Урок английского языка "Защита окружающей среды"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Разработка урока-конференции по предмету "Английский язык" "для 10 класса по теме "Защита окружающей среды"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «Загрязнение окружающей среды – пути разрешения»
(урок – конференция)
Вид урока- конференции: коллективная мыслительная деятельность.
Цель урока – конференции:
- Расширить представление учащихся о процессах связанных с загрязнением окружающей среды.
- Систематизировать знания по теме «Глобальные вопросы современности».
Задачи урока- конференции:
- Рассмотреть причины, последствия загрязнения окружающей среды и пути разрешения проблемы.
- Определить перспективы и выявить пути разрешения проблемы.
Оборудование урока – конференции:
- Тема урока «Загрязнение окружающей среды - пути разрешения»
- Словарь: проблема, экология, окружающая среда.
- Проблемные вопросы:
- Почему люди должны быть более экологически сознательными в наше время?
- Каков путь преодоления (решения) экологических проблем через прогресс науки или путём возвращения человечества к природе?
- Плакат: «Влияние загрязнения окружающей среды на здоровье людей».
- Видеосюжеты: «Экологическая ситуация в мире», «Планета Земля в опасности».
- Презентация к уроку-конференции.
План урока – конференции:
- Вступительное слово учителя.
- Представление докладчиков, исследовательских групп (ребята предварительно работали с дополнительной литературой к уроку-конференции по проблемным заданиям, самостоятельно исследовали проблему и подготовили материал к уроку-конференции).
- Выступление докладчиков.
- Работа групп, обсуждение проблемы, выводы, обмен мнением, перспективы развития, пути разрешения.
- Решение проблемных вопросов.
- Принятие решения конференции.
- Заключительное слово учителя.
Lesson – conference «Environmental pollution - the ways of solving»
Ход урока- конференции:
Т: - Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to our scientific conference!
There are a lot of problems facing people on the planet Earth nowadays. The problems that demand world action are:
- the growth of world population
- economic crisis
- ethnic conflicts
But the most urgent problem concerning people of the whole world is an ecological one. The problem is global. That,s why Russia is cooperating in the field of environment protection with the UK, the USA, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries.
- Today at our scientific conference we must discuss different ecological problems and make correct conclusions.
- Let me introduce the participants of our conference – they are representatives from Canada, the USA and Russia and work as scientists, ecologists and journalists and will work in three groups.
- Let,s start our scientific conference.
T: -At first let,s try to explain some conceptions:
- the problem
- ecology
- environment
P1: The problem is a question to be solved. The problem needed prompt decision and action.
P2: Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with the habits of living things, especially their relations to their surroundings.
P3: Ecology is the science that studies the conditions of habitant of the man, animals and plants for the benefit of present and future generations.
P4: Environment is everything around us, it includes all living things it also includes everything that is not alive, such as the soil, the air, and the water.
Т: - At our conference we have some problems under discussion:
- Why people should become more environment conscious nowadays?
- What is the way of solving the ecological problems: through the scientific progress or through the returning to the nature?
Т: - We must discuss and resolve these debatable problems. Be acquainted. Here are two reporters from Russia:
- Olga Resnikova is a Russian doctor (The influence of the environmental pollution on the people health)
- Ekaterina Nasyrova is a Russian ecologist (The ecological situation in the world).
Т: -They are tell us about ecological situation in the world. Let,s listen to their reports.
Russian doctor: - The environment needs to be cleaned up. Millions of people on our planet live in areas in which the air is not safe to breath. There are many kinds of transport in our big cities, that is why we must pay attention to the protection of our nature and the health of the people.
The gasoline burned inside car engines produces gases that poison the air.
Railway transport pollutes the air. You know that the noise of locomotives very badly affects the health of people whose houses are situated near the railway track. Factories burning fuels, put poisons into air. Air pollution can also cause of acid rain. The biggest problem is ozone, formed from hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.
Sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the air and fall to the Earth in rain or snow.
Human activities also poison water.
Some factories produce liquid waste that run into rivers. In a lot of places water supplies are poisoned with toxic chemicals and nitrates. Water borne diseases kill 10 million people a year.
Ozone can age our lungs, prematurely making us more susceptible to dangerous diseases, including cancer.
Radiation, now it has become one of the main problems. It is not good for health of people. Many people died from radiation some years ago in Chernobol. In was a tragedy.
So, we all need work together to safeguard our environment for the next generations.
Russian ecologist: - I want you to watch a video – topic about the main cause of the environmental pollution. (text)
Т: - What are the causes of the environmental pollution? The representatives from Canada will tell us about them.
The causes of the environmental pollution |
P1: People have always affected nature. But during the last two centuries due to the development of industry, human has transformed the environment radically.
P2: Satellite observations of the earth have revealed that 60 per cent of land surface is damaged by industrial, agricultural and other human activities.
P3: Factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry, and heavy industry are polluting the air, soil and water.
P4: Railway transport pollutes the air.
P5: The industry wastes contain poisons.
P6: Automobiles and other new inventions are polluting the air.
P7 : People damaged forests badly.
P8: Human activities also poison water.
P9: The mismanagement in industry and agriculture.
Т: - What is the main cause of environmental pollution?
P1: The main cause of the environmental pollution is human activities.
P2: Human activities make the environment unhealthy.
P3: The Earth is sick from humans, actions.
Т: People all over the world are worried about environment. Newspapers and magazines write about water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution. There are a lot of industrial enterprises in our country, that,s why we cannot ignore the problem of the protection of our environment.
Т: The representatives from the USA will determine and discuss the results of the environmental pollution.
The results of the environmental pollution |
P1: Polluted air can cause illness, and even death.
P2: Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxyden balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants, disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
P3: The most horrible disaster which happened in April 1986 befell Belarus and Ukraine and their people. As a result of Chernobyl tragedy about 18 per cent of territory of Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances.
P4: The world has over 9 million square km of forests, but trees are disappearing fast. Every year over 100000 square km of forests is so badly damaged that it is very hard for it to recover. Development of industries often means the destruction of the natural habitat or rare plants and insects.
P5: When people build and exploit railway stations they change the structure and properties of the soil.
P6: The pollutions of the air and soil can lead of planet to global catastrophe. Railway transport throws out into the atmosphere 300 kinds of harmful substances which change the structure of air. These substances get into water, so many rivers, oceans and lakes are very polluted.
P7: Air pollution is very serious problem. In many towns and cities, the concentration of substances in the air is over 10 times the admissible level.
Large cities with thousands of smoky enterprises appear all over the world today. The products of their activity pollute the air we breathe. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000million tons of dust and other harmful. Many cities suffer from smog substances. Environmental problems are very acute.
P8: The seas, air in danger, they are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. Every ten minutes one kind of animals, plant or insect dies out forever. Fish dies in the lakes, rivers and seas, forest trees die too.
P9: In a lot of places water supplies are poisoned with toxic chemicals and nitrates. Waterborne diseases kill 10 million people in a year. The quality of water is getting worse.
P10: All the forests on the Earth can disappear. Ozone and acid rains very dangerous for people.
P11: Many parts of the world are overcrowded. Most of the people live in big cities. They suffer from smog. The waste of the enterprises is very dangerous. The waste gets into the soil, water, air and causes this affects the health of people. The earth is our home, and we must take care for ourselves and for the next generation. The pollutions of the air, oceans, seas, lakes, and destructions of the ozone layer can lead our planet to a global catastrophe.
P12: Rivers polluted with filthy waste from factories. The pollution of environment influences the life of animals, plants and our human life the rivers and lakes become so acid that fish cannot survive.
T: - Dear friends, you know how dangerous the ecological situation in the world is. What do people do and what must they do to protect nature from further pollution, to keep the Earth clean, and to keep people healthy?
T: - The representatives from Russia are to discuss the ways of solving the ecological problems.
The ways of solving of the ecological problems |
P1: There are a lot of ways in which we can help to saves the Earth.
P2: Russia is cooperating in the field of environment protection with the USA, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. Different agreements are singed to prevent the pollution of the seas and oceans.
P3: People plant gardens, future forests. They take part in Bird day and Forest day. At schools there are new ecological lessons. Children are taught to take care of nature.
P4: People should actively cooperate in solving ecological problems.
P5: One of the fundamental provisions is transfer the industry to low and non-waste technologies.
P6: In many scientific centers of our country scientific researchers work at the problem of harmful substances. It is very important to unite to efforts of all scientists working at this problem.
P7: It is necessary to build purifying systems to avoid the pollution of rivers.
P8: Some ecological harmful plants must be removed from cities. Green zones must be created. The greenery must be protected and increased.
P9: Pollutions control systems must be introduced. Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used.
P10: Noise must be reduced. Clean air programmes must be worked out for cities. Every city must begin the clean air campaign.
P11: Smoke control orders must be introduced into various part of the city. The factories and plants must be redesigned and modified.
P12: There are the laws against dumping poisons into rivers and lakes. People who break these laws should be punished. Nature should be protected by law.
T: -And now let,s come back to our problems.
- Why people should become more environment conscious nowadays?
- What is the way of solving the ecological problems: through the scientific progress or through the returning to the nature?
P1 : Human activities make the environment unhealthy. The Earth is sick from humans, actions. We can, t ignore the problem of the environmental pollution.
P2 : Only through the scientific progress, international cooperation and laws we can find the ways of solving the ecological problems.
T: - What slogans, as the resolution of our scientific conference, will you put forward to make people be more environment – conscious? Please, who will begin?
P1: Protect the environment from industrial pollution.
P2: Stop the danger of environmental disaster.
P3: Keep the land, air and water clean.
P4: Keep our environment clean.
P5: Put litter away.
P6: All woods are home to animals. So behave as guests.
P7: Take part in environmental activities.
P8: The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland.
P9: Help nature. Protect it.
P10: The Earth is our home. Don, t pollute it.
P11: Environmental protection concerns everyone.
P12: Leave wild flowers for others to enjoy.
T: - The ecological problems concern everyone and only through the scientific progress and international cooperation and laws we can find the ways of solving the ecological problems.
-Our conference is over. Thanks to our participants and guests.
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