Урок в 9 классе"Space Exploration"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок посвящён исследованию космоса.В начале урока приведено высказывание Валентины Терешковой в которой говориться о еёлюбви к космосу. После просмотра видео о солнечной системе учащиеся комментируют её высказывание а также отвечают на вопросы о солнечной системе.Интересным является видео об исследованиях известного американского космотафтаКриса Хэдфилда записавшегои исполневшего свою версию песни"Странный случай в космосе"Дэвида Боуви.
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Предварительный просмотр:
“Space Exploration”.
The aims: by the end of the lesson to be able to use the new words in
by the end of the lesson to be able to discuss the theme
“Space Exploration”;
by the end of the lesson to be able to prove one’s own
Facilities to the lesson: smart board, computer, audio recording mp3, video.
Course of the Lesson:
1.Org.moment.Good morning, everyone! As usual I am very glad to see you. Be seated please. Today we have a lot of guests in our classroom, don’t be afraid and try to do your best. Now look at the board ,you can see pictures, guess what we are going to speak about in our lesson, what our lesson’s theme is. I think it is not difficult. So, the theme is ”Space Exploration”. How do you think whom these words belong to. ”Anyone who has spent any time in space will love it for the rest of their lives”. Why Valentina Tereshkova is so fond of space, let’s watch video .
2.Video”Solar System”. Match the words with their transcriptions and translate them.
3.Answer the questions. Was it interesting or boring? What was it about? How many amazing planets has solar System has? What about dwarf planets? How many moons has it got?(comets and asteroids)? What description of planets impressed you most of all?
4.As we have just spoken about Solar System let’s listen to the tape and repeat the names of the planets. Find the right place for them in the picture.(Mercury, Venus, The Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Nep- tune).
4.Translate sentences from Russian into English.
1.Мой рейс отложили.(My flight has been delayed.) 2.Ты веришь что Бог создал вселенную? (Do you believe Got created the universe? 3.Солнце и группа планет включая Землю- наша солнечная система. (The Sun and the group of planets that includes the Earth are our solar system.) 4.Оба полёта не длительные.(Both flights are not very long.) 5.Три поколения космонавтов живёт в нашем доме.(Three generations of astronauts live in this house.) 6.Команда это группа людей работающих на борту корабля или самолёта.(A crew is a group of people who work together on a ship or aeroplane.) 7.Наше необычное путешествие в космос было по-настоящему запоминающимся.(Our unusual trip to space was really memorable) 8.Новый спутник будет запущен в следующем месяце.(A new satellite will be launched next month.) 9.Новое космическое оборудование удовлетворило всех космонавтов.(New space equipment satisfied all astronauts.)
5.As the theme of our lesson ”Space Exploration” let’s read the text on page16
6.Choose the right item.(page168)
7.What have you learnt from this text?
8.Watch video and answer the questions.
1.Who is the new superstar out of space?(Chris Hadfild) 2. What has he recorded?(He has recorded his own version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity.) 3.How many months has he been to space?(five) 4.What was interesting in this video for kids?(He made a lot of scientific experiments .The coolist wash ever in space station .It’s really wet! ) 5.What is the translation of the song “Space Oddity”? (Странный случай в космосе) 6.Whom the words “Hello ,Space boy” belong to? (David Bowie)
9.Role –play.”Should we spend so much money exploring space?”
10.Video project.(home work)
11.Home task.
12.Lesson’s result.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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