презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Презентация может быть использована при работе над учебным материалом Unit 7 English school по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман с аудиоприложением
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English Schools 7 класс
Цели и задачи урока: В ведение в речь выражени й английской разговорной речи. Разви тие навык ов чтения, аудирования, устной речи. О знаком ление с типами школ в Англии. Развитие навыка диалогической речи в стандартных ситуациях общения, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета.
The game « Muddle » And now let’s play the game « М uddle». Do you remember how to play this game ? It’s a rainy day today. (It’s a snowy day today). We usually skate in summer. (We usually skate in winter). February is the longest month of the year. (February is the shortest month of the year) We go to school in summer. (We go to school in autumn, winter and spring
Look through the words at pages 110 and try to make your own sentences with them . Lllll llllllll
Look through the list of the words and name the things we can use at the lesson, please Computer Dictionary Ball Pencil Early Learn Party Pencil Put the words in the alphabetical order(apple, ball, computer, dictionary, early, learn, party, pencil)
What are English schools like? Read the statements and answer: true or false? In England there are different types of schools. English public schools are for everybody. Public schools are the cheapest. There are schools only for boys and only for girls. State schools are not very expensive. Some schools are for the rich. If you go to a public school, you can be in one class with a prince or a future minister. If you get a scholarship to a public school, you don’t have to pay. Scholarships are for the rich. Scholarships are for the clever.
What different types of schools are there in England ?
Boarding School State School ETON COLLEGE St. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE Public School
Choose the correct answer. More than one correct answer can be right 1. Public school means that a) the school is private b) the school is for everybody 2. Boarding school means that a) students live there b) there are only boys there c) it is abroad 3. Eton is a famous public school b) a famous state school c) the home of Prince William 4. If you get a schoolarship it means that a) the school will pay you money b) you’ll have to take extra exams c) you don’t have to pay for the school
Correct answers 1. Public school means that the school is private 2. Boarding school means that students live there 3. Eton is the famous public school 4. If you get a scholarship it means that you won’t have to pay for the school
Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys, at the town of Eton on the river Thames. Its students are largely from aristocratic and upper – class families. The school was founded in 1440. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages of 13 and 18). Eton provides fine teaching facilities in science, in language, computing and design. There are two major libraries, College Library and School Library, but also numerous subject libraries. Sport plays are very important part in the life of Eton. The principal games are rugby, football, cricket and rowing. Athletics, swimming, golf, squash, tennis, fencing, judo, and Karate are all very popular. The boys are offered a very wide range of opportunities for spare time activities: art, sculpture, woodwork, metalwork and silver work. Besides almost any musical instrument can be learnt. There are also fifty societies run by the boys themselves. Many famous people of Britain studies at Eton, among them twenty of Britain’s Prime Ministers. There were future writers among the students of Eton from Thomas Gray, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Henry Fielding to Aldus Huxley and George Orwell.
Questions Who study at Eton? How long do boys usually stay at Eton? What teaching facilities does Eton provide? What kinds of sport are very popular at Eton? What spare time activities are the boys offered? What famous people studies there?
A perfect school/ an ideal school Building Timetable Uniform Rules for students Rules for teachers Holidays
Phrases в общем как правило но как же насчёт исключением является the exception is but what about as a rule in general
Do you go to a public or a state school? Do boys and girls study together? Is your school big or small? When do lessons start? Can you choose your subjects? What subjects are compulsory? What subjects are optional? What do you think is the most important subjects? What is your least favourite subject? What are your classmates like? Does anybody bully people in your class? What are your teachers like? What is good in your school? What things do you want change? Do you go home or stay at school after classes? How many classes a day do you have? Do you have to wear a uniform? What foreign language are you learning? What’s your favourite subject? How many floors are there in your school?
Model You won’t meet a famous person at school. (public school) A: In general, you won’t meet a famous person at school. B: But what about public school? A lot of famous people go there.
School in Russia ллллл
Home Assignment 1. Learn the new words 2. Make a report about English schools.
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