Образцы контрольных работ для 5 8 классов
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Образцы работ для самостоятельного выполнения  5, 8 классы


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Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check  4, 5th form

1.Make the sentences complete.

  1. This boy is very……… He asks a lot of questions.          nowadays                                                                                                            
  2. What is his …….?                                                                  rises                                            
  3. The sun ……… at 4 o’clock .                                                 fresh
  4. Mike always buys ……vegetables.                                    foreign
  5. People learn …….languages …….                                       nationality


2. Disagree

1. I like both coffee and tea.

2. They both know her secret.

3. There were both fresh  fish and meat in the shop.

3. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я не люблю ни хоккей, ни футбол.

2. Мы не пойдём ни в музей ни в парк.

4. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Paul (watch) TV when his father (come) into the living-room.

2. 2 weeks ago Mary (go) to Vietnam.

3. Sandy and Sally (talk) while their children (play) computer.

4. He (not write) a letter at 4 o’clock yesterday.

5. They (sleep) when mother (open) the door.









Progress Check  4, 8th form

Variant 1

  1. Match the words which have opposite meanings.
  1. To prohibit
  2. To protect
  3. To pollute
  4. To throw
  5. To drop litter
  6. To be in danger
  7. To avoid  doing something
  1. To damage
  2. To clear rubbish away
  3. To be out of danger
  4. To allow
  5. To enjoy doing something
  6. To clean
  7. To catch








  1. Fill in the blank, changing forms of the words suitably.
  1. ……is one of the most serious world’s problems of our days.
  2. The young woman didn’t know where to look for ……
  3. It was a very….. journey.
  4. Smoking is strictly ……in the office.





  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III
  1. If people…(take) bottles, paper, newspapers and cans to special bins, they could be recycled.
  2. If she ..(hear) the conversation, she wouldn’t have come there.
  3. If I were you, I …(continue) the exploration.
  4. If you had read these books, you …(know) more about the environmental problems.
  1. Complete each sentence with the words below.

Pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown, in danger,

Prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up

People get a lot of food from the sea.  But we’ve made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful, …1 will kill many of animals and plants in the sea.

A lot of rubbish …2 into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are…3. Some animas try to eat the …4, they die.

Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste…5 the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and birds.

   Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and…6 it.  They say polluting the sea should be strictly ….7. Groups of people  who care about the…8 spend their free time…9 litter from the beaches. People collect ….10, bottles and …11 and put them into different …12 for further recycling.

Дополнительное задание стр60-61 в учебнике №7.

Progress Check  4, 8th form

Variant 2

  1. Match the words which have opposite meanings.
  1. To prohibit
  2. To protect
  3. To pollute
  4. To take care
  5. To drop litter
  6. To destroy
  7. To avoid  doing something
  1. To damage
  2. To clear rubbish away
  3. To produce
  4. To allow
  5. To enjoy doing something
  6. To clean
  7. To hurt








  1. Fill in the blank, changing forms of the words suitably.
  1. After “the clear up day” in the park  the students took the rubbish to the local ……. Centre.
  2.  Keep yourself   informed about the … problems
  3.  To clean up the territory from the chemical waste people wear…clothes.
  4. It was a very….. Smoking is strictly ……in the office.






  1. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III

a). If  we didn’t pollute our seas, they …(be) full of fish.

b). If she ..(hear) the conversation, she wouldn’t have come there.

c).  If people …(avoid) damaging nature, many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared.

d). If I … (be) you, I would join Greenpeace .

  1. Complete each sentence with the words below.

Pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown, in danger,

Prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up

People get a lot of food from the sea.  But we’ve made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful, …1 will kill many of animals and plants in the sea.

A lot of rubbish …2 into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are…3. Some animas try to eat the …4, they die.

Oil (нефть) from big ships, chemicals and waste…5 the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and birds.

   Luckily many people realize now that we must look after the sea and…6 it.  They say polluting the sea should be strictly ….7. Groups of people  who care about the…8 spend their free time…9 litter from the beaches. People collect ….10, bottles and …11 and put them into different …12 for further recycling.

Дополнительное задание стр60-61 в учебнике №7.

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