Робинзон Крузо
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Урок домашнего чтения по теме "Робинзон Крузо" в рамках проекта "Успешное чтение" (Подпроект "Успешное чтение"), 5 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок – реклама книги
Тема: Робинзон Крузо
Цели и задачи:
- Развивать поисковые умения ( умение самостоятельно находить недостающую
информацию, находить несколько вариантов решения проблемы;
- Развивать умения и навыки работы в сотрудничестве (умение взаимодействовать с любым партнером, умение коллективного планирования, умение находить и исправлять ошибки в работе других участников группы);
- Развивать презентационные умения и навыки (навыки моноречи, умение уверенно держаться во время выступления, артистические умения, умения использовать различные средства для выступления);
- Воспитывать интерес к литературе англо - язычных стран.
Оборудование: компьютер (ноутбук), медиапродукт (презентация MS Power Point), раздаточный материал (карточки с текстами), книги английских авторов.
Ход урока:
- Введение /Warming up
Teacher: Good morning, everybody! Did you know that sometimes people get to deserted islands and have to survive all alone?
- Оргмомент. Сообщение цели урока
What are we going to speak about? Give your ideas. So today we will advertise “Robinson Crusoe”. And our lesson is called “Book advertising” (Беседа про рекламу. Цель, чтобы присутствующие захотели прочесть эту книгу. От того, как мы разрекламируем эту книгу, зависит успех нашего урока).
Pupils: (отвечают на вопросы учителя, определяют цель урока)
- Разгрузка. Снятие языковых трудностей
Pre-reading exercises:
- Do you like reading?
- How often do you read books?
- What books do you like to read (about adventures, historical books, detective stories, phantasy books)?
- Who is your favourite writer?
- What is your favourite book?
- What kind of book is “Robinson Crusoe”
- Основной этап. Реализация цели
While-reading exercises:
Teacher: We are interested in 3 questions:
Let’s divide into three groups. Each group answers one of the following questions.
Task 1. How did Robinson get on a desert island?
Task 2. How could he survive on the island?
Task 3. How could he come back to England?
Pupils: (выполняют задания в группах)
Task 1.
Robinson Crusoe lived in the town of York in England. He became a sailor and he liked his work very much. One day, when his ship was at the sea, there was a great storm. The ship broke and all the people were drowned.
Robinson was in the water for a long time. He was not drowned. He could swim very well. The sea carried him to the shore. Robinson sat on the shore for a long time. Then he wanted to know where he was.
Soon he understood that he was on an island. He wanted to know if there were any people or sailors from the ship on the island. He walked the island around. But there were no people on it. He got on a tree and slept there.
Task 2. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the pictures.
1) In the morning the sea was low and Robinson saw his ship. He swam to the ship and got on it.
2) He found some tools on the ship and began to make a raft.
3) The raft was ready and Robinson put it on the water.
4) Robinson put the boxes on the raft, jumped on it and swam to the island.
5) Robinson went to the ship every day and brought many useful things to the island. They helped him to survive.
Task 3.
Robinson Crusoe lived 28 years on a desert island.
Could he come back to England? In what way? Pirates came to his island. They wanted to kill the captain of a ship. Robinson saved the captain and helped him to free his ship from the pirates.
The captain and his sailors were very thankful to Pobinson. Then they all sailed off for England.
Pobinson Crusoe’s adventures finished happily for him.
Now look through your cards and mark the right answer the questions.
- How did Robinson get on a desert island?
- He was left on the island by pirates.
- The sea carried him to the island when his ship broke during the storm.
- He came to island to have a rest and got lost.
- How could he survive on the island?
- Native people helped him.
- He found a house with many useful things.
- He brought many useful things from the ship.
- Трансфер. Переход на другой вид речевой деятельности
Post-reading activity: Transfer to speaking
Teacher: What is the reader of this book like?
Pupils: This book is interesting both for children and adults. They like adventures and work. It doesn’t matter if they are girls or boys. All people who are happy and hopeful, aren’t scary and lazy are sure to like it. That’s all what I can say.
Teacher: What is the slogan of the book?
Pupils: Work and calmness are the pledge of rescue!
Teacher: Interview your classmates and make a surway.
Pupils: (отвечают на вопросы):
- Did you like the book?
- Yes b. No c. Don’t know
- What did you like most?
- The hero b. The plot c. Nothing
- Do you find the book
- Realistic b. Exciting c. boring?
- Would you recommend it to your friends?
a.Yes b. No c. Don’t know
Pupils: (готовят обзор по материалам анкеты)
Teacher: What do you know about the author?
Pupils: (сообщают факты об авторе).
Teacher: What else can you read? Make a list of books on this topic
Pupils: (называют другие книги по данной тематике).
Teacher: Where can you find this book?
Pupils: If you want to buy this book, or read it on-line, or download this is where you can find it:
to buy: Labirint.ru, ozon.ru, livelib.ru
to download: booksreader.org , big-library.info, kodges.ru
6. Рефлексия. Feedback
Teacher: What information impressed you most? Can we say that we are a success in advertising the book “Robinson Crusoe”?
Pupils: (give feedback of the lesson).
- Задание на дом.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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