Проект "The importance of space exploration'
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данный материал - сочинение на тему "The importance of continuation of space exploration" и презентация к нему
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Why should we explore the space? - We can find new planets, materials and perhaps even new races. - Our planet is running out of natural resources so we'll need a new source of resources. My point of view In our solar system, besides the Earth, there are no habitable planets, but I think that in other systems exactly they are. The depletion of natural resources of the planet (Reason 1)
The problem: Many people understand that our planet is already heavily polluted I believe that if we find a planet which is not polluted by a man, it will be much more comfortable to live on. Our planet is very polluted (Reason 2)
The problem: One of the global problems is the gradual destruction of the ozone layer. If it is destroyed, it will destroy all living things except animals deep in the caves, the seas and oceans. My suggestion: On a new planet with a damaged ozone layer the life will be much more comfortable and various. The destruction of the ozone layer (Reason 3)
The problem: There are wars on our planet every century. How can space exploration help: Space exploration can unite the countries of the world before a common purpose . Conflicts will be not so great and we will finally reign on Earth will reign long-awaited peace. The unity of countries and peoples (Reason 4)
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Предварительный просмотр:
The importance of continuation of space exploration
The importance of space exploration is that we can find new planets, materials and perhaps even new races.
The problem is that our planet is running out of natural resources. In 500 years our planet will run out them completely and then we'll need a new source of resources which we can find on other planets. In our solar system, besides the Earth, there are no habitable planets, but I think that in other systems exactly they are.
Many people understand that our planet is already heavily polluted, I believe that if we find a planet which is not polluted by a man, it will be much more comfortable to live on.
Also one of the global problems is the gradual destruction of the ozone layer. If it is destroyed, it will destroy all living things except animals deep in the caves, the seas and oceans. There the life will go on, because below the depth of 10 meters the hard radiation will be absorbed by the water. On a new planet with a damaged ozone layer the life will be much more comfortable.
There is another problem which can appear in the distant future. The population of our planet is growing rapidly. The planet is already home to more than 7 billion people and this number is increasing and in the future of our planet there is simply no place left for people. Therefore, the relocation of part or all humans to another planet is a good idea!
Few people think how much we pollute our planet. Deforestation, the establishment of factories polluting the environment, killing animals and plants. All of this makes our planet worse. On the new planet there will be more natural resources and the planet itself will be cleaner. On it we may be able to restore the habitat of the almost extinct because of human intervention animals.
Every day our planet is in danger because the flying in space a large number of huge asteroids and some may collide with our planet and then we will all perish like the dinosaurs many millions of years ago. If we find that we approaching such a meteorite we need to move. Then we need another planet.
Half of the inhabitants of the Earth think that somewhere in space there is another life. Alien beings living on other planets would be a very important discovery for our planet and its inhabitants. There may be races who are only beginning their development and possibly they are already much developed than we are. The existence of alien life is still debated by scientists but direct evidence of them yet.
And finally the most important thing. Space exploration can unite the countries of the world before a common purpose. On our planet every century there are wars, perhaps if all countries are uniting against a common idea that wars will become less and we will help each other and work together. Conflicts will be smaller and will finally reign on Earth will reign long-awaited peace.
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