Презентация для 3 класса по теме "Животные"
методическая разработка по английскому языку ( класс) на тему
Данная презентация поможет детям не только повторить названия животных, но и узнать новые интересные факты о них в занимательной форме.
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Today at the lesson We shall know: Where the animals live What are they like What they like to do.
I love my little Kitty, Her coat is so warm, And if I don't hurt her, She'll do me no harm. So I'll not pull her tail, Nor drive her away, But kitty and I we’ll run and play. Watch this cute Little Kitten video and sing this cute Song “I Love my Little Kitty” with Elly & Eva!
Name the animals
Name the animals
Name the animals
What are they like? elephant crocodile snake monkey camel hippo parrot lion The is the king of the jungle The is big and strong. The is very dangerous. The is very long. The likes to swing through the branches. The likes to walk, walk, walk. The likes to sit in the mud pool all day. The likes to talk, talk, talk……….
What do they like to do? Answer the questions : What does the monkey like to do? What does the camel like to do? What does the hippo like to do? What does the parrot like to do?
Where do animals li ve? On a farm in the Zoo in the forest A hen A cockerel A pig A horse A sheep a rabbit A duck A cow A lion A giraffe A parrot A monkey A tiger A kangaroo A fox A bear A wolf
Where does an eagle live? mountain eagle desert river Ocean sea
Where does a dolphin live? mountains desert dolphin ocean sea river
Where does a crocodile live? mountains desert crocodile sea ocean river
Where does a camel live? camel desert Ocean sea mountains river
Where does a fish live? fish desert sea ocean mountains river
My Progress Now I know and can say: - where the animals live; - what they are like; - what they like to do.
My Progress “4 points” – “5 points” – “6 points” - good v ery good excellent
Homework 1. Draw a picture of any animal. 2. Describe it using the plan: what it is like where this animal live what it eats what it can and likes to do.
http:// www.youtube.com/user/kidscamp?v=Vd1fCOa0CsY https://www.google.ru/search?q =% https:// www.google.ru/search?q=hamster&newwindow=1&biw=1242&bih=612&noj Интернет-источники
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