Методические разработки, задания к 5 кл по УМК Биболетовой
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Здесь находятся различные дополнительные задания, карточки и полезные упражнения на отрабокту материала для учеников 5 класса
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Предварительный просмотр:
- – Ты уже заплатил за (FOR) обед?
- Нет, я еще не нашел свой кошелек
- Я горжусь своим старшим братом, он очень много работает и заботится о наших больных родителях
- Он вышел из магазина, повернул направо и увидел большой парк с прудами.
- Наш ресторан богат не только разнообразными горячими блюдами (main courses), но и вкусными печеньями, свежими булочками, а также мясными и рыбными сэндвичами.
- Я только что испекла торт! Приходи в гости!
- А я еще не убрал комнату. Мама меня не отпустит, пока я этого не сделаю.
6) Не терял ли ваш друг свои документы (papers) в кафе?
- Да, это его документы. Спасибо вам большое.
7) Я никогда не была в Нью-Йорке, но я думаю, что его стоит посетить. Я хочу увидеть и сфотографировать статую Свободы.
8) В знаменитой крепости Орешек вы можете принять участие в различных мероприятиях.
9) Мы любим ходить в наш парк летом, в это время там обычно проходят интересные уличные мероприятия.
10) Ты уже накрыл на стол? Гости сейчас придут!
Предварительный просмотр:
- My mother is a tall, slim and beautiful woman with long dark hair and big blue eyes.
- She is understanding and loving, she is interested in music and cooking.
- My father is a strong and handsome man with short brown hair and small brown eyes.
- He is serious and intelligent, and he has a good sense of humour.
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple / Indefinite Exercises.
Упражнение 1. Напишите форму 3-го лица ед. числа следующих глаголов
do – does go – ________ read – collect – __________
play – __________study – studies tidy – __________
teach – __________
Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in the Present Simple form.
One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly).
One girl _____________ (to cry), four girls _____________ (to cry).
When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it _____________ (to begin) to howl (выть).
Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never friends.
Упражнение 3. Дайте краткие ответы. Giveshortanswers.
Do you watch the news?
Does your mum like horror films?
Do your parents like comedies?
Does your friend like nature programmes?
Does your teacher like music programmes?
Present Simple / Indefinite Exercises.
Упражнение 1.Напишите форму 3-го лица ед. числа следующих глаголов
do – does go – ________ read – collect – __________
play – __________ study – studies tidy – __________ teach – __________
Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in the Present Simple form.
One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly).
One girl _____________ (to cry), four girls _____________ (to cry).
When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it _____________ (to begin) to howl (выть).
Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never friends.
Упражнение 3. Дайте краткие ответы. Giveshortanswers.
Do you watch the news?
Does your mum like horror films?
Do your parents like comedies?
Does your friend like nature programmes?
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Present Simple.
Упражнение№ 1. Раскройте скобки.
1. She (to learn) English.
2. I (to like) music.
3. My brother (to be) a school-boy. He (to go) to school.
4. Michael (to do) his lessons every day.
5. She (to live) in this house.
6. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk.
7. We (to visit) our grandparents very often.
Упражнение№ 2. Образуйте отрицательную форму.
1. He goes to school every day.
2. My sister works here.
3. They eat a lot.
4. We work every day.
5. I come from Ukraine.
6. He comes from Germany.
7. They live in the USA.
8. He plays football every day.
Упражнение№ 3. Задайте общий вопрос. Ответьте "Да. Нет."
1. He goes to school every day.
2. My sister works here.
3. They eat a lot.
4. We work every day.
5. I come from Ukraine.
6. He comes from Germany.
7. They live in the USA.
8. He plays football every day
- Вставьте is / am / are / do / don't / does / doesn't.
1. Our grandma doesn 't live with us. She has her own little house.
2. What time ..... you usually wake up?
3. ........... your brother shave every morning?
4. We ..... want to move at all.
5. Sam .... a good football player, but he ..... play very often.
Предварительный просмотр:
Use the words:
To arrange, be responsible for, to take pictures, to suggest, to celebrate, to decide
Use the words:
To arrange, be responsible for, to take pictures, to suggest, to celebrate, to decide
Use the words:
To arrange, be responsible for, to take pictures, to suggest, to celebrate, to decide
Use the words:
To arrange, be responsible for, to take pictures, to suggest, to celebrate, to decide
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «Hello! Nice to see you again! Привет! Рады снова встретиться с вами!»
I. Translate from Russian into English.
1.проводить много времени 5. скучать по семье
9. совершенствовать иностранный язык 2. проводить каникулы
6. пропускать уроки 10. Собирать ягоды
3. узнавать 7. ездить за границу
11. заботиться о ком-то 4. фотографировать
8. школьная форма
12. надевать одежду
II. Fill in the blanks with miss, spend, abroad, shopping, pictures, Maths, age.
1. Every summer I ___________________my holidays in the country near a nice river.
4. My friend went ________________________last year. He is in France now. I ______________him very much.
2. I like to take _______________________ of this river.
5. You must not miss _____________________ lessons.
3. My mother likes to go_________________________.
6. What is her _________________________________?
III. Fill in the blanks with speak, tell or say.
1. She’ll________________ us about her visit to Samara.
5. French students ____________________ English well.
2. Brian______ me that he didn’t like the Science lesson.
6. The doctor _____ that I must drink a lot of carrot juice.
3. “Don’t ask too many questions,” my father ________.
7. “Can I__________ to Mary, please?”- “Just a minute”
4. Don’t ___________________________________ lies.
8. He_________ to me: “Be serious! Don’t laugh at me!”
IV. Fill in There is or There are.
1. __________________________ an apple on the table.
4. ________________________ some chairs in the room.
2. _________________________ some milk in the glass.
5. ___________________________ some tea in the cup.
3. _______________________ some bananas in the bag.
6. ____________________________ a book on the desk.
V. Write sentences as in the examples.
David is the oldest boy in the class. (old)
David is older than Mike. (old)
1. Autumn ____________ season of the year. (beautiful)
4. This _____________________ house in the city. (old)
2. Autumn ________________________ summer. (cold)
5. Winter _________________ season of the year. (bad)
3. Summer _______________ season of the year. (good)
6. Which _________: the book or the film? (interesting)
VI. Fill in ‘s or s’ where necessary.
1. This kitten is Tom ….. and Bob ….. pet.
4. We have got three pets. The pet…..food is on the shelf.
2. The ball is not Ted ….. , it is Mike ….. .
5. Nick ….. and Mike ….. brother must help them.
3. Mary ….. and Helen ….. toys are in the box.
6. The girls are ill. The girl ….. doctor came yesterday.
VII. Fill in:
VIII. Choose the right answers:
1 .I usually ________________ my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits
b) visited
c) visit
d) will visit
2. There ________________ 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were
b) was
c) are
d) is
3. I can _________ English very well.
a) spoke
b) speaks
c) speak
d) will speak
4._____________ they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) does
b) will
c) do
d) did
5. I ___________ to my friend’s place yesterday.
a) goed
b) went
c) goes
d) will go
6. He won’t _______________ his holidays in America.
a) spent
b) spended
c) spends
d) spend
7. My pencil _________ on the table yesterday. My mother ___________ it in the box.
a) was not, put
b) are not, put
c) were not, put
d) was not, puts
8. Do you like ____________ to school? Yes, I ______________.
a) to go, did.
b) go, do.
c) to go, do.
d) to go, don’t.
9. We learn how to use computers at ______________ lessons.
a) I. T.
b) Literature
c) Drama
d) Maths
10. My father often ____________ food in this supermarket.
a) buys
b) will buy
c) bought
d) buy
IX. Ask the following questions.
1. There are twenty children in our class. (How many children?)
2. She will start her work tomorrow. (When?)
3. I am a pupil of the fifth form. (Who?)
4. They opened the window two hours ago. (What?)
5. My friends are from Great Britain. (Where?)
6. He will travel to London with his friends. (With whom?)
Предварительный просмотр:
You didn’t buy vegetables,
They gathered mushrooms in the forest yesterday,
She is her sister,
Lena isn’t a student,
It will be windy tomorrow,
Mary won’t go to the rehearsal tomorrow,
You are a famous scientist,
You aren’t a writer,
You travel to Italy every summer,
You don’t go to the Nature club,
Gary picks berries every summer,
Rachel doesn’t want to become an artist,
They can write poems,
They can’t teach German,
They should listen to your parents,
She has a lot of admirers,
You were at Simon’s party,
She was very tired after school lessons,
I should drink a lot of water,
We shouldn’t walk late in the evening,
You weren’t at the rehearsal yesterday,
He has 5 big dogs,
Предварительный просмотр:
Translate sentences from Russian into English:
Она всегда встает в 7 часов. Она никогда не завтракает по утрам.
Я обычно езжу на работу на машине, но иногда хожу пешком.
Она пьет кофе, но она не пьет чай.
Они обычно покупают продукты в этом магазине.
Она живет рядом, но мы не видим ее очень часто.
Моя сестра очень умная. Она говорит на 4 языках.
Джо не любит классическую музыку.
Моя работа очень интересная. Я общаюсь со многими людьми.
Вы не понимаете меня.
Предварительный просмотр:
- - Я хочу поменять доллары на рубли.
- Сходи в банк напротив (opposite) школы.
- Тебе понравилась Италия?
- Да! Это было незабываемое путешествие! Теперь мы хотим съездить в Англию для разнообразия, например, по программе студенческого обмена.
- Джесс – очень серьезная и ответственная студентка. Она хорошо учится и знает несколько иностранных языков, таких, как (such as) итальянский, французский и английский.
- Вы не дали мне сдачу. – Простите, пожалуйста, вот она.
- Девушки любят мужчин, у которых есть хорошее чувство юмора.
- Я устал от этой ежедневной рутины (daily routine), давай сходим куда-нибудь для разнообразия, например, в театр, или посетим музей.
- Если ты хочешь поменять свою жизнь, сначала начни менять себя (yourself).
Предварительный просмотр:
Name | Polite (1) | Curious (2) | Smart (3) | Naughty (4) | Serious (5) | Understanding (6) | Athletic (7) | Friendly (8) | Loving (9) | Talkative (10) | Obedient (11) | Intelligent (12) | |||
wise (13) | Tactful (14) | To be interested in (15) | To get on well with smb (16) | To have a good sense of humour (17) | Tall (18) | Plump (19) | Handsome (20) | Strong (21) | Short (22) | Slim (23) | Beautiful (24) | ||||
Vova | |||||||||||||||
Seriozha | |||||||||||||||
Katya Gubina | |||||||||||||||
Nastya | |||||||||||||||
Sasha | |||||||||||||||
Emin | |||||||||||||||
Emil | |||||||||||||||
Lera | |||||||||||||||
Milena | |||||||||||||||
Katya Egorova | |||||||||||||||
Maksim | |||||||||||||||
Vlad Kuriachij | |||||||||||||||
Vlad Kostin | |||||||||||||||
Jura | |||||||||||||||
Amalia | |||||||||||||||
Andrej |
Предварительный просмотр:
5th form TEST (2 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ\ 1вариант )
Ex. 1. Complete the questions.
1. Martin can swim well, ……………………..?
2. He didn’t go to school yesterday, ………………………?
3. The Russian students will stay with English families, …………………….?
4. She always translates texts on English lessons, …………………..?
5. He is a very clever boy, ………………..?
6. We are the best students in our class, …………………………?
7. Tom has five dollars, ……………………………?
8. We were happy to meet our friends, ………………….? 8 \ ___
Ex. 2.Write the verbs in the ing form.
Example: look – looking, run – running, give – giving.
Ask, arrange, go, decorate, wake, tell, put, wash, read, sit. 10 \ ___
Ex. 3. Complete the text with am, is or are.
Jane ………. going to be very busy next week. On Monday Jane ………… going to visit her dentist. On Tuesday Jane and her sister …………… going to visit their sick granny.
When …………. she going to arrange her birthday party? – On Saturday. Her classmates ………….. going to give her a little puppy. Jane loves pets. Where ………. she going to walk her puppy? – In the park. Jane’s parents …………..going to give her a trip to London, ……….. they? …………. you going to come to her birthday party? – Yes, I ………. .
10 \ ___
Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1. I ………………………………….. (read) now.
2. She ……………………………. (go) to school. She is a pupil of 5th form.
3. Look! She ……………………………. ( go) to school.
4. Tanya ………………………. (listen) to music at this moment.
5. Tanya always ………………….. (help) her mother.
6. They …………………………(go) to visit London. 6 \ ___
Ex. 5. Make 10 word combinations. Make a sentence with one of them.
to decorate to stay to arrange group Christmas Santa New a lot of Special | at home song of four people to meet at 10 o’clock carols Claus meal the New Year Tree after lessons presents at school a date and time of students tree Year with a family |
15 \ ___
total 50\ ___
5th form TEST (2 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ\ 2 вариант)
Ex. 1. Complete the questions.
1. Sara can’t swim well, ………………………….?
2. She visited London last year,……………………….?
3. The Russian students will go to London next month, ……………………?
4. He always helps his mother,……………………….?
5. She is a very nice girl,……………………………?
6. They are good students, ……………………..?
7. Jill has five new books about cats, ………………………..?
8. They were happy to get the letter, ……………………….? 8 \ ___
Ex. 2.Write the verbs in the ing form.
Example: look – looking, run – running, give – giving.
Do, act, put, sing, make, play, have, discuss, dance, get. 10 \ ___
Ex. 3. Complete the text with am, is or are.
Jane ………. Going to be very busy next week. On Monday Jane ………… going to visit her dentist. On Tuesday Jane and her sister …………… going to visit their sick granny.
When …………. She going to arrange her birthday party? – On Saturday. Her classmates ………….. going to give her a little puppy. Jane loves pets. Where ………. She going to walk her puppy? – In the park. Jane’s parents …………..going to give her a trip to London, ……….. they? …………. You going to come to her birthday party? – Yes, I ………. . 10 \ ___
Ex. 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
1. She ………………………………………. (write) a test now.
2. He ……………………………… (play) the guitar. He goes to music club.
3. Listen! He …………………………….. (play) the guitar.
4. Dasha ……………………………. (do) her homework at this moment.
5. Dasha always ……………………. (do) her homework.
6. They …………………………………..(go) to visit Russia. 6 \ ___
Ex. 5. Make 10 word combinations. Make a sentence with one of them.
Santa to decorate New a lot of to stay Special to arrange Christmas group | presents at school a date and time of students tree Year with a family at home song of four people to meet at 10 o’clock carols Claus meal the New Year Tree after lessons |
total 50\ ___
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