Sivka Burka
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку ( класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What do you remember from the previous part of the story ? Ivanushka sees a big brown horse. He grabs the reins. “I’ve got you!” he cries. “Please let me go. I can be your friend”,says the horse. Ivanushka feels sorry for the horse and lets him go.
NEW WORDS The Tsar [ ð Ə za :]
NEW WORDS contest [ k Ə n’test ]
NEW WORDS big-small black-white afraid- brave [ breiv ]
NEW WORDS build [ bild ]
NEW WORDS tower [‘ tau Ə ]
NEW WORDS ring [ riŋ ]
NEW WORDS princess [, prin’ses ]
The Tsar contest brave build tower ring princess башня принцесса храбрый кольцо состязание строить царь
Complete the sentences using the text. This is the… He lives in a … He has got a beautiful… The Tsar is looking for a … for Ana. He decides to have a… He tells his men to … a very tall … He invites all the young men to take the… Tsar palace daughter husband contest build tower princess’ ring
Are the sentences true ( YES ) or false ( NO )? Read the story again and answer. The Tsar lives in a big house. ……. He has got a beautiful daughter. ……. He’s looking for a brave woman. ……. His daughter is in a tree. ……. The Tsar’s daughter is wearing a gold ring. ….. No YES No No YES
The princess is in the tower. Ana waits by the window. She has got blue eyes, brown long hair. Her dress is yellow. She is happy, so she is smiling. She is wearing a gold ring on her finger. Read the discription and draw the picture.
Let’s sing p.17
Up in the … The tower is … Ana is waiting Can you hear Ana call? Where is my … ? Where is the next … ? Who can … up here And take off my … ? Listen to the song and complete it. tower tall husband king jump ring
I know I can
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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