Урок английского языка "Загрязнение окружающей среды"
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Урок английского языка по теме “Problems of man-modified ecosystem” с использованием ресурсов сети Интернет и презентации.
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Урок английского языка по теме “Problems of man-modified ecosystem” с использованием ресурсов сети Интернет и презентации.
Материал представила учитель английского языка высшей категории
МБОУ Спасская СОШ Гладышева И.В.
Цели и задачи:
- Учебный аспект - совершенствование навыков монологической речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования незнакомого текста с опорой на прочитанное и видеозапись с извлечением основной информации.
- Развивающий аспект - развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания.
- Воспитательный аспект - развитие обеспокоенности экологической ситуацией, формирование ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание правильного экологического поведения.
Дидактический материал:
- видео “Biotic ecosystem components” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3CZFfyed3M
- текст Ecosystems http://www.glynn.k12.ga.us/~katiea/teacherwebpgs/davisecosystems.html
Наглядность: презентация Power Point Project “Problems of man-modified ecosystem”
Оборудование: компьютер
Ход урока:
- Warming up. Quotation “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.”
John Galsworthy. Слайд 1.
- Reading.
- Study the vocabulary.
Living things - живое существо living thing / being / creature
Biotic - 1) of or relating to living organisms 2) (of a factor in an ecosystem) produced by the action of living organisms; от греч. Biotikos — жизненный) — факторы живой среды, влияющие на жизнедеятельность организмов.
Area 1) область; район; зона 2) ареал, область обитания 3) площадь, пространство, участок
Butterfly - дневная бабочка, мотылёк
Species - вид; виды
Group of organisms - группы организмов
Reproduce - рождать, порождать; производить, воспроизводить
Similar (similar to) - подобный; похожий, сходный
Population - популяция, население
Community - 1) сообщество 2) общность
Make up - быть частью, составлять
Natural ecosystem - естественная (природная) экосистема
Ecosystem - экосистема, экологическая система; биогеоценоз
- Read the text. Use the word box.
An ecosystem (EK-oh-sis-tuhm) is made up of groups of living things, and the environment in which they live. In an ecosystem, the living things are able to get the things that they need in order to survive. Healthy ecosystems are in balance. In other words, there is enough food, water, and shelter for all of the species that live within the ecosystem.
Ecosystems are made up of several different populations. A population is a group of the same species of plant or animal living together in the same place and time. Populations live in environments that meet their specific needs. For example, there are many species of tropical plants and animals that thrive in rain forest ecosystems, but would not be able to survive in other places.
Plant and animal populations interact with each other in many different ways. Animals tend to use plants for food and shelter. Animals carry seeds from place to place, and help to fertilize the soil. Insects find their food while hiding in or around plants. Insects also help pollinate plants so that they can grow and produce fruit. When plant and animal populations work together, they function as communities. A community is made up of all the populations found in a specific area.
Food webs and food chains can be used to illustrate the ways that plants and animals interact within ecosystems. Each food chain is comprised or made up of three basic parts. Food chains always begin with a green plant. These plants are known as producers because they use photosynthesis to make their own food. The next level is made up of consumers, or animals that eat other plants or animals in order to obtain energy. The last level of a food chain is made up of decomposers which consume non living things, and help to break down organic material into nutrients for the soil.
There are many different types of ecosystems. Ecosystems can be found in tropical rain forests, saltwater marshes, coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep in the ocean. Each ecosystem is unique, but each also requires a delicate balance between the plant and animal species in order for the ecosystem to remain healthy. Pollution, rapid deforestation, natural disasters, and slow environmental changes over time can all threaten the health of our earth's ecosystems. We should do everything we can to preserve nature's delicate balance so that its wonders can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Word box
Environment - 1) окружение, окружающая обстановка a healthy environment — здоровое окружение 2) окружающая среда
Interact - взаимодействовать; влиять друг на друга
Fertilize - удобрять, обогащать почву, вносить удобрение
Pollinate - опылять
Function - функция; функционировать
Food web - пищевая "сеть" (в биологическом сообществе)
Food chain - пищевая цепь (в биологическом сообществе)
Made up – состоит из
Producer - продуцент
Photosynthesis – фотосинтез
Consumer - потребитель
Obtain - получать; добывать; приобретать
Decomposer - редуцент, деструктор, биоредуктор (организм, разлагающий органические вещества)
Nutrient - питательное вещество
Require - требовать; нуждаться (в чём-л.)
Threaten - 1) угрожать, грозить 2) предвещать (беду, опасность)
Preserve - 1) заповедник; заказник 2) сохранять, оберегать 3) фиксировать
Pollution – загрязнение
Deforestation – исчезновение лесов
Disaster – беда, бедствие, несчастье
Environmental changes – изменения окружающей среды
- Answer the questions:
- What is an ecosystem consists of?
- Healthy ecosystems are in balance, aren’t they?
- What are ecosystems made up?
- What is a population?
- How do plant and animal populations interact with each other?
- What is a community made up?
- What do food webs and food chains illustrate?
- What is each food chain comprised of?
- What types of ecosystems do you know?
- What can threaten the health of our earth's ecosystems?
- Listening.
- Watch the video “Biotic ecosystem components”
- Make a test: Слайд 5.
1. A system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with its environment
A) Ecosystem
B) Ecology
C) Community
2. The living part of an ecosystem called
A) Living things
B) Species
C) Community
3. All the members of a species in an ecosystem are
A) Living things
B) Biotic
C) Population
4. A community is consists of
A) Living organisms
B) Species
C) Groups of organisms
5. A natural community is consists of
A) Animals and plants
B) Species
C) Groups of organisms
Right answers: 1.A; 2A; 3C; 4C; 5A.
- Talking “Are you worried about the nature?” Слайды 6-11
- Give russian equivalents. Слайд 7.
- Protect nature
- Destroy wildlife
- Throw away litter
- Reduce pollution
- Damage nature
- Spoil the environment
- Disturb wild animals
- Ecological problems. Слайд 8.
Land, air and water are important for the life on the Earth. But what is happening now?
Water is polluted.
Land is polluted.
Air is polluted.
Are you worried about nature? What can you say about man-modified ecosystem? Слайд 9.
- People pollute the environment.
- People cut down trees.
- People disturb the animals and birds.
- People poor the waste in water.
- People leave litter in the country.
- People damage nature.
- Describe these pictures (is/are+V3) Слайд 10.
- What should we do to save the nature? Слайд 11.
- Make a Code of Ecological Rules. Слайд 12.
-Don’t break trees.
-Don’t leave litter.
-Keep the country tidy.
-Respect the life and work of the countryside.
-Keep dogs under control.
-Put litter away.
-Grow trees and flowers.
-Don’t frighten birds and animals.
-Don’t cut wild flowers.
-Don’t burn fires
- Homework. Project “ What can I do to protect nature”
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