Презентация Mouse Mischief (несколько мышей) по английскому языку на тему "Путешествие по Великобритании" с тестовыми заданиями
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Путешествие по Великобритании" Созданная мной лично презентация с использованием программы Mouse Mischief (несколько мышей) с правильными вариантами ответа
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Подписи к слайдам:
What is the national flag of the UK?
What are the national symbols of England?
What is the capital of England? Cardiff Belfast London Edinburgh
The UK consists of … W ales, Poland, England and Scotland England, Wales, the USA and Finland Northern Ireland, England and Wales England, Northern Ireland, Wales a nd Scotland
When was the name “United Kingdom” first used? In 1717 In 1707 In 1812 In 1607
Tower Bridge Big B en Empire State Building Eiffel Tower Taj Mahal
The English language is the first language of international communication in the world. True False I don’t know
What is the climate of Great Britain like? … rather warm and changeable … rather hot and changeable … rather cool and changeable … not so hot and not changeable
London is … in historic monuments. full bright great rich
What are the national symbols of Wales?
What is the capital of Wales? Belfast Edinburgh London Cardiff Paris Oxford
When do Welsh celebrate the national day? O n 8 th of March On 2 nd of April On 9 th of September On 25 th of January On 1 st of May On 1 st of March On 21 st of May On 10 th of July
The national costume of Wales is …
What is the national game of Wales?
What is the highest mountain in Scotland? Scafell-Pike Snowdon Slieve Donard Ben Nevis
The water in St Winifred’s Well is warm and has special powers. True False I don’t know
What are the national symbols of Northern Ireland?
What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Belfast Edinburgh London Cardiff Paris Oxford
The national costume of Northern Ireland is …
Northern Ireland is full of … w aterfalls and cliffs p laces which haven’t changed for thousand years beautiful mountains which situated in the deep forest. Places which are going to change very soon
What museums can you visit in Northern Ireland? Museums about sea battles and shipbuilding Museums of wax models Museums of popular science collections Museums of cars
Northern Ireland has one of the worst climates for gardening in the world. True False I don’t know
What are the national symbols of Scotland?
What is the capital of Scotland? Belfast Edinburgh London Cardiff Paris Oxford
The national costume of Scotland is …
The bagpipes are a n ancient mountain t he national day a musical instrument
How many regions in Scotland? 1 – The Highlands 2 – The Lowlands and The Uplands 3 - The Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands
What is the highest mountain in Scotland? Scafell-Pike Snowdon Slieve Donard Ben Nevis
Aberdeen is the shipbuilding centre . True False I don’t know
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