Методическая разработка на тему "Safety Measures when Working on Your Car"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данная методическая разработка тему «Safety Measures when Working on your car» предназначена для студентов 2-го курса специальности «Обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей и двигателей».
Цель методической разработки – привить навыки делового общения на английском языке.
Методическая разработка предполагает освоение студентами нового профессионального лексического материала, развитие навыков различных видов чтения и перевода, совершенствование навыков работы со словарем, формирование навыков устной речи, развитие навыков письма.
Методическая разработка включает оригинальные тексты. После каждого текста предлагается ответить на ряд вопросов, с помощью которых осуществляется самоконтроль усвоения данной темы. Также студентам предлагается выполнить различные упражнения на закрепление лексического материала, грамматических явлений.
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Методическая разработка на тему:
Safety Measures when Working on Your Car
по дисциплине:
специальность: Обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей и двигателей
Дюкарева И.В.
Пояснительная записка
Данная методическая разработка тему «Safety Measures when Working on your car» предназначена для студентов 2-го курса специальности «Обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей и двигателей».
Цель методической разработки – привить навыки делового общения на английском языке.
Методическая разработка предполагает освоение студентами нового профессионального лексического материала, развитие навыков различных видов чтения и перевода, совершенствование навыков работы со словарем, формирование навыков устной речи, развитие навыков письма.
Методическая разработка включает оригинальные тексты. После каждого текста предлагается ответить на ряд вопросов, с помощью которых осуществляется самоконтроль усвоения данной темы. Также студентам предлагается выполнить различные упражнения на закрепление лексического материала, грамматических явлений.
Ex. 1 Read and translate the following text into Russian. Try to remember as much as you can.
Safety rules
- Don’t smoke while you’re working on your car — for obvious reasons!
- Never work on your vehicle unless the parking brake is on, the gearshift is in Park or Neutral, and the engine is shut off.
- Be sure that the parts of the engine you’re working on are cool so that you don’t get burned. If you’re doing a job that calls for a warm engine, be very careful.
- Never jack a vehicle up unless the wheels are blocked.
- Use insulated tools for electrical work.
- Before using a wrench or ratchet on a part that’s “stuck”. Pull on wrenches rather than push them whenever possible.
- Take off your tie, scarf, rings, long necklaces, and other jewelry. If they get caught on parts, they — and you — can be damaged.
- Tie back long hair. If your hair accidentally gets caught in a moving fan or belt, you can literally be scalped.
- If you’re working with toxic chemicals, such as coolant, cleaners, and the like, keep them away from your mouth and eyes. Wash your hands thoroughly after using them, and either store toxic chemicals safely away from pets and children.
- Know that gasoline is extremely dangerous. Not only because it is toxic and flammable, but the vapor in an empty can is explosive enough to take out a city block. If you must keep a small amount of gasoline on hand for a chain saw, always store it in a ventilated gasoline can designed specifically for that purpose.
- Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid breathing in carbon monoxide if you have to run the engine, or breathing in toxic fumes from chemicals and gasoline. If possible, work outdoors. If you must work in your garage, be sure to keep the garage door open and move the vehicle as close to the door as possible.
- Use a work light in dark areas.
- Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Learn the following words by heart:
work on the car – работать с авто
obvious reason – очевидная причина
parking brake – ручной тормоз
gearshift is in Park or Neutral – передача выключена или в нейтральном положении
the engine is shut off – двигатель выключен
to get burned – обжечься
jack – домкрат
to jack a vehicle up – поднять авто на домкрат
insulated tools – инструменты с надежной изоляцией
wrench – гаечный ключ
ratchet – трещотка
parts that are “stuck” – прикипевшие детали
pull on – тянуть
push – толкать
necklace – ожерелье
jewelry – украшения
damage – повреждение
to get caught – попадать, застревать
fan – вентилятор
belt – ремень
coolant – антифриз
cleaner – стеклоочиститель
thoroughly – тщательно
store – хранить
dangerous – опасный
toxic – ядовитый
flammable – огнеопасный, легковоспламеняющийся
can – канистра
vapour – пар
empty – пустой
explosive – взрывчатый
purpose – цель
to avoid – избегать
breath in – вдыхать
carbon monoxide – угарный газ
fume – дым
fire extinguisher – огнетушитель
Ex. 2 Answer the following questions:
1. Why mustn’t you smoke while you are working on your car?
2. Why should the parts of the engine you are working on be cool?
3. What should you take off when working on your car? Why?
4. What toxic chemicals do you know? What are the safety precautions when working with them?
5. Why is gasoline dangerous?
6. What should we do in order not to breath in carbon monoxide when repairing you car?
Ex. 3 Cross the word that doesn’t belong to the group.
1. ring, tie, necklace, earring;
2. ratchet, spanner, wrench, wheel;
3. van, omnibus, plane, lorry
4. coolant, cleaner, soap, thinner
5. jack, engine, air filter, battery
Ex. 4 Translate into English:
Двигатель выключен, прикипевшие детали, антифриз, хранить, работать с авто, очевидная причина, поднять авто на домкрат, гаечный ключ, толкать, повреждать, вентилятор, ремень, стеклоочиститель, передача на нейтральном положении, канистра, избегать, угарный газ, огнетушитель, легковоспламеняющийся, ядовитый, домкрат.
Ex. 5 Find the equivalents to the verbs in the left column
to avoid блокировать
to understand использовать
to be burned избегать
to jack up вдыхать
to block хранить
to use тянуть
to pull on понимать
to push обжечься
to keep away from поднимать на домкрат
to store толкать
to breath in беречь от
Ex. 6 Compose your own sentences using the words given in the ex. 5
Ex. 7 Complete the following sentences:
1. Never jack a vehicle up until the wheels are…
2. If you must keep a small amount of gasoline on hand, always store it in…
3. If you are working with toxic chemicals, such as …, keep them away from your mouth and eyes.
4. Use … for electrical work.
5. Never work on your vehicle unless…
Ex. 8 Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Заблокируй, пожалуйста, колеса.
2. Если вам приходится работать с прогретым двигателем, будьте осторожны!
3. Вы можете обжечься.
4. Поставь машину на ручной тормоз.
5. Не курите, когда работаете с машиной.
6. Это инструменты с надежной изоляцией?
7. Бензин очень опасен.
8. Работайте в хорошо вентилируемых помещениях, чтобы избежать вдыхания угарного газа.
9. Если вам приходится работать в гараже, откройте дверь.
10. Некоторые канистры предназначены специально для хранения бензина.
Ex. 1 Read and translate the following text into Russian. Try to remember as much as you can.
How to Use a Jack Safely
The most obvious reason to jack up a car is to change a tire, but other jobs such as inspecting brakes may also require you to get under the vehicle. (Even if you’re skinny enough to squeeze yourself between the pavement and the underside of your car, you still need room to move around and manipulate tools.)
Before you attempt to jack up your vehicle, observe the following safety precautions:
- Jacks are used only to get a vehicle off the ground. They should never be used to hold a vehicle in place.
- You must use jack stands when you work underneath your vehicle. If you don’t, you run the risk of serious injury or even death. People have been crushed to death when vehicles that were improperly secured fell on them.
- Never jack up a vehicle without blocking the wheels to keep it from rolling. Use bricks, wooden wedges, or metal wheel chocks to block the wheels at the opposite end of the car from the end that is to be raised.
If you find yourself faced with the job of changing a tire and you have nothing with which to block the wheels, park near the curb with the wheels turned in. This may not keep you from getting hurt if the car rolls off the jack.
- Never change a tire on a freeway or highway. Not only can you be seriously injured, but you can also fall prey to carjackers. Don’t exit the vehicle; instead use a cellphone to call road service or an automobile association. If you don’t have a cellphone, hang a white rag or a white piece of paper out of the driver’s side window and wait for the highway patrol to rescue you.
Even if you hate cellphones, I recommend that you buy one and keep it in the vehicle for emergencies. You can find a very affordable model that just lets you call 911, road service, and those you’d want to notify in an emergency. It could save your life.
- Always park a vehicle on level ground before you jack it up. If you get a flat tire on a hill and, park close to the curb, turn the wheels toward the curb, and block the downside wheels securely to prevent the car from rolling.
These precautions won’t eliminate the risk of changing a tire on an incline. If you can’t get to level ground or wait for assistance, you change the tire at your own risk.
- Be sure that your gearshift is in Park (or in First if you have a manual transmission) and that the parking brake is on before you jack up the vehicle. The only time you don’t need the parking brake on is when you have to be able to rotate a rear wheel or remove rear brake drums to inspect the brakes. In such a case, make sure that the front wheels are blocked securely.
If you remove a wheel and begin to work without making sure that you jacked up the car and blocked it securely, the vehicle can do a lot of damage to itself — and to you — if it falls.
Ex. 2 Learn the following words and word combinations by heart:
to change a tire – сменить шину
inspect brakes – осматривать тормоза
to get under the vehicle – забраться под машину
squeeze – втиснуться
manipulate tools – обращаться с инструментами
safety precautions – мери предосторожности
to get the vehicle off the ground – поднять машину
to hold the vehicle in place – удерживать машину
jack stands – колодки
to run the risk – рисковать
injury – ранение
secure – закреплять
to block the wheels – заблокировать колеса
brick – кирпич
wooden wedges – деревянные клинья
metal wheel chocks – металлические клинья
curb – бордюр
fall prey to carjackers
road service – дорожная служба
rescue – спасать
highway patrol – дорожный патруль
emergency – чрезвычайная ситуация
level ground – ровная горизонтальная поверхность
eliminate the risk – исключать риск
gearshift – передача
manual transmission – ручная передача
parking brake – ручной тормоз
rear wheel – заднее колесо
brake drums – тормозные (барабаны, бочки, цилиндры)
front wheels – передние колеса
Ex. 3 Answer the following questions:
1. What is the most obvious reason to jack up the car?
2. What must you use when you work underneath your vehicle?
3. Is it necessary to block the wheels when jacking up vehicle? Why?
4. What can you use to block the wheels?
5. What can you use to block the wheels when you have nothing with you to do that?
6. Why should you never change a tire on a freeway or a highway?
7. What can you do if you don’t have the cellphone to ask for help?
8. What should you do if you get a flat tire on a hill?
9. When don’t you need the parking brake on?
Ex. 4 Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.
1. He wants to change a tire.
2. I am going to block the wheels.
3. He suggested that I should buy a new cellphone.
4. They were asked to help with his car.
5. We can park close to the club.
Ex. 5 Match the following words and word combinations.
to jack up tools
to change a jack
to inspect a rear wheel
to require between the pavement and underside of the car
to get under repairs
to squeeze oneself brakes
to manipulate a tire
to observe a vehicle
to use the car
to block safety precautions
to rotate a jack
Ex. 6 Make up your own sentences using the words and expressions in ex. 5.
Ex. 7 Translate into English:
Металлические клинья, меры предосторожности, забраться под машину, сменить шину, заблокировать колеса, ручной тормоз, заднее колесо, закрепить, чрезвычайная ситуация, заблокировать колеса, исключить риск, спасать, обращаться с инструментами, осматривать тормоза, передние колеса.
Ex. 8 Translate the words in the brackets into English:
1. Use (кирпичи, деревянные и металлические клинья) to block the wheels at the opposite end of the car from the end that is to be raised.
2. Never (не меняйте шину) on a freeway or highway.
3. Not only you (можете серьезно пострадать), but you can also fall prey to carjackers.
4. Hang a white piece of paper (с водительского окна) and wait for (дорожный патруль) to rescue you.
5. If you can’t get (ровную поверхность) or wait for (помощь) you change the tire at your own risk.
Ex. 9 Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Для того чтобы поменять шину нужно поднять машину на домкрат.
2. Чтобы осмотреть тормоза нужно забраться под машину.
3. Домкраты используются только для поднятия машины.
4. Заблокируйте колеса, чтоб машина не двигалась.
5. Никогда не меняйте шину на шоссе.
6. Если у вас спустила шина на склоне, припаркуйтесь возле бордюра.
Read and translate the following text into Russian.
1. If you’re going to remove a wheel to change a tire or check your brakes, remove the wheel cover or hubcap (if there is one) and loosen the lug nuts.
2. Place the jack under the part of the vehicle that it should contact when raised. If you’re using jack stands, place them near the jack.
Where you place your jack depends on whether you’re planning to do a one-wheel job, such as tire changing or brake checking, or a two-wheel, whole-end repair job. Many vehicles now have special flat spots on the underside specifically for jack placement.
Never place the jack so that the weight of the vehicle rests on something that can bend, break, or give.
3. Lift the vehicle by using the jack. How you accomplish this depends on the type of jack you’re using (see Figure 1-1):
• If you have a scissor jack, insert the rod or wrench over the knob, and then crank.
• If you have a hydraulic jack, place the handle into the appropriate location and pump up and down.
4. Place the jack stands under the vehicle, near where the jack is touching it (see Figure 1-2). Raise the stands until they’re high enough to just fit under, and lock them in place. Lower the jack until the vehicle is resting on the jack stands.
Substituting boxes, stones, or bricks for jack stands is very dangerous.
They can slip out or break while you’re under the car. A jack can do the same thing, so be sure to buy a pair of jack stands and stow them in the trunk if you’re traveling out of reach of help if you get a flat tire.
5. Before you begin to work, wiggle the vehicle a little to make sure that it’s resting securely on the jack stands. Then remove the jack.
6. When you’re finished working, replace the jack, remove the stands, and lower the vehicle to the ground.
Ex. 1. Learn the following words by heart:
remove a wheel – снять (поменять) колесо
check the brakes – проверить тормоза
wheel cover – покрышка
hub – ступица
hubcap – диск
lug nut – ушковая гайка
raise – поднимать
place – размещать
depend on – зависеть от
one-wheel job – работа над одним колесом
whole-end repair job – капитальный ремонт
weight – вес
accomplish – выполнять
scissor jack – ромбовый домкрат
rod – брус
knob – рукоятка
crank – вращать
hydraulic jack – гидравлический
handle – рычаг
appropriate location – надлежащее положение
pump – качать, нажимать
touch – касаться
enough – достаточно
lower – опустить
substitute – заменять
slip out – соскользнуть
break – ломать
stow – размещать
trunk – багажник
wiggle – толкать, шатать
to make sure - убедиться
securely – надежно
1. D. Sclar. Auto Repair for Dummies 2nd Edition, WILEY, 2009
2. Modern English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary, Москва, ВЕЧЕ, 2001
I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1) Where you place your jack depends on whether you’re planning to do a one-wheel job, such as tire changing or brake checking, or a two-wheel, whole-end repair job.
2) If you remove a wheel and begin to work without making sure that you jacked up the car and blocked it securely.
3) Take off your tie, scarf, rings, long necklaces, and other jewelry. If they get caught on parts, they — and you — can be damaged.
4) Substituting boxes, stones, or bricks for jack stands is very dangerous.
They can slip out or break while you’re under the car.
5) If you don’t have a cellphone, hang a white rag or a white piece of paper out of the driver’s side window and wait for the highway patrol to rescue you.
II. Find the word which doesn’t belong to the group:
1) bolt, screw, tie, nut
2) tire, wheel cover, hub, trunk
3) change, decide, remove, replace
4) carjacker, driver, mechanic, turner
III. Put the words in right order.
1) can, burned, you, be
2) tools, isolated, these, are
3) wheels, I, already, blocked, have, the
4) change, never, highway, tire, on
5) safety, observe, should, precautions, you, following, the.
IV. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.
1. I used bricks to block the wheels.
2. You must buy a cellphone.
3. I need some room to manipulate tools.
V. Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.
1) Smoke while you are working on your car.
2) Gasoline is not dangerous at all.
3) You don’t need a fire extinguisher in your car.
4) Children are allowed to play with toxic chemicals.
5) Carjackers are people who always help you on the road if you have some troubles.
VI. Translate into English:
1) колодки
2) осматривать тормоза
3) чрезвычайная ситуация
4) ручной тормоз
5) дорожный патруль
6) удерживать машину
7) вентилятор
8) ремень
9) двигатель выключен
10) стеклоочиститель
11) избегать
12) вдыхать
14) поднять авто на домкрат
15) антифриз
16) огнетушитель
17) прикипевшие детали
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