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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
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Сборник сценариев постановок на английском языке
Учитель английского языка:
Григорьева Раиса Евгеньевна
Сценарий Рождественского концерта для 2В класса 2014 год
Christmas Concert
1. Good afternoon! We begin our Christmas concert.
2. Winter is my favourite season.
3. I like winter very much because it’s beautiful.
4. The sun is so bright.
5. The streets, houses and trees are white and the snow shines in the sun.
6. You can ski, skate and sledge a lot.
7. We usually play snowballs and make snowmen in winter.
8. We have holidays in winter.
9. We celebrate Christmas.
10. We celebrate New Year.
11. We decorate a Christmas tree.
12. Santa Claus gives us presents.
What’s the Weather Like Today
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times)
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it rainy?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s quite funny.
How it’s changing.
Christmas Day
The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys. When children go to bed, they put stockings near their beds.
It’s winter time!
It’s winter time!
Decorate a tree!
What tree?
The Christmas tree!
Decorate the tree!
Take some bells,
Take some stars,
Take some lights,
And put them on the tree!
Jingle bells!
Jingle bells!
Jingle bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride,
In a one-horse open sleigh!
A Christmas Story
Mum: Well done, Nick! Great, Kate! But it’s 10 o’clock. Time for bed!
Aunt Polly: Your Christmas tree is beautiful and bright!
Nick: Where is my stocking?
Aunt Polly: Look! It’s on your schoolbag.
Nick: Thanks, auntie.
Please, Santa Claus, can I have a computer game and a football?
Kate: Can I have some small presents, a kitten and a doll?
Santa Claus: Help!
Dad: It’s Santa Claus in the chimney.
Santa Claus: It’s me! Help me, please! Pull me out!
Nick, Kate: Pull! Pull! Pull!
Grandma: I’ve got an idea! Push!
Nick, Kate: Hooray! Hooray!
Santa Claus: Thank you, children! Now you can have your presents.
Here’s a football and a computer game for you Nick.
Nick: Wow, thank you, Santa.
Santa Claus: A book, a kitten and a doll for you Kate.
Kitten: Mew, mew, Merry Christmas, children.
Doll: I can run, I can jump, I can speak.
Mouse: Merry Christmas to you all!
Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.
The Song
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
And a Happy New Year!
Сценарий постановки «Слоненок» для 2В класса 2015 год
The Elephant’s Child
1. The Elephant 7. The Fly
2. The Ostrich 8. The Snake
3. The Giraffe 9. The Crocodile
4. The Hippopotamus 10. The First Brother
5. The Baboon 11. The Second Brother
6. The Bird Kolokolo
Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you again. Today we’ll show you a story “The Elephant’s Child” written by Rudyard Kipling. It’s an interesting story. I am sure you all saw this cartoon.
Scene 1
Elephant: Dear aunt Ostrich, why do your tail-feathers grow just so?
Ostrich: Go away! Don’t ask silly questions.
Elephant: Dear uncle Giraffe, why is your skin so spotty?
Giraffe: Go away! You are very curious.
Elephant: Dear aunt Hippopotamus, why are your eyes red?
Hippopotamus: Leave me alone! What will you ask me next?
Elephant: Dear uncle Baboon, why do melons taste so?
Baboon: Go away! You are full of curiosity.
Elephant: Dear aunt Ostrich, what does the Crocodile have for dinner?
Ostrich: Hush! I have no time to talk to you!
Elephant: Dear uncle Giraffe, could you tell me what the Crocodile has
for dinner.
Giraffe: Hush! I asked you to go away.
Elephant: Dear aunt, what does the Crocodile have for dinner!
Hippopotamus: Hush! Leave me alone!
Elephant: Dear uncle, tell me what the Crocodile has for dinner?
Baboon: Hush! I have no time to talk to you.
Sing the song “Mr Crocodile”
Never smile at a crocodile.
No, you can’t get friendly with a crocodile.
Don’t be taken in by his welcome grin.
He’s imagining how well you’d fit within his skin.
Never smile at a crocodile.
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awile.
Never run!
Walk away.
Say goodnight, not goodday!
Clear the isle.
Never smile at Mr Crocodile.
1. don’t be taken in by his welcome grin – пусть тебя не обманывает
его доброжелательная ухмылка
2. how well you’d fit within his skin – насколько хорошо ты
втиснешься в его шкуру
3. tip your hat – небрежно поздороваться, едва прикоснувшись к
4. awile – ненадолго
5. Сlear the isle [ail]. – Пройди мимо острова.
Scene 2
Elephant: My father has spanked me and my mother has spanked me;
all my aunts and uncles have spanked me; and I still want to
know what the Crocodile has for dinner!
Bird: Go to the banks of the great Limpopo River.
Elephant: Excuse me, have you seen a Crocodile here?
Snake: Have I seen a Crocodile? What will you ask me next?
Elephant: Excuse me, could you tell me what he has for dinner?
Snake: Go straight to the great River.
Bird: He is very curious but he hasn’t seen a crocodile.
Snake: Hiss, hiss, I showed him the way. He went on eating melons.
Bird: His father and mother spanked him for many questioned.
Snake: I spanked him too with my hard tail.
Scene 3
Elephant: Oh, what a piece of wood!
Crocodile: Come here, Little One.
Elephant: Excuse me, but haven’t you seen a Crocodile here?
Crocodile: Why do you ask such things?
Elephant: Excuse me, but my father has spanked me and my mother has
spanked me; all my aunts and uncles have spanked me for my curiosity.
Crocodile: Come here, Little One. I am the Crocodile.
Elephant: You are the person I am looking for. Please tell me what you have for dinner.
Crocodile: Come here, Little One and I’ll whisper. I think today I will begin with an Elephant’s Child.
Elephant: Let go! You are hurting me!
Scene 4
Snake: My young friend, if you do not pull now, the Crocodile will pull you into the river.
Elephant: This is too much for me!
Snake: Little traveler, let us pull together or the Crocodile will have
you for dinner.
Elephant: Thank you. (He covered his nose with cool banana leaves and
put it into the water to cool)
Snake: Why are you doing that?
Elephant: Excuse me, but my nose is too long now, and perhaps it will
shrink in the water.
Snake: Then you must wait a long time. Some people do not know what
is good for them.
Elephant (sat there for three days and his nose was in the water):
My nose looks like a trunk.
Bird: The stars are out, the moon is up.
It’s time to go to bed.
I’m so glad you have a place
To lay your little head.
Snake: Have a deep and peaceful sleep,
Dream away the hours.
When you wake the sun will come
To smile upon the flowers.
Go to sleep, my little friend,
Beneath the evening star.
You will always have a friend,
No matter where you are.
Fly: Oh, I shall bite you.
Elephant: I am not sure. (He lifted up his trunk and killed a fly.)
Snake: You see how useful you trunk is. You could not do that before.
(The Elephant picked some grass and put it into his mouth)
Snake: You see how useful you trunk is. You could not do that before
with your small nose.
Elephant: Excuse me, but I do not want it at all.
Snake: But do you want to spank anybody?
Elephant: O yes, of course I do!
Snake: Very well, you will find that it is very easy to spank with your
Elephant: Thank you, I’ll remember that. Now I’ll go home to all my
dear family and try.
Scene 5
Elephant: How do you do?
1st Brother: Come here.
2nd Brother: We shall spank you for your curiosity.
Elephant: No, I don’t think you know how to do it.
1st Brother: What did you say?
2nd Brother: Hey! Repeat, please!
Elephant: I’ll show you how to spank.
1st Brother: Oh, where did you learn that trick?
2nd Brother: What have you done to your nose?
Elephant: I got a new nose from the Crocodile.
1st Brother: Where does he live?
2nd Brother: What did you ask him?
Elephant: I asked him what he had for dinner and he gave me this trunk.
Scene 6
I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.
I let them rest from 9 till 5,
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men.
But different folk have different views;
I know a person small –
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends ‘em abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes –
One million Hows, two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!
Our English play is over. Good-bye, everybody!
We’ll be glad to see you again.
Вас сегодня удивил
Я зеленый крокодил
Длиннохвостый, остроносый
В водоеме я лежал
Аккуратно! – всем кричал
Всех всегда предупреждал
Ох, я очень толстокожий,
На большой листок похожий.
А поверишь крокодилу …
Жалко станет его слез.
Он тебе за это, милый,
Враз откусит длинный нос.
Чтобы нос не откусили,
Мы глядим со стороны, -
Крокодилам простофили
Даже очень как нужны.
A Crocodile
I’m a green crocodile
Who lies in the water all day.
I’m long-tailed and I have a sharp long nose
I want to surprise you today.
“Be careful!” I cry to all around.
I look like a leaf
But, in fact, I’m a thief
And wait for a dupe in the water.
Don’t believe a crocodile
He pretends to be immobile.
For your dull and silly questions
He can eat you up without serious lectures.
Сценарий постановки «История Санта Клауса»» для 3В класса 2016 год
The story of Santa Clause
Actors: Mr Clause
Mrs Clause
Narrator: | This is Mr Claus, a carpenter. |
Mr Claus: | It's so cold this winter. The |
Mrs Claus: | Yes, it is snowing, but it’s soon What are you making? It looks |
Mr Claus: | It’s a doll. Isn’t it clever? And It’s for a girl from the village, |
Mrs Claus: | Can you make more? |
Mr Claus: | Every day I make three! I've got |
Mrs Claus: | And then we can give them to |
Mr Claus: | Then, if it’s snowing and they can't go outside ... |
Mr Claus: | ... they can play at home and be happy inside! |
Mrs Claus: | Let’s make toys for Christmas and give them away! |
Mr Claus: | Then the children can be happy on Christmas Day! |
Song: | The snow was deep, the sky was cold, Mr Claus was kind and old. The children played by the fireside. No one was out to play or ride, But Mr Claus was making toys, Because he loved the children so, |
Narrator: | On Christmas Eve, Mr and Mrs Claus take their sleigh and |
Mr Claus: | Hello, Otto. Merry Christmas to you! |
Otto: | Hello, Mr Claus, and how do you do? |
Mr Claus: | Have the children been good? |
Otto: | Yes! |
Mr Claus: | Look what I’ve got. Presents for Greta, for Elsa and Kurt |
Children: | Presents! Yippee!! |
Kurt: | Look, it’s a horse! It's really great! |
Mr Claus: | That doll is for Elsa. |
Otto: | Greta, what have you got there? |
Greta: | Look. Daddy, look! It's a little brown bear! |
Mr Claus: | We must go now. We've got lots to do. |
Mrs Claus: | Goodbye everybody! |
Otto: | Merry Christmas to you! |
Mr Claus: | Remember dear children to always be good! |
Mrs Claus: | Then old Mr Claus can bring toys of wood. |
Narrator: | So, every year, Mr and Mrs Claus make toys. On Christmas Eve, they |
Mr Claus: | Ho-ho-ho! Happy Christmas! These are for you. |
Liesel: | a doll! |
Thomas: | And a soldier! They're lovely! Thank you. |
Mr Claus: | Now be good and be happy, all the year long. |
Liesel: | I promise |
Thomas: | I promise |
Mr Claus: | Now I must get along. |
Mr Claus: | Ho-ho-ho! |
Mother: | Merry Christmas to you! |
Mr Claus: | I've got a present for Friedrich, and for Ursula too. |
Mr Claus: | Goodbye, children. Now we must go. |
Friedrich: | Merry Christmas. Goodbye! |
Ursula: | We love you, you know. |
Narrator: | The next Christmas Eve there is a lot of snow. Mr and Mrs Claus are on their sleigh. They are very cold. |
Mr Claus: | Oh, dear! It’s so cold, and now it’s night! |
Mrs Claus: | Mr Claus, look! What is that light? |
Mrs Claus: | I’m scared Mr Claus! |
Mr Claus: | Who are you? Please tell! |
Angel: | I’m an angel. Don’t worry. I’m here to help. Here, take this coat. It’s magic, You’re both very kind. You were |
Elves: | We’re elves. How do you do? |
Elf 1: | We’re fast. |
Elf 2: | We’re very good. |
Elf 3: | We can make lots of toys. |
Elf 4: | And not just of wood! |
Angel: | Look! These magic reindeer can help you to fly. |
Mr Claus: | And children can see me up in the sky! |
Angel: | Now you can take presents ... |
Elves: | ... to all the good children everywhere! |
Mr Claus: | Thank you, dear Angel. What a wonderful idea! |
Mrs Claus: | Now you can give presents year after year! |
Song: | Christmas Eve in a dark forest. Santa thought it was the coldest. Then an angel came to see him, With three special gifts to give him, First she said. “Because you're kind .. That these elves are here to help you ... To give presents you must fly ... With these reindeer through the sky ... The happy face kids love to see …” |
Сценарий постановки «Машенька в лесу» для 2Г класса 2017 год
Little Mary in the Wood
Little Mary The Bird
The Rabbit The Squirrel
Mother The Bluebell
Father The Strawberry
Granny The Mushroom
Aunt Polly, Uncle Jim The Daisy
Cousin Ted The Bilberry
The Bear
The Fox
The Wolf
Once upon a time there lived a big friendly family. They were mother, father, little Mary, granny, aunt Polly, uncle Jim and cousin Ted.
Scene 1
Mother: Now, my dear, put on your red hood, and go to your Granny’s house.
It is her birthday today.
Father: There will be Aunt Polly, Uncle Jim and your cousin Ted.
Mary: Mother, shake an apple tree
Mother: Mary, catch an apple
Oh, how funny that will be,
Let us all be merry!
One for cousin, one for aunt
Three for uncle more,
Five for granny on her birthday,
Waiting at the door.
Mother: Here is a cake and 10 apples.
Father: The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are so good.
Don’t go off the road, Mary.
Mother: Go straight to Granny’s house!
Mary: Yes, Mother. Good-bye!
Scene 2
(Mary is in the wood)
Bird: Oh, Mary, Mary,
How do you do?
Please may I go for a walk with you?
Mary: Where shall we go?
Bird: Oh, I know –
Down to the wood where the flowers and berries grow!
Mary: Oh, how nice it is in the wood! So many flowers and berries!
Squirrel: Quickly, quickly
Hop, hop, hop,
Up I go
To the tree top!
Quickly, quickly
Round and round,
Down I jump
To the ground.
Bluebell: Come here, little girl! Look at my flowers. Pick them!
Mary: Oh, my Granny likes flowers! I shall pick some.
Bluebell: The Bluebell is the sweetest flower
That waves in summer air:
Its blossoms have the mightiest power
To soothe the people spirit’s care.
Strawberry: Come to me, little girl. I have sweet, red berries for you!
Mary: Oh, I shall take some berries for myself and some for Granny!
Mushroom: Little girl, little girl look at my mushrooms!
Mary: Yes, mushrooms will be a good present for Granny!
Daisy: And I have some flowers too! Do you like them?
Mary: Yes, I do.
Bilberry: Little girl, little girl, take my berries too. My berries are black, but they
are very, very sweet.
Little black bilberry sat by the stone,
Drooping and waiting till the sun shone.
Little black bilberry sunshine has fed;
Little black bilberry is lifting its head.
Mary: I like black berries very much! But where is the road?
Scene 3
Bear: Grr, grr, I eat little girls!
Mary: Do not eat me, dear Bear! Take my white apron.
Bear: All right. Give me your white apron and be quick!
(Bear puts the apron on and begins to dance)
Bear: La-la-la, how pretty I am now!
Mary: Now I have no apron and I don’t know where to go!
Wolf: Ha, ha, I want to eat you!
Mary: Please, please, dear Wolf, don’t eat me! Take my silk scarf!
Wolf: All right, give me your silk scarf.
Mary: Take it, please!
Wolf: I like it. Now I am very pretty. Ha, ha!
Fox: Ah, here is a fine dinner for me! I like little girls!
Mary: Oh, dear fox, do not eat me! Take my red hood. Look how pretty it is!
Fox: I am hungry, but I like your red hood too. Quick, give it to me! Who else has such a fine hood? Who else has such a fine hood in the wood? No one but me, Red
Rabbit: Don’t cry, little girl, don’t cry! I can help you!
Mary: You can’t help me! I can’t find the road to my granny’s house! I have no
apron, I have no scarf, no hood.
Rabbit: I shall take you to your Granny. Follow me! But be quick!
Scene 4
Bear (to the Wolf and the Fox): Look at my apron! It is very fine! But I want to
have a scarf too!
Wolf: My scarf is very fine, but it is around my neck. And I want to have an apron
Fox: I have a nice hood but I must have a scarf and an apron too.
Bear, Wolf, Fox (together): Don’t touch my things!
They throw their things down and begin to fight.
Scene 5
Mary: Oh, look, the Bear, the Wolf and the Fox are here again! We must be quick
and go away!
Rabbit: They don’t see us. They are fighting because they are greedy.
Mary: They don’t see us. So let us take all my things back.
Wolf: That is my scarf! I shall bite you!
Bear: That is my apron! I shall eat you up!
Fox: That is my hood!
(Mary and the Rabbit take the things away)
Mary: Now I am ready!
Rabbit: They were greedy and so they lost everything.
Mary: Yes, let us go to my Granny!
Scene 6
Cousin Ted: One, two, three, four,
Mary’s at the cottage door.
Mary: Here I am, Granny! (kisses her) Happy birthday to you, dear Granny!
Granny: Thank you, dear. Come into my house.
( Sings a song “Come into my House”)
Come into my house
What can you see?
Upstairs and downstairs,
Come, follow me.
Go through the door
Go upstairs.
What’s in my bedroom?
A bed and two chairs.
Go through the door.
Go downstairs.
What’s in the dining room?
Table and chairs.
Mother: What happened to you, Mary? Why are you so late?
Father: Who is it?
Mary: This is my friend, the rabbit. He is very brave.
Aunt Polly: Hello, Mary. We are glad to see you.
Uncle Jim: Where did you meet your friend?
Mary: In the wood. He saved me from the Bear, the Wolf and the Fox.
Cousin Ted: Tell us what happened to you, Mary!
Mary, you are my friend
We like to play
We play together
Every day.
You always help me
When I’m in need
For you’re my friend,
Good friend indeed.
Mary: I am very hungry, and so is my dear Rabbit. Give us something to eat.
Granny: Then sit down everybody! Take some cakes and jam. And here are carrots for you, little Rabbit!
Father: (brings some cabbage): Please, dear Rabbit, this is for you too.
Rabbit: Thank you, it’s too much for me. I am not greedy. I’ll take three carrots
and one cabbage.
(They sit at the round table and sing a song “In my Family”)
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