Урок-защита проектов в 7 классе
проект по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Данная разработка пригодится для завершающего этапа усвоения темы. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: урок формирования навыков монологического высказывания

Topic: (Unit 12, lesson 8) "Project”

Educational aims: 

  • To teach pupils to be polite, to listen attentively to other students and the teacher.
  • To encourage students not to be afraid of speaking up
  • To learn them to work in groups

Aim or Objective: 

  • To practise integrated skills
  • To evaluate the students’ progress
  • To work co-oeratively
  • To demonstrate creativity and imagination

Subsidiary aims: 

  • To practice students in speaking up before an audience
  • To practice skills in givig good arguments


  • A screen, a projector, a computer, USB
  • Handouts


 1.  Introdactive part: reporting the aims and parts of the lesson.

2-3 min


  1. Presentations

21 min

T-Cl, T-P 1,2,3

3.  Summimg up

5 min


  1. Results

5 min


T – Good afretnoon, students. Sit down please. Today we have a great work to do. If you remember, today you are to present us your projects on any theme of 12 Units, which we have covered during this academy year. Before we start, I  want to introduce you the members of our jury…Go on to the presentations…

T –And our first speakers Group 1. While they are preparing the aims, could you tell us just a few words about your presentation?

P1 – Yes, with great pleasure…Out theme is “Wild animals and the promlem with them”

T – Sounds interesting. So, do you remember the rule? You have 5 minutes for all the work. Ok, start it please….

Thank you, it was nice! But why have you chosen this theme? What did you like when you were working at it? Have you found anything new for you? Ok, thanks, take your seats please…The next one is….

T – So, we have seen all 4 presentations. Once again I want to thank the participants of this project for their work. And now the jury wants to say yu just a few words….Thank you. Maybe the competitors themselves want to share their feelings and thoughts with us?

T – And know the nominations…Our jury had a list of such nominations as….And the winners are…Thank you for your atentions and taking a part in this competition. I hope it’s not out last project.

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