When is your birthday?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Мукаева Молдир Бауыржановна

Class: 5 “А,Б”

Date: 01.03.14

Theme:When is your birthday?

Aim: 1.Developing of communicative skills.

         2.Talking about birthday parties, to learn to express the opinion.

         3.To support an interest to the English lesson

       -Сан есімді қайталау


Stages of the lesson



Org moment




Checking h/t



Introducing the new theme














































Fixing of knowledge



















Instract of h\w

Good morning children .How are you? I am glad to see you. Today we’ll play game, do exercises, and read texts, and we’ll watch the cartoon about birthday party.


Your h/t was ex1. Learn by heart the poems.



Read the dialogue

Today we have a new theme When is your birthday?

Ø Asel: When is your birthday?

Ø Carol: It’s  in winter.

Ø Asel: In which month is it?

Ø Carol:It’s on 31 of January. And when is yours?

Ø Asel:Mine is on  9 of May


Who wants to read this dialogue?


Ex 3.Talk to other friends. Find out 5 students’ birthday dates and tell your  desk mates about them..

1.What month is it now?

It’s__________ now.

2.What season  is it now?

It’s__________ now.

3.What day of the week is it today?

It’s__________ now

4.What date is it today?

It’s__________ now.


¡ Заттың немесе  заттық ұғымдар мен құбылыстардың санын,мөлшерін,ретін білдіреді.Ағылшын тілінде  заттың санын,мөлшерін білдіретін  сандар- есептік сан  есімдер Cardinal Numerals деп аталады: one, two, three, four.


¡ Заттың ретін  немесе орнын  білдіретін сандар - реттік сан  есімдер Ordinal Numerals деп аталады. first, second, third, fourth


Реттік сан есімдер  алғашқы үш санды қоспағанда  есептік сандарға th жұрнағын жалғау арқылы жасалады





Алғашқы үш реттік сан  ережеден тыс жасалады




Бұл сандар күрделі реттік сандардың  соңында да осылайша оқылады

21-st - twenty -first

32 nd- thirty-second

63 rd - sixty-third

Ex 2.


Ex 4.Реттік сан есімге айландыр.


Now we’ll see he cartoon about birthday party.

Do you like this cartoon?



1.What about this cartoon?

A this cartoon is about dog’s birthday

B this cartoon is about education

C this cartoon is about New year

2.Who was the main Character ?

A a cat

B a dog

C a bear

3.What happened with dog when his friends gave the present?

A his was happy

B he was angry

C I don’t know

Now we’ll sing a song. «Happy birthday to you»



Open your diaries and write your h\w. Your h\w will be ex 8.

Do you like this lesson?

The lesson is over.

You may be free.



3  min





7 min





3 min











5 min










10 min




















10 min







5 min













2 min













Microsoft Office document icon When is your birthday?105 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Class: 5 “А,Б”

Date: 01.03.14

Theme:When is your birthday?

Aim: 1.Developing of communicative skills.

         2.Talking about birthday parties, to learn to express the opinion.

         3.To support an interest to the English lesson

       -Сан есімді қайталау

Stages of the lesson

Org moment

Checking h/t

Introducing the new theme


Fixing of knowledge

Instract of h\w

Good morning children .How are you? I am glad to see you. Today we’ll play game, do exercises, and read texts, and we’ll watch the cartoon about birthday party.

Your h/t was ex1. Learn by heart the poems.

Read the dialogue

Today we have a new theme When is your birthday?

  • Asel: When is your birthday?
  • Carol: It’s  in winter.
  • Asel: In which month is it?
  • Carol:It’s on 31 of January. And when is yours?
  • Asel:Mine is on  9 of May

Who wants to read this dialogue?

Ex 3.Talk to other friends. Find out 5 students’ birthday dates and tell your  desk mates about them..

1.What month is it now?

It’s__________ now.

2.What season  is it now?

It’s__________ now.

3.What day of the week is it today?

It’s__________ now

4.What date is it today?

It’s__________ now.

  • Заттың немесе  заттық ұғымдар мен құбылыстардың санын,мөлшерін,ретін білдіреді.Ағылшын тілінде  заттың санын,мөлшерін білдіретін  сандар- есептік сан  есімдер Cardinal Numerals деп аталады: one, two, three, four.

  • Заттың ретін  немесе орнын  білдіретін сандар - реттік сан  есімдер Ordinal Numerals деп аталады. first, second, third, fourth

Реттік сан есімдер  алғашқы үш санды қоспағанда  есептік сандарға th жұрнағын жалғау арқылы жасалады





Алғашқы үш реттік сан  ережеден тыс жасалады




Бұл сандар күрделі реттік сандардың  соңында да осылайша оқылады

21-st - twenty -first

32 nd- thirty-second

63 rd - sixty-third

Ex 2.


Ex 4.Реттік сан есімге айландыр.


Now we’ll see he cartoon about birthday party.

Do you like this cartoon?


1.What about this cartoon?

A this cartoon is about dog’s birthday

B this cartoon is about education

C this cartoon is about New year

2.Who was the main Character ?

A a cat

B a dog

C a bear

3.What happened with dog when his friends gave the present?

A his was happy

B he was angry

C I don’t know

Now we’ll sing a song. «Happy birthday to you»

Open your diaries and write your h\w. Your h\w will be ex 8.

Do you like this lesson?

The lesson is over.

You may be free.

3  min

7 min

3 min

5 min

10 min

10 min

5 min

2 min


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