The Land and People of Great Britain
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Александрова Анна Сергеевна

презентация на тему Верещагина,Афанасьева 5 класс


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

+ + = The UK

Слайд 2

The Land and People of Great Britain

Слайд 3

1. Euroasia , Canada, Africa, North America 2. London, Berlin, Australia, Cairo 3. English, French, Russian, New Zealand 4. the Nile, the Volga, the USA, the Thames 5. Great Britain, Vietnam, China, Japan Exercise 1. FIND THE EXTRA WORD. Canada Australia New Zealand the USA ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Great Britain

Слайд 4

1. _ _ _ _ _ new words; 2. _ _ _ _ the text; 3. _ _ _ new information; 4 . _ _ _ _ _ about Great Britain OUR TASKS: get read speak learn

Слайд 5

Questions 1. What industrial cities do you know in Russia? 2. When do people feel lonely? 3.What is the usual sigh of rain ? 4. Why don’t children go to school in summer? 5. When people must be careful?

Слайд 6

READ THE WORDS Industrial [ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl ] промышленный Careful [ˈkɛəfʊl ] осторожный, внимательный , State [steɪt ] штат , государство Sign [ saɪn ] знак Lonely [ ˈləʊnlɪ ] одинокий To be surprised [səˈpraɪzd ] удивленный Kingdom [ˈkɪŋdəm] королевство Careless [ˈkɛəlɪs] осторожный, беспечный Separate [ˈseprɪt ] отдельный, раздельный Language [ˈlæŋgwɪʤ ] язык

Слайд 7

Translate from Russian into English 1. Промышленная страна 2. Красивое королевство 3. Официальный штат 4. Знак дождя 5. Неосторожный водитель 6. Состоит из 4 частей 7. Он удивил меня 8. Одинокая женщина Industrial counry Beautiful state Official state A sign of rain Careless driver Consists of four parts He surprised me A lonely woman

Слайд 8

WHAT’S THE MISSING WORD? industrial, lonely, sign, kingdom, careful, consists 1. A year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of twelve months. 2. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a country ruled by a king or a queen. 3. The United States is an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country. 4. A person feels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when he is unhappy 5. A dark cloud is the _ _ _ _ of rain. 6. A person is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when he thinks what he is doing or saying. kingdom consists industrial lonely sign careful

Слайд 9

Use the words in brackets at the end of each sentence to form the word that fits in the space in the same sentence. Denmark is a _________________(king). The USA is an ______________________state. (industry) He was very ________________to hear such news.(surprise) When there is nobody at home I feel very __________(alone). kingdom industrial surprised lonely

Слайд 10

Open your Student’s books Ex.15 p.10

Слайд 11

THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE OF GREAT BRITAIN Read the text and fill the words flag, English, cities, continent, capitals, countries The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles. It consists of four c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The UK is an island state . The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east. Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are English. People from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland are not English. They are Scottish or Scots; Welsh and Irish. More than 56 million people live in Britain. Many of them live in big industrial c _ _ _ _ _ like London. Manchester and Liverpool are big industrial cities in the center of England. Everyone in Britain speaks E _ _ _ _ _ _, but in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak different languages as well. As you know, the f _ _ _ of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made of three crosses.

Слайд 12

THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE OF GREAT BRITAIN The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles. It consists of four c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The UK is an island state . The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east. Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are English. People from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland are not English. They are Scottish or Scots; Welsh and Irish. More than 56 million people live in Britain. Many of them live in big industrial c _ _ _ _ _ like London. Manchester and Liverpool are big industrial cities in the center of England. Everyone in Britain speaks E _ _ _ _ _ _, but in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak different languages as well. As you know, the f _ _ _ of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made of three crosses. countries capitals continent cities English flag

Слайд 13

England Scotland Wales Edinburgh London Cardiff the British the English the Scottish the Welsh English Scottish\English Welsh\English English Liverpool Manchester alternative link Voki

Слайд 14

_ _ _ _ _ new words; _ _ _ _ the text; 3) _ _ _ new information; 4) _ _ _ _ _ about Great Britain Now we : got Can read Can speak Know

Слайд 15


Слайд 16

t he English English Scotland London Welsh\English Edinburgh Scottish\English The Welsh Cardiff Wales The Scottish England альтернативный ресурс при наличии интернета Learning Apps мультимедийное интерактивное упражнение

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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