Открытый урок по теме "Стереотипы"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Стереотипное мышление достаточно распространено в нашем обществе. Но всегда ли оно оказывается правдивым? Данный урок позволит познакомить учащихся с понятием стереотип , ознакомит с различными примерами, предполагает создать свои примеры стереотипов , а в заключении предполагает то, чтобы ребята поняли , что не все стереотипы верны и любой из них можно сломать. На уроке применяются различные формы работы: изучающее чтение, работа по парам, в группах, игра , обсуждение .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок
Тема: «Стереотипы»
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с понятием стереотип и привести к мнению , что любой стереотип можно сломать.
- составить определение понятия «стереотип»;
- развитие коммуникативных способностей – выражать свое мнение
- развитие навыка работы в группе или парах;
Оборудование: проектор, раздаточные материалы.
Ход урока
- Приветствие.
- Организационный момент.
- Введение темы. Произнести несколько примеров устоявшихся стереотипов. Например,
- People think I like pink because I`m a girl.
- People think all teenagers like playing computer games.
- People think I`m free at two o`clock because I`m a teacher.
По приведенным примерам ученики догадываются, какой будет тема урока.
- Чтение статьи «Что такое стереотип?». Ученики самостоятельно читают статью, отвечают на вопросы : *What does stereotype mean? ( записывать идеи на доске ) Примерное определение должно получится Stereotype is a common belief about a group of people.
* Is stereotyping hurtful? *. Is it always correct?
5. Игра (ball game ) – назови ассоциацию . Учитель называет страну или национальность , а учащиеся первую ассоциацию, пришедшую на ум.. Отвечает тот ученик , кому учитель кинул мяч.
Страны – Scotland, England, Ireland/Irish, German, Brazilian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Swiss, Dutch.
- Просмотр презентации, обсуждение устоявшихся стереотипов о некоторых народностях.
- Работа по парам, выполнение заданий. Нужно подобрать начало и завершение утверждений, данных в таблице. Проверить варианты ответов. После, используя фразы для выражения своего мнения, выразить свое отношение к какому-нибудь стереотипу.
- Работа в группах. Составить утверждения для стереотипа определенной группы людей. Каждая группа зачитывает свои примеры стереотипов, а другие угадывают их людей.
- Подведение выводов: учитель задает ученикам вопросы * Should we judge some group of people by stereotypes? * Why is this topic important for us?
- Итог. Мы делаем вывод что ,
Stereotype in society can be broken through education. And we shouldn`t judge before getting to know somebody.
Предварительный просмотр:
Read the article.
Stereotypes explain a commonly held thought about a group of people in general or a specific type of person. Such commonly held stereotypes, regardless of accuracy, include obese people eat too much, all Asians are adept at martial arts, or many homeless are lazy who also have alcohol or drug addictions. Although positive stereotypes do exist, they almost always generate negative associations.
Stereotypes may seem laughable at first, yet they are difficult to ignore. Even worse, they slowly influence people. Over a long period of time, stereotypes become viewed as normal or typical, which then leads to prejudice and unfair treatment. People targeted by stereotypes may be unable to overcome these negative views. Society may also prevent them from succeeding in school or work.
Read the article.
Stereotypes explain a commonly held thought about a group of people in general or a specific type of person. Such commonly held stereotypes, regardless of accuracy, include obese people eat too much, all Asians are adept at martial arts, or many homeless are lazy who also have alcohol or drug addictions. Although positive stereotypes do exist, they almost always generate negative associations.
Stereotypes may seem laughable at first, yet they are difficult to ignore. Even worse, they slowly influence people. Over a long period of time, stereotypes become viewed as normal or typical, which then leads to prejudice and unfair treatment. People targeted by stereotypes may be unable to overcome these negative views. Society may also prevent them from succeeding in school or work.
Read the article.
Stereotypes explain a commonly held thought about a group of people in general or a specific type of person. Such commonly held stereotypes, regardless of accuracy, include obese people eat too much, all Asians are adept at martial arts, or many homeless are lazy who also have alcohol or drug addictions. Although positive stereotypes do exist, they almost always generate negative associations.
Stereotypes may seem laughable at first, yet they are difficult to ignore. Even worse, they slowly influence people. Over a long period of time, stereotypes become viewed as normal or typical, which then leads to prejudice and unfair treatment. People targeted by stereotypes may be unable to overcome these negative views. Society may also prevent them from succeeding in school or work.
Предварительный просмотр:
Worksheet 1
- Match the beginning and the end of the sentences .
Women aren`t | to eat rice and drive slow |
Girls are only concerned | talking about the weather |
All Asians like | don`t enjoy healthy food |
Guys are | about their appearance |
All children | as smart as a man |
All librarians are women | messy and unclean |
All British | who are old, wear glasses and tie a high bun |
- Choose any stereotype and comment on it.
To tell your opinion you can use the speaking bank bellow.
As far as I ’m concerned As I see it, From my point of view I am convinced (that) I am not sure (about / if) | I don’t really know (if)/ I don’t think I think (that) … In my view / opinion … Personnaly, I think … To my mind, … |
Worksheet 1
- Match the beginning and the end of the sentences .
Women aren`t | to eat rice and drive slow |
Girls are only concerned | talking about the weather |
All Asians like | don`t enjoy healthy food |
Guys are | wear top hats and kilts |
All children | as smart as a man |
All librarians are women | messy and unclean |
All British | who are old, wear glasses and tie a high bun |
- Choose any stereotype and comment on it.
To tell your opinion you can use the speaking bank bellow.
As far as I ’m concerned As I see it, From my point of view I am convinced (that) I am not sure (about / if) | I don’t really know (if)/ I don’t think I think (that) … In my view / opinion … Personnaly, I think … To my mind, … |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
or group of people . A is a generalization about a person ‘ stereotype ’
Wha t nationality is sh e ? Sh e i s . Chinese She does kung fu. She drinks gre e n tea. She eat s everything that lives.
Wha nationalit y is ? he He is . American He eat s a lot of fa st foo d. He think s tha t our World looks like that: He is materialistic .
What nationality is ? she Sh e is . Japanese She takes photos all the time. She works all the time. She eats raw food and lots of sea food . She always travels with a big group of other Japanese people.
What nationality is h e ? He i s . Italian He i s a membe r of mafia. He lives with his mum . He loves pizza and pasta.
I agree . I don’t agree . I think that … I belive that … Boys are … Girls are …
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