Эссе на педагогическую тему.
статья по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow
The quotation that served the theme for the discussion attracts our attention to an extremely significant job of a teacher. Whenever teachers work, they are to help students socialize, realize their ambitions in profession and become people keeping Christian values. The responsibility of a teacher is how to realize these ideas. Time tends to transform priorities. So, teachers’ methods should meet changing requirements.
Throughout the world history, teaching was greatly influenced by new technologies, such as books mass printing, computer and the Internet. Additionally to all these important inventions, there have been resourceful teachers and philosophers who created numerous approaches. Though, brilliant ideas and opportunities abound, the issue of efficient teaching is up-to-date.
Russia has always been trying to copy the most progressive countries. We witness our education system being reformed. Nowadays, when globalization unites the world, it may be helpful. The only concern is keeping to the main principles. An educator’s own teaching philosophy may provide it.
In my view, teaching English, I have more oportunities to implement a wide range of tecniques in the classroom. Moreover, my knowledge of English allows me to read a variety of sources and to share with my collegues. I believe that my routine work contributes both to my students’ future and my personal one.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the teacher is remaining the most important factor despite all the innovations. Effective teachers should be themselves learners and combine appropriate techniques in the classroom. Consistency is the key to teaching, although, improvements are necessary as time goes on.
259 words
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