внеклассное мероприятие для 9 класса "Brain Ring"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие 9 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
Проведено в ___ классе
Подготовлено учителем англ.яз.
Тедеевой М.И.
1.What parts of Great Britain joined in 1607? - Scotland and England.
- In 1653 a certain man became Lord Protector in England. What’s his name?
Oliver Cromwell.
- Who ruled the longest period in the British history? How long did she reign? Queen Victoria, 64 years.
- He was the Prime Minister of the UK during World War II and met the Soviet and American leaders. Winston Churchill.
- This woman took the highest post in the British Government in 1979. What’s her name? What’s her nickname? What post did she take? - Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
- What heavenly sign did William’s army see in the sky before they attacked the British at Hastings? When was it? Halley’s Comet, in 1066.
- What was Charles II reign darkened by? The epidemic of plague.
- This king is famous because of the women who divorced, executed, died, divorced, executed, survived. What king? Which women? King Henry VIII. His wives.
- This English monarch was a contemporary with Tzar Ivan IV (the Terrible) in Russia. – Elizabeth I.
- The delegates from 13 British colonies in North America gathered in Philadelphia in 1776 and in 1787. Why? – To write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
- Who is the Head of State in Canada? Who represents her/him? – Queen Elizabeth II, Governor-General.
- This American president got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his activity. What president? What activity? – Jimmy Carter volunteered a non-profit organization Habitat for Humanity and helped needy people.
- He had an English father and an American mother. He got education at Harrow and Sandhurst. He was the Britain’s Prime Minister. Winston Churchill.
- Give a famous quotation of John Kennedy about the need for all Americans to be active citizens. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.
- What book did this English philosopher write? What language was it written in? What was his fate? Thomas More, “Utopia”, in Latin, He was executed because he opposed the King’s divorce and refused to accept him as the Head of the Church in England.
- Gorbachev and Reagan signed this document in 1987 in Washington DC. The Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty.
- A. S. Griboedov was not only a famous writer but a successful diplomat. Where did he work? How were his diplomatic efforts described? In Tehran, Persia. He was more important than the whole army.
- What’s the popular web-site in Britain similar to Russian “Odnoklassniki”? Friends Reunited.
- This youth movement was born in England and trained teens in woodcraft. When was it? What was its name? Who started it? In 1910 Boy Scouts, Major-General Robert Baden-Powell.
- In what way did the Hippies differ from other youth cults? They experimented with drugs, grew their hair long lived in communities and were attracted to radical politics.
- Москва не сразу строилась.
Rome was not built in a day.
- Голоден как волк.
As hungry as a hunter.
- В семье не без урода.
Every family has a black sheep.
- Век живи – век учись.
Live and learn.
- Ум – хорошо, а два – лучше.
Two heads are better than one.
- Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Better late than never.
- За двумя зайцами погонишься – ни одного не поймаешь.
If you run after two hares you’ll catch none.
- Под лежачий камень вода не течет.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
- Слово – серебро, молчание – золото.
Word is silver and silence is gold.
Idioms. Give the English idioms and their Russian equivalents if you can.
- Something expensive and useless – A white elephant.
- Hardly ever. – Once in a blue moon.
- When the boss is out workers can do what they like. – When the cat is away the mice can play.
- An even or a decision cannot be changed. – The die is cast.
- To tell a secret to everybody. - To let the cat out of the bag.
- To irritate somebody. – To be like a red rug to a bull.
- To forget about something, to stop thinking about it. – To cast something from one’s mind.
- Don’t disturb a fierce person. – Let sleeping dogs lie.
- To think about the past, to remember. – To cast one’s mind back.
- To feel important. – To be a big cheese in the little world.
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan
Teacher’s name: Tedeeva M.
The theme of the lesson: The International Ecological Organizations
The aim: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to present ecological organizations in oral speech on base of the Internet resources
The Objectives: Ss will have practiced in -searching the info using Google Search engine
- reading for specific information
-preparing oral presentations in small groups
Materials and equipment: a PC with the Internet access, Ss’ handouts, Fact files, equipment for the conference, printer, Webquest files
New language and structure: eco language
Language to be revised: topical vocabulary of the unit 3
Anticipated problems: technical problems, Ss’ poor experience in the Internet surfing.
Time | Activities | Purpose of activity | Interaction |
5’ 10’ 10’ 12’ 3’ |
Look at the emblems. Do you know the organizations they represent? Which of them are eco organizations? What do you know about their activities? (WWF, Kids F.A.C.E., the UN, NATO, Vancouver Olympic Games).
T: Today we welcome the international ecological conference in Vladikavkaz. The members of the 4 eco organizations have come to our city as the eco situation here is complicated. The 1st day is to make a short presentation about your eco society to the other participants.
In your groups complete the Web Quest. Prepare oral presentation of your organization. Share responsibilities.
Take turns to present your eco organizations.
Develop a list of actions you could do together to improve the eco situation in Vladikavkaz. Sample: Kids F.A.C.E.: clean the territory along the river Terek. WWF: plant one thousand trees. RSPCA: organize a charity home and clinic for stray animals. Greenpeace: collect money and provide better filters for “Electrozink” plant to reduce air pollution. | To involve Ss into the lesson, to elicit their background knowledge To practice research work surfing the Internet using Google search engine, saving and printing the info. To practice doing Web Quest using the Fact File & prepare oral presentation To practice presentation skills To practice to develop the ideas for future projects | Class work Group work Group work Solo/group Work Group/Class work |
Web quest. Page 1 Kids F.A.C.E.
What is? Kids F. A. C. E. Kids F… A C……….. E………………………
When? | Where? | Who? | What action? |
-to provide …..
-to encourage……
-to recognize………..
How many?
Club Chapters | Countries | Individual members |
………………………… trees
……………………….. Kid’s Yards (…………………………………)
…………………………….. 800 daily
Web quest. Page 2. Greenpeace
…………………………….organization with offices in ……..countries and headquarters in
When? | Where? | Who? | What action? | Members? |
Focuses on:
- …………………………………
- …………………………………….
- …………………………………….
- ……………………………………….
What is ?
Don’t Make a Wave Committee? ………………………………………………………………….
Phyllis Cormack? ………………………………………………………………………………….
Amchitka? …………………………………………………………………………………………
Web quest. Page 3. RSPCA
What is RSPCA? R………….S……………………..for the P………………………………
of C………………………….to A………………………………………
When? | Who? | Patron? | Branches? | Headquarters? |
Mission: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Who are they?
Humanity Dick? ………………………………………………………………………………….
Gave the Royal status in 1840? ………………………………………………………………….
Mark Watts?...................................................................................................................................
Web quest. Page 4. WWF
What is WWF? W………………….W………………………..F………………………………..
When? | Where? | Who? | Headquarters? |
Motto? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Focus ………………………………………………
How many?
Members | Countries | Projects |
Conservation of three biomes:…………………………………………
-to stop…………………………………………………………………………………..
-to build…………………………………………………………………………………
How many?
-restoring populations of species …………
-conserving globally important eco regions ………………………….
-reducing people’s eco footprints in areas ……………………………
Partnerships with business: …………………………………………………………………
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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