Урок английского языка "Деньги правят миром?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка по теме:
“Money makes the world go round, doesn’t it?”
Класс /возраст: 10 класс.
Форма проведения: групповая дискуссия.
Цели: совершенствование коммуникативных умений, речевая практика рецептивного (чтение , аудирование) и продуктивного (говорение) плана, формирование лингво-культурной компетенции учащихся.
Задачи урока:
Познавательные: активизировать речевые навыки, развивать умения диалогической, монологической речи и аудирования.
Образовательные: расширить кругозор по теме, познакомить с реалиями языка на примере английских пословиц.
Воспитательные: воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение, пробудить любознательность, творческую активность.
Развивающие: развивать речь и мышление, развивать способность эффективного сотрудничества учащихся.
План с указанием тематических блоков и частей урока:
- The beginning of the lesson (3 мин)
- Warming-Up (3 мин)
- Vocabulary Practice (3 мин)
- Speaking Task (4 мин)
- Vocabulary Practice (3 мин)
- Speaking Task (5 мин)
- Grammar/ Use of English (5 мин)
- Game “Chain of events” (5 мин)
- Speaking Task/ Discussion (8 мин)
- The end of the Lesson/ Conclusion (6 мин)
Оборудование урока: аудиозапись песни “The Greatest Things in Life are Free”; дерево (комнатное растение) с листами-символами доллара, фунта стерлингов и рубля; раздаточный материал (карточки для учащихся).
Литература: Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В., Учебник «Spotlight 10”, М: Просвещение; English, Учебно-методический журнал, М: Первое сентября, 2008, №15.
Ход урока.
“Money makes the world go round.”
(Epigraph on the blackboard)
1. The beginning of the lesson
Teacher: Good morning, students. I am glad to see you! Let’s listen to the song. (Звучит запись песни “The Greatest Things in Life are Free”, Song Sheets, Module 2, Student’s Book “Spotlight 10”V.Evans, J.Dooley)
2. Warming-Up
Teacher: Do you like the song? According to the singer, what can’t we do with money? Do you think you would be happier if you suddenly become rich? How do you think your life would change? (Students’ answers)
Teacher: OK, can you guess what we are going to talk about today? (Students’ answers – In my opinion, we are going to talk about money)
Teacher: You are right. The topic of our lesson is “Money makes the world go round, doesn’t it?” People work for money and they sometimes make friends for money; they love, live and die for money. Today we’ll learn some new facts from the history of money and we’ll discuss and try to answer some very important questions:
- Does money really make the world go round?
- Can money make us happier?
- Why do people need money? (Students’ answers)
3. Vocabulary Practice
Teacher: What is money? (Students – Money is anything that is generally accepted by people in exchange for the things they sell or the work they do.)
You can see a magic map. Try to find as many words as possible on the topic “money”. Let’s put them down on the blackboard.
A | C | O | I | N | A | P | P |
C | A | S | H | O | H | O | E |
C | A | A | E | T | T | V | N |
O | V | L | T | E | L | E | S |
U | P | A | A | W | A | R | I |
N | I | R | X | A | E | T | O |
T | T | Y | G | G | W | Y | N |
C | U | R | R | E | N | C | Y |
- cash, cheque, credit card, salary, coin, tax, wage, note…..
4. Speaking Task
Teacher : What can people do with money? (Students’ answers)
lend splash out
- waste, pay, cost, borrow, save, earn…
Teacher : You can see some expressions and word-combinations connected with money. Try to find out what they mean. Make your own sentences.
1. to put money into | a) money that has been printed illegally, counterfeit |
2. funny money | b) a small amount of money you can use to buy small things |
3. pocket money | c) to marry someone whose family is rich |
4. to roll in money | d) to use your money in order to make a profit |
5. money for jam | e) to be very rich |
6. to marry into money | f) money that you earn very easily |
5. Vocabulary Practice
Teacher : Test your money expressions! Choose the correct option in the sentences below and say what each underlined money expression means.
1) They’re quite an unusual couple. She earns a fortune as a lawyer. So when they had a baby, he gave up his job. Now she’s the main breadwinner/breadmaker, while he stays at home to look after the children.
2) Last year I inherited some money from my grandmother, but I haven’t spent it yet. I’m saving it; for a wet day/a rainy day.
3) “Have you got any wealthy friends?” “No, all my friends are broken/broke like me.”
4) You’ve been wearing the same suit for years. Don’t you think it’s time you splashed out/rushed out on some new clothes?
5) I haven’t got enough money, I’m afraid. Could you borrow/lend me some?
6) This car is too expensive. We can’t afford/pay it.
7) How much do you earn/gain in your new job?
6. Speaking Task
Teacher : Let’s return to our magic map. What can people do with money? (Добавляем полученную из упражнений информацию)
Teacher: Money is a very important thing for people, that is why there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about money. We have already learnt some of them. On your desks you can see some proverbs written on different halves. Try to match them. Make the right choice. Find Russian equivalents. Choose and explain the meaning of the proverb you like most of all.
1. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. Денежка к денежке – оно и капитал.
2. Money has no smell. Деньги не пахнут.
3. A great fortune is a great slavery. Больше денег – больше хлопот. Богатому не спится, он вора боится.
4. Lend your money and lose your friend. Хочешь потерять друга, одолжи ему денег. Друга не теряй – денег не давай.
5. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. Дружба дороже денег. Был бы друг, а деньги будут. Доброе братство милее богатства.
6. A penny saved is a penny gained. Не истратил – все равно, что заработал. Неистраченные деньги – приобретение.
7. Time is money. Время – деньги.
8. Money makes the world go round. Деньги правят миром.
9. A good name is better than riches. Лучше быть бедняком, чем разбогатеть с грехом.
10. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. Расходы на обучение всегда окупаются.
11.A fool and his money are easily parted. У дурака в кармане дыра.
7. Grammar/ Use of English
Teacher: It is time to check up your grammar and of course add some new facts about money. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form the word that fits in the space in the same line. Money, money, money.
Helen has always dreamed of becoming a (1)____________woman, | wealth |
and imagined living in a (2)_________mansion and how her | luxury |
friends would praise her (3)__________when she gave them | generous |
expensive presents. In reality, she was usually hard up. |
She had some (4)_________________ and a small life | save |
(5)____________ policy, but her antique shop was not really very | insure |
(6)_______________. Every time she took money out of the bank, | profit |
the (7)___________checked her account and told her how little | cash |
there was in it. Helen had taken out a (8)_______ a month before. | lend |
How could she repay it? Then one day she noticed an old painting |
in her shop. She had thought it was (9)__________, but as she brushed | worth |
away the dust, she saw the (10)_______ at the bottom. | sign |
It said “Renoir”! She was rich at last. |
8. Game “Chain of events”
Teacher: Imagine the situation described in the text. What would you do?
It is time to play the game called “Chain of events”. Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one.
(Students’ answers) If I won $1 million in a lottery, I would buy an island.
If I bought an island, I would build a big house there.
If I built a big house, I would invite all my friends.
If I invited all my friends, I would have parties every day.
If I had parties every day, I would spend all my money…..
9. Speaking Task/ Discussion
Teacher: There is a money tree on my table. As you can see it has dollar, pound and rouble bills instead of leaves. Choose the bill, discuss the question written on the back of it and give your answer.
- Is it possible to have too much money?
- Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
- What can’t money buy?
- Do you get enough money?
- Is there something you own that’s worth a fortune?
- Can money make us happier?
- What do you spend your money on?
- Is it difficult to be a saver?
- Do you ever lend money to your friends?
- How do you pay for things you buy?
- Do you save up to buy something?
10. The end of the Lesson/ Conclusion
Teacher: It is time to come to a conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and disadvantages of money. (Students’ answers)
Advantages | Disadvantages |
You can buy whatever you want. | People are jealous of your wealth. |
You can travel all over the world. | You are afraid of losing your money. |
You have a lot of free time. | Everybody asks you to lend them some money. |
You needn’t go to work. | You can never be sure if people like you or your money. |
People are interested in your opinion. | It is difficult to find real friends. |
……. | ……… |
So we can conclude that money does not make/ makes the world go round. And The Greatest Things in Life are Free.
Teacher: The topic of our conversation today was very serious. We have spoken much about money and we have discussed the problem of having or not having it using different points of view. I’d like to thank you for your good work at the lesson. I give … marks to…. The lesson is over. Good-bye!
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