Презентация "Олимпийские игры "
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Все материалы, представленные в презентации, расширяют лексический запас учащихся по теме «Спорт», а также развивают коммуникативные навыки в общении на спортивные темы
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Материалы для использования на уроках английского языка (6 класс) korolewa.nytvasc2.ru Все материалы, представленные в курсе 6 класса, расширяют лексический запас учащихся по теме «Спорт», а также развивают коммуникативные навыки в общении на спортивные темы .
korolewa.nytvasc2.ru I. Тема программы «Мировые памятники культуры» Раздел «Достопримечательности Лондона» WIMBLEDON Wimbledon is a famous stadium not only in Britain but all over the world. It has a long history. First it was a tennis club with a stadium not far from London. Then after the first Tennis Championship in 1877 it became the popular place for people who love tennis. In 1900s sportsmen from different countries came to the tennis Championship at Wimbledon. Later these competitions got the name Wimbledon tournament. It is a great honour to take part in this tournament for any tennis player. Now it is a large sport building with several courts and a museum, art galleries and shops, a huge library and a bank. The modern club is quite choosy about its members. In the present time, only 400 people are the members of the Wimbledon tennis club.
WEMBLEY STADIUM The original Wembley Stadium, known as Empire Stadium, was a football stadium in Wembley Park, a suburb of north-west London. Now there is the new Wembley Stadium. It was opened in 2007. The old stadium was first opened for public on the 28th of April 1923. It was built for the British Empire Exhibition of 1924. They were going to demolish the stadium at the end of the Exhibition. But then they decided to use the stadium for football. The ground was used for football since 1880s. In 1934, the Empire Pool was built nearby. The ― Wembley Stadium Collection‖ is held by the National Football Museum. You can see the main football matches at this stadium. Answer the questions: 1. Do you know when the next Olympic Games will be in London? 2. Do you have any stadiums in the town? 3. How many stadiums are there in your town? 4. What sport competitions can you see at these stadiums? 5. Have you ever been in the stadium? 6. Have you ever watch any sport competitions or football matches? korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
Task: look at the symbols of different Olympic Games and name the country of each symbol. korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
II. Тема программы «Выдающиеся деятели культуры англоязычных стран и России» Раздел «Знаменитые спортсмены» Task : Find out when the Paralympic games became regular and tell about one of the Champions of Paralympic Games. korolewa.nytvasc2.ru Irek Zaripov won 4 gold medals in the Paralympic Games in Vancouver. He was born in Sterlitamak. It is the town in Bashcordastan . In 2000 he became a disabled person after the accident. First he was the member of the Bashkir Paralympic athletics Team, but then in 2005 he began to go in for skiing and shooting. He worked a lot. Sometimes it was difficult and painful but he didn‘t give up sport. When he won the first gold medal in Vancouver he said ― The gold doesn‘t come itself. It‘s fight, blood and sweat. We go and fight.‖ We could see his face after the third victory. It was the face of very tired man but he has a strong will and he smiled to the reporters. Paralympic sportsmen set the example to every person how to gain a victory over diseases and fortune.
Task : read the text and answer the questions. Task : read the text and answer the questions. ALEXEY VOEVODA Alexey Voevoda was born on the 9th of May 1980 in Sochi. His father took him to sport school at the age of 6. He did karate for some years. During his school years Alexey spent his summer holidays in the country in Ukraine where he helped his grandfather. After finishing school he entered the University in Sochi. Alexey liked sport very much and he tried to do arm-wrestling. He often trained in the gym of gymnasia 8. Soon he became the member of the Russian arm-wrestling team and won the World Championship three times. But in 2002 he decided to try the new kind of sport –bobsleigh. Alexey was the first in the race and became the member of the Russian National bobsleigh team. The sportsmen trained a lot. Our bobsleigh team won the silver medals at the Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Italy in 2006. Alexey got the silver Olympic medal too as the member of the team. Now he is in the Olympic team and they are preparing for the competitions. He is going to take part in future Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. We wish him and all our sportsmen good luck. korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
1. Where was Alexey Voevoda born? 2. When did he begin to go in for sports? 3. Did he study at the University in Sochi? 4. What kind of sports did he do at the University? 5. Did he become the World Champion of armresling ? 6. Where did Alexey get Silver Olympic Medal? 7. Is he going to take part in Winter Olympic Games in Sochi? 8. Do you know any other famous sportsmen of our country? korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
Task : look at the picture, say who these people are and tell about one of them. The questions will help you . korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
1. Can you tell us where they are? 2. Do you know their kind of sport? 3. What country are they from? 4. Do you know their names? 5. What kind of competition did they win? korolewa.nytvasc2.ru
korolewa.nytvasc2.ru Спасибо за внимание!
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«Игра, игра, Игра»
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