Тематические группы слов
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Тематические группы слов и выражений по теме Внешность, Одежда, Семья, Мебель с текстами
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Предварительный просмотр:
jeans, trousers (брюки), shorts, T-shirt, shirt, dress (платье), summer dress, skirt (юбка), blouse, sweatshirt (толстовка), formal suit (деловой костюм), training suit (спортивный костюм), swimsuit, jacket (пиджак, куртка), sweater, thin sweater (водолазка), coat (пальто), raincoat (плащ), fur coat (шуба), underwear (нижнее белье), nightdress, pajamas, dressing gown (домашний халат); low-cut dress (платье с глубоким вырезом), smock (рабочий халат), tunic, leggings, top, waistcoat (жилет), jumper, anorak (куртка с капюшоном, анорак).
hood (капюшон), cap, hat, beret [‘berei], scarf (шарф), headscarf (платок);
socks, tights (колготки); knee-length socks (гольфы), gaiters, stockings(чулки).
trainers (кроссовки), boots (ботинки), sandals, shoes(туфли); felt boots (валенки), wellington boots (резиновые сапоги), slippers (тапочки).
rucksack, bag, handbag (дамская сумочка).
sunglasses; earrings, bracelet, necklace.
tie – галстук (to tie – завязать шнурки, галстук, to untie – развязать), buttons – пуговицы ( to button up – застегнуть пуговицы, to unbutton – расстегнуть) , zipper – молния (to zip up – застегнуть молнию, to unzip – расстегнуть молнию), belt (ремень), gloves (перчатки), mittens (варежки); sleeves (рукава), collar (воротник), lining (подкладка), laces (шнурки), cuff-links (запонки), shoulder straps (бретели, погоны).
Style: casual (повседневный, неофициальный), smart (нарядный), fashionable, practical, formal (деловой), sports style; trendy, baggy (небрежный), conservative, tight (строгий).
Adjectives: plain (одноцветный), flowery (в цветочек), checked (в клетку), striped (в полоску), spotted (в горошек), narrow – wide (узкий – широкий), short – long, loose – tight (свободный – тесный); colourful, attractive, awful, cute, super, brilliant, bright, comfortable, cool, cheap, expensive.
Made of: silk(шелк), cotton(хлопок), wool(en), polyester, leather(кожа); denim (джинсовая ткань), leatherette, nylon.
Expressions: to have smth on – быть одетым, to wear – носить, to put (take) on – одевать, to put(take) off – снимать; to fit – подходить по размеру, to match – подходить по цвету, to suit – подходить, быть к лицу, to go well with smth – хорошо подходить к чему-либо.
That man had a grey coat and a hat on.
Mary is wearing a dress today, but normally she wears jeans.
This suit doesn’t fit you – it’s too small.
This coat doesn’t suit her, I think. It’s not wide enough.
Does this jacket go well with my skirt?
This blouse matches your eyes perfectly!
NB! Если перед существительным стоит более одного прилагательного, то они стоят в следующем порядке:
Мнение | Возраст/размер/форма | Цвет | Происхождение | Из чего сделано | ИМЯ СУЩ |
Nice/expen sive | Old/big/round | Black/dark brown | Italian | leather |
We saw a lovely old wooden cottage. Мы увидели чудесный старый деревянный дом.
She put on an elegant black silk dress. Она надела элегантное черное шелковое платье.
This girl is wearing a grey T-shirt, tight blue jeans and a loose checked shirt. The shirt is black and yellow. It is made of cotton. Also the girl has a lot of bracelets on her right hand. I think she prefers sports style.
A woman in this picture is wearing a thin black sweater and a checked skirt. The skirt is black and white, made of wool. Also she has high-heeled black shoes; her tights are black as well. Her narrow orange belt goes well with the skirt. She has some jewellery on. It’s formal style.
This young man is wearing a black T-shirt with a print, a white shirt with black buttons and grey denim shorts. He has sunglasses on. He has no wristbands. He is probably wearing sandals. I think he likes sports clothes.
Good clothes open all doors. –?
A good dress is a card of invitation, a good mind is a letter of recommendation. –?
Appearance (Внешность)
Hair: red (рыжие), fair (русые), dark, brown, black, grey (седые); short, shoulder-length (по плечи), long (длинные); straight (прямые), wavy (волнистые), curly (кудрявые), bald (лысый); moustache (усы), beard (борода), clean-shaven (гладко выбрит); a haircut (стрижка), a hairdo (прическа), plaited (заплетенные в косы), plait=braid (Am E), blond, ash-blond (пепельные), auburn (золотисто-каштановые, темно-рыжие), dyed hair (крашеные волосы), thick (густые), thin (тонкие).
Face: round, oval, square; freckles (веснушки), mole (родинка), wrinkled face (лицо в морщинах), complexion (цвет лица), sun burnt= tanned (загорелый), fair, swarthy (смуглый); pale (бледный), Afro-American; dimples in smb’s cheeks (ямочки на щеках), plump cheeks, hollow cheeks (впалые щеки), double chin (двойной подбородок), uneven teeth (неровные зубы), perfect teeth, attractive smile, expressive eyes (выразительные глаза), bushy eyebrows (густые брови), straight eyelashes (прямые ресницы), temples (виски).
Features (черты лица): delicate (тонкие), rugged (грубые), regular (правильные), irregular features, clear-cut (четкие).
Nose (нос): snub (курносый), straight (прямой), aquiline (орлиный).
Eyes (глаза): blue, brown, green, grey; hazel (светло-карие), close- / deep- / wide-set (близко/ глубоко/ широко посаженные), protuberant (выпуклые, навыкате).
Forehead(лоб): high, open, narrow, low, broad (широкий).
Height and figure(рост и фигура): tall, of medium height, short; thin (худой), plump (пухлый, толстый), overweight (с лишним весом), slim, slender (стройный); graceful figure, thin waist (тонкая талия), narrow-shouldered (с узкими плечами), broad-shouldered (широкоплечий), round-shouldered (сутулый), gangly (долговязый), stocky (коренастый), well-built (хорошего телосложения).
About women: beautiful, good-looking (красивая), pretty (симпатичная), pleasant-looking (приятная), elegant (элегантная), smart (элегантная).
About men: handsome (красивый), smart (элегантный).
Beauty is only skin deep. Внешность обманчива.
Handsome is as handsome does. Красив тот, кто красиво поступает.
Who do you look like? На кого ты похож?
Mary takes after her mother. Мэри похожа на свою маму.
Bobby looks like his father. Боб выглядит как отец.
I and my brother are very much alike. Мы с моим братом очень похожи.
He is quite different from his older brother. Он не похож на своего старшего брата.
She looks like you. You both have blue eyes and curly hair.
We are different. She isn’t as tall as me. Мы разные. Она не такая высокая, как я.
What does she look like? Как она выглядит?
He is in his early forties. Ему немного за сорок.
She is in her late twenties. Ей почти тридцать лет.
She has fair hair slightly grey at the temples.У нее светлые волосы немного седые на висках.
She makes up very little. Она почти не красится.
He looks a bit older for his age. Он выглядит старше своего возраста.
Ex. 1 Listen the police description №1.
Find four mistakes in the picture on your right.
Ex. 2 Read and translate the police description №2.
Here's a description of a man whom the police wish to interview in connection with the bank robbery this morning. The man is in his early thirties, is slightly built, a little above medium height. He has blue eyes and a pale complexion and has short fair hair. He's well dressed, wears a gold ring. Police believe he is still carrying a gun used in the robbery, it's dangerous to approach him – notify the police instead.
Ex. 3
Charlie was built like the twins, shorter and stockier than Percy and Ron, who were both long and lanky. He had a broad good natured face, which was weather beaten and so freckly that he looked almost tanned; his arms were muscular and one of them had a large shiny burn. (“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”)
My house
Rooms: entrance hall (прихожая), kitchen (кухня), bedroom, bathroom, toilet, living room (=sitting room, family room, lounge), study (кабинет), corridor (passage), pantry (or cupboard, кладовая), balcony.
House: floor (пол), walls (стены), ceiling (потолок), windows (окна), windowsill (подоконник), door (дверь).
Adjectives: cozy, comfortable, convenient, nice, romantic, spacious, small, light, gloomy.
Facilities: central heating, running water (water supply), electricity, gas stove.
Entrance hall: rug, coat rack (вешалка для одежды), mirror, umbrella stand (подставка для зонтов).
This entrance hall is spacious and light. There isn’t much furniture. There is a coat rack with some drawers and a mirror. There is a rug at the door and an umbrella stand in the corner to the right of the door.
Kitchen: cupboard= sideboard (буфет, навесной шкаф), stove (cooker), dining table, fridge, sink (мойка), bin (мусорное ведро), microwave, dishwasher, stool (табуретка), chair (стул).
The kitchen is small but convenient and light. Its walls are white and curtains are red. There is a small dining table on the right. There is a cozy armchair near the table. There are light brown cupboards, a sink and an oven on the left. There is also a fridge and a dish washer. There isn’t a icrowave in the kitchen.
Living room: chair (стул), armchair, bookcase, wall unit (стенка), sofa, fireplace (grate), flower pot, vase [vɑːz], cushions (compare: pillow), jalousies (pl.), curtains (pl.), coffee table.
This living room is not very big, but light and cozy. There is a big red sofa with some cushions on it. The coffee table is in the middle of the room. There is a grey rug under it. On the right there is an armchair and there is a lamp next to it. There are lots of books in the room. They are on the shelves. There is a TV set on the chest of drawers opposite the table. There are white curtains and jalousies on the window.
Bedroom: wardrobe (шкаф), bed (single bed, double bed), bedspread (покрывало), carpet, bookshelf (pl. bookshelves), desk (письменный стол), night light (ночник), poster, picture, computer, bedside table (прикроватный столик), chest of drawers (комод), lamp.
This bedroom is nice and big. There is a double bed at the wall with two lamps above it. There is also a big picture there. The window is large and there are light curtains on it. There is an armchair in the corner near the window and a small table next to it. There isn’t a lamp behind the armchair, but there is one on the table. There is a chest of drawers opposite the bed and a TV on it. There is a mirror on the wall.
Bathroom: basin (раковина), toilet, shower cabin, bath, towel rail (полотенцесушитель), washing machine (стиральная машина).
The bathroom is quite gloomy but comfortable. The walls are blue and the floor is brown. There is a basin in the corner and a mirror on its left.There is a shower cabin opposite the door and an armchair with some towels on it. Near the cabin there is a toilet. There is a towel rail between the basin and the toilet. There isn’t a washing machine in the bathroom.
There is no place like home. Нет места лучше родного дома.
East or west – home is best. –?
My home is my castle. – ?
Activities about the house:
- to help about the house
- to wash the dishes
- to tidy up the room (to do the room)
- to clean the house
- to cook
- to sweep the floor
- to walk the dog
- to do the shopping
- to do the washing
- to do the vacuuming
- to do the ironing
- to water the flowers
- to lay the table
- to dust the furniture
- to wash the car
I live in a flat on the second floor. – Я живу в квартире на втором этаже.
She lives not far from the city centre. – Она живет недалеко от центра города.
We’re having a house-warming party next weekend. – Мы справляем новоселье в следующие выходные.
Mother (mum, mummy), father (dad, daddy), parents, grandmother (grandma), grandfather (grandpa), grandparents, sister, brother, daughter (дочь), son (сын), grandson (внук), granddaughter (внучка), aunt (тётя), uncle (дядя), cousin (двоюродный брат, сестра), niece (племянница), nephew (племянник), great grandmother (прабабушка), great grandfather (прадедушка);
husband – муж wife – жена child – ребенок children – дети
mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law;
godmother, godfather – крёстная мать, крёстный отец
godchild, godson, goddaughter – крестник, крёстный сын, крестница
stepmother – мачеха, stepfather – отчим, stepdaughter – падчерица, stepson – пасынок
foster-mother – приемная мать, foster-father – приемный отец
My Family
I am Nikita Kuznetsov. I am fifteen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family.
I think I take after my father, I’m tall, fair-haired, and even-tempered.
We have got a lot of relatives. We get on very well.
First of all, some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of History. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.
My father is a computer programmer. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-seven. My father likes to sing and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new TV sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things.
My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of all of us. She is very good at cooking. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and help to tidy up our flat.
My grandmother is retired. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.
My sister Helen is twenty-four. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a big company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a kindergarten.
My brother Sergey is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet.
I want to become a student. I'd like to learn foreign languages. I have many friends. They are very good and we like to spend our time together. We do everything what is interesting for a teenager – talk, dance, listen to music.
I'm happy to have nice friends and a good family. I hope that my dreams will come true.
Meal – еда, прием пищи (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, tea, dinner, supper)
fruit | strawberries (клубника), raspberries (малина), cherry (вишня), melon (дыня), water-melon (арбуз), apple, pine-apple, kiwi, banana, lemon, orange, pear (груша), apricots, dried apricots (курага), raisins (изюм), dates (финики) |
vegetables | carrot (морковь), cabbage (капуста), leek (лук-порей), onions (лук), green onions, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet pepper, avocado, pumpkin (тыква), cucumber (огурец), radish (редис), beetroot (свёкла) |
dairy products | milk, cream (сливки), sour-cream (сметана), curd (творог), cheese (сыр), yoghurt, butter |
meat | beef, pork, lamb (баранина), chicken, turkey (индейка), fat (сало) |
herbs and spices | basil, dill (укроп), parsley (петрушка), sorrel (щавель), curry, garlic (чеснок), mustard (горчица), mint (мята), vinegar (уксус) |
fish | salmon (лосось), trout (форель), cod (треска), herring (селедка), tuna (тунец), prawns/shrimps (креветки), mussels (мидии), oysters (устрица), caviar (икра) |
sweet course | chocolate, ice-cream, biscuits, pie (пирог), Turkish delight (лукум), candy (карамель), sweets (шоколадные конфеты), honey (мёд) |
nuts | coconut, hazelnut (лесной), walnut (грецкий), peanut (арахис), cashew, almond (миндаль), pistachio |
cereals(крупы) | oat (овсянка), buckwheat (гречка),millet (пшено),rice (рис),corn(кукуруза) |
other | pasta, olive oil, eggs, mushrooms (грибы), salt, sugar, white/brown bread, sausage, flour (мука), yeast (дрожжи) |
drinks | still mineral water, sparkling mineral water, lemonade, red/white wine, juice, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer (пиво), soft drinks (безалкогольные напитки), fizzy drinks (газированные), milkshake (молочный коктейль), cocktail (алкогольный) |
How is it cooked?
Roast (жареный, чаще на огне), fried (жареный на сковороде), grilled, boiled (вареный), raw (сырой), fresh (свежий), baked (запечённый), stewed (тушеный), sliced (нарезанный на ломтики), grated (тёртый); steak: Very rare, Medium rare , Well done , Very well
Dishes (блюда): soup, salad, casserole (запеканка), scrambled eggs (яичница), goulash, pie (пирог), pastry (сдоба, сдобное тесто), cake, burgers (котлеты), dough (тесто), cereals (хлопья), porridge (каша), French fries (картошка-фри), pizza, sauce (соус), mayonnaise, pelmeni, okroshka, pilaf, barbecue, kebab, borsch, kvass
Shop, shopping centre (shopping mall), supermarket, market (рынок), hairdresser's (парикмахерская), post office (почта), fire station, chemist's/drugstore (аптека), newsagent’s (газетный киоск), bar, nightclub, stadium, swimming pool, library (библиотека), gallery, museum, theatre, cinema, zoo, circus (цирк), cafe, restaurant, hospital, church (церковь), mosque (мечеть), monument (памятник), cash machine (банкомат), stall (ларек, киоск), flower-bed, fountain, bench (лавка); district (район), suburbs (пригород), main square (главная площадь), dead end (or blind alley тупик), corner (угол), bridge, street, pavement (тротуар), road, crossroads (перекресток), pedestrian crossing (пешеходный переход), subway (подземный переход), public transport, traffic jam (пробка), bus (автобус), trolley bus, tube/subway/underground(метро), tram, bus station, airport, railway station (железнодорожный вокзал) , traffic lights (светофор), car park (parking lot).
Как найти дорогу
Excuse me, is there a bank near here? – Извините, здесь есть поблизости банк?
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the museum on Main Street? – Извините, не подскажите, как пройти к музею на Мейн стрит?
Walk to the corner (to the traffic light, supermarket). – Идите до угла (до светофора, до супермаркета).
Walk two blocks to the traffic light (to the hotel). – Пройдите два квартала до светофора (до гостиницы).
Go along the street. – Идите прямо по улице.
Make a left (right) turn to Wooster Street. – Поверните налево на улицу Вустер.
Make another left turn to Minin Street. – Еще раз поверните налево на улицу Минина.
Make a left turn at a crossroads. – На перекрестке поверните налево.
Go through the Children’s park. – Идите через детский парк.
It’s next to the car park. – Это рядом с парковкой.
It’s at the corner of Lenin Street. – Это на углу улицы Ленина.
The hotel is on the right. – Гостиница справа.
The Kremlin is in front of you. – Кремль будет перед вами.
This museum is opposite the bank. – Музей напротив банка.
You are going in the opposite direction. – Вы идете в противоположном направлении.
1. Идите прямо по улице Пискунова до перекрестка и поверните налево на улицу Минина. 2. Идите до перекрестка и поверните на улицу Почтовую.
3. Пройдите два квартала. Стадион слева.
4. Театр на углу улицы Белинского. Пройдите до перекрестка.
5. Пройдите через главную дверь, поднимитесь по лестнице на второй этаж и поверните налево.6. Идите через площадь до памятника Чкалову и Лестница перед вами.7. Идите прямо по улице и поверните направо на улицу Грузинскую.
8. Поверните направо и перейдите дорогу. Будьте осторожны: движение очень интенсивное. 9. Идите вниз по Похвалинскому съезду, это слева.
10. Этот музей напротив магазина “Мелодия”. Идите по улице до того желтого здания.
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Тематические группы слов.
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