. They … not live in St. Petersburg.
  12. Helen … not study German at school.
  1.  Вырази несогласие, употребляя отрицательную форму Present Simple.
  1. They work at the hospital.
  2. We study at the university.
  3. Rita and Max speak French.
  4. I do grammar exercises every day.
  5. My friends play tennis after classes.
  6. My granny watches TV in the morning.
  7. She works hard.
  8. You understand me.
  9. My elder brother speaks English well.
  1. Заполни пропуски вспомогательным глаголом to do в соответствующей форме.
  1. … she speak English well?
  2. … you read books every day?
  3. … they believe you?
  4. … Rita help her mother about the house?
  5. … your grandparents live in Vladivostok?
  6. … his uncle drive a bus?
  7. … her elder sister study at university?
  8. … Kate’s cat usually sleep on the sofa?
  9. … you like to play computer games?
  10. … Rita’s mother like to see horror films?
  11. … your parents like loud music?
  1. Сделай из утвердительных предложений вопросительные.
  1. It often rains in Britain.
  2. My elder sister studies at the university.
  3. Her grandparents live in a village.
  4. Rita watches films about animals very often.
  5. These pupils speak English well.
  6. You help your mother about the house every day.
  7. His granny bakes her famous pies on Sundays.
  8. Her dog often fights with cats.
  9. My aunt loves her pet.

Источник: Князева И.А. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. I уровень. – Х.: Веста, 2010. – 336 с.

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