Открытый урок
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

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Открытый урок по теме" English is everywhere"


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Слайд 1

6 класс English is everywhere

Слайд 2

Тема “English is everywhere.”

Слайд 3

1. Where is Great Britain? 2.What do you know about this country? 3.What is the official language of the UK ? 4.Besides The UK which English speaking countries do you know?

Слайд 4

What does this flag remind you? Why does the word wear this flag? Мотивация

Слайд 5


Слайд 6


Слайд 7

The world’s main languages 1 The number of the people Chinese 364 million 2 Hindi 337 million 3 Spanish 308 million 4 Arabic 210 million 5 Portuguese 164 million 6 Russian 156 million 7 French 129 million

Слайд 8

“Elizabeth” group: What do these figures stand for? (2700,750,226,400,80%,350,500 000) “The Union Jack” group: Where is English used?

Слайд 9

What these figures stand for? 2700 750 350 226 400 500 000 3 80 % “Elizabeth” group

Слайд 10

Olympics Eurovision business Sport Diplomacy internet English is used … travelling Making friends from different countries “Union Jack”group

Слайд 11

True False 1.English is an international language. 2.There is no differences in different kinds of English ? 3.The official language of the Olympics is English. . 4.America has the largest number of English speaker. 5.Very few people speak as their native language. 6.About 400 million people use English as their first language. 7.English is the language of diplomacy, business, sport and poli - t ics. T F Task 1

Слайд 12

Task 1 TRUE OR FALSE T F 1.English is an international language. 2.There is no differences in different kinds of English? 3.The official language of the Olympics is English. 4.Amerika has the largest number of English speaker. 5.Very few people speak English as their native language. 6.About 400 million people use English as their first language. 7.English is the language of diplomacy, politics, business and sport. 1.English is an international language.

Слайд 13

group Task 2 1. Match the words Elizabeth 1.mother tongue a)talk or write to somebody 2.chief b)the highest part of smth . 3.to communicate c)native language 4.International d)a game that people try 5.towards to win 6. Competition e)between different countries 7.Top f)in the direction of g)important, main

Слайд 14

1.mother tongue a)talk or write to somebody 2.chief b)the highest part of smth . 3.to communicate c)native language 4.International d)a game that people try 5.towards to win 6. Competition e)between different countries 7.Top f)in the direction of g)important, main group Task 2 1. Match the words Elizabeth

Слайд 15

group Task 2 1.Fill in the gaps with proper words. to communicate * international * chief * competition * mother tongue * per cent * top * official * 1.Over 250 million people use English as a --------------- . 2.English help people ----------- with their friends from different countries. 3 .What other ------------ languages do you know? 4.My friend didn’t take part in the -------- last Monday. 5.He is at the ------- of his profession. 6. The Prime Minister made an ------- visit to France. 7.The ------- of the company let me come in. Union Jack

Слайд 16

group Task 2 1.Fill in the gaps with proper words. to communicate * international * chief * competition * mother tongue * per cent * top * official * 1.Over 250 million people use English as a --------------- . 2.English help people ----------- with their friends from different countries. 3 .What other ------------ languages do you know? 4.My friend didn’t take part in the -------- last Monday. 5.He is at the ------- of his profession. 6. The Prime Minister made an ------- visit to France. 7.The ------- of the company let me come in. mother tongue to communicate international competition top official chief Union Jack

Слайд 17

The origin of the English language

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