Сценарий на английском языке"Теремок"
проект по английскому языку на тему

Царева Евгения Владимировна

Сценарий на английском языке"Теремок"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Little house


N-   There is a LH in the forest. Up is the ceiling,
Down is the floor,
Here is the window,
There is the door!

 A Frog is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

F  - I-am a frog as green as can be. I can jump and swim.

The little green frog Jumps on a log, Takes off its cloak And begins to croak

hippity, hippity, hippity hop, all the way home.

OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

N- but nobody answers So the frog begins in the LH


N – a Mouse is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

M – I am a Mouse . I dont have a house. OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

F  - I-am a frog as green as can be. I can jump and swim.

M – Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A hare is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

H- I am a hare. I am tiny and scared of everything. 

Hop, hop, I can hop
I can hop in my new shoes.
Run, run, I can run
I can run in my new shoes.
Jump, jump, I can jump
I can jump in my new shoes
Red, green, orange and blue -
I can jump in my new shoes.

 OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H -Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A cockerel is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

C – I am a cockerel. I am bright and I can sing loudly.

 The cocks are Happy

They can sing

They wake up us early

Every morning.

 OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – Iam a hare

C- Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A fox is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

F – I am a fox as sly as can be, I am the most beautiful animal in the forest. OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – Iam a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A hedgehog is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

Hedg – I am a hedgehog. I am very clever. OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – Iam a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- I am a fox

Hedg -Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A dog is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

D – I am a dog. I can bark and protect your house. OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – I am a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- I am a fox

Hedg – I am a hedgehog

D -Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A cat is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

Cat – I am  cat. I am as pussy and fluffy as can be.

I love to be  cat. 
I  am warm and fat. 
My fur is grey, 
I like to play.

And I can tell you fairytails.  OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – I am a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- I am a fox

Hedg – I am a hedgehog

D – I am a dog

C at -Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A wolf is running by. It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

D – I am a wolf. I am as strong as can be.I can houl and groul. OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – I am a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- I am a fox

Hedg – I am a hedgehog

D – iam a dog

Cat – I am a cat

W -Let me in please

N- so they begin to live together


N- A bear is running by

It sees a LH & knocks at the door.

B – I am a bear. I am as big as can be

If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear - 
You must never, never, never ask him where 
He is going - 
or what he is doing: 
For if you ever, ever dare 
To stop a grizzly bear - 
You will never meet 
Another grizzly bear.

 OOO- there is a LH. Lh, LH. Who lives in the LH?

M – I am a Mouse

F  - I-am a frog

H – I am a hare

 C – I am a cockerel

F- I am a fox

Hedg – I am a hedgehog

D – iam a dog

Cat – I am a cat

W –I am a wolf

B -Let me in please

All animals – No . you are too big.

N- But the bear tries to enter the LH and breaks…

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