Урок по английскому языку "Англоговорящие страны" "English- speaking countries" 7 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по английскому языку "English- speaking countries". Конспект урока содержит модели ответов учеников, ссылки на видеоролики, применяемые на уроке, карту англоговорящих стран.
Вложение | Размер |
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Предварительный просмотр:
7th form | Theme: Date the 20th of November | Homework Ex.33 p.42 |
Оборудование: | Распечатка с вопросами и моделями ответов Видеоролики Презентация (флаги, карты) | |
цели | Создать условия для коммуникативной ситуации: знакомство с англоязычными странами | |
Задачи: |
| |
Вид урока: Этапы урока
Приветствие Постановка целей и обсуждение работы на уроке
Текст о Новой Зеландии и Австралии
Подведение итогов Оценивание своей работы на уроке и выставление оценок | Teacher: Good morning pupils. I am very glad to see you. Today we will continue to study English-speaking countries. What English-speaking countries do you know? Teacher: How will We work? You need divide into 2 groups. I will give sheets of paper which contain words from the texts Ex. 31 p.40, such as they contain questions for these texts and models of your answers. We will read the text, answer the questions, than we will watch video about English-speaking countries and will discuss your impressions. Let`s begin to work. Open your book at page 40. Ex. 31 Take, please your sheets of paper. The 1st group works with 3d country-New Zeeland and answers the questions. The 2d group works with 5th country-Australia and answers the questions. I give 5-7 min. Teacher: (выбирает ученика из второй группы, который будет задавать вопросы первой группе по тексту, которому они работали) …., please ask questions. Call name of pupil, than ask question. Teacher: Thank you very much. Now Look at the blackboard Презентация (презентация – страна и флаг, смотрим на карте мира, где она расположена) This is New Zeeland. This is its flag. It is situated in…. and borders…. . Let` s watch video. Видео ролик (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6jN9sEyE18) Teacher: Speak about your impressions of New Zealand. You can use your sheets of paper. (на листочках даны фразы и словарь слов, которые могут пригодиться) Teacher: Thank you for attention. Let`s speak about second country. Teacher: Let`s discuss text № 5 (выбирает ученика, который будет задавать вопросы) ….., please ask questions. Call name of pupil, than ask question. Teacher: Thank you very much. Now Look at the blackboard Презентация (презентация – страна и флаг, смотрим на карте мира, где она расположена) This is Australia. This is its flag. It is situated in…. and borders…. . Let`s watch video. Видео ролик (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJGnHB3rtMU) Teacher: Speak about your impressions of Australia. You can use your sheets of paper. (на листочках даны фразы и словарь слов, которые могут пригодиться) Teacher: Thank you for attention. Let`s write down homework Ex.33 p.42 Write about every country using these texts. Now. Give yourself a mark. Take please sheets for marks. – How many scores have you got? – If you have 7-8, give yourself an excellent mark. – If you have 5-6, your mark is a four. – If you have 3-4, you mark is a three. – If less, carry out the topic again. | Pupils: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, GB, USA. Pupils: (каждая группа работает со своим текстом, отвечает на вопросы).
Pupils: (задает вопросы другой группе, они ищут информацию в тексте и отвечают на вопросы) Pupils: (смотрят видео ролик о стране). Pupils: (рассказывают о своих впечатлениях, используя готовые модели) I liked…. I don`t like … This country is…. Pupils: (задает вопросы другой группе, они ищут информацию в тексте и отвечают на вопросы) Pupils: (смотрят видео ролик о стране). Pupils: I liked…. I don`t like … This country is…. (beautiful, interesting, wonderful, unusually) I would like to visit …../ to know more information about ….. ……. is famous for…. |
Give yourself a mark | ||
Understanding text | I understood whole text I had difficulties to understand the main information I didn`t understand the text | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Speaking | I didn`t make mistakes I made some mistakes I made lot of mistakes | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Audition | I understood necessary information I had difficulties to understand necessary information I didn`t understand necessary information | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
New words | I could remember about 5-7 new words and word combinations I could remember about 3 new words and word combinations I couldn`t remember new words | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Sum up | Less 2 2-4 scores 5-6 scores 7-8 scores | To work at home 3 4 5 |
Give yourself a mark | ||
Understanding text | I understood whole text I had difficulties to understand the main information I didn`t understand the text | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Speaking | I didn`t make mistakes I made some mistakes I made lot of mistakes | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Audition | I understood necessary information I had difficulties to understand necessary information I didn`t understand necessary information | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
New words | I could remember about 5-7 new words and word combinations I could remember about 3 new words and word combinations I couldn`t remember new words | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Sum up | Less 2 2-4 scores 5-6 scores 7-8 scores | To work at home 3 4 5 |
Give yourself a mark | ||
Understanding text | I understood whole text I had difficulties to understand the main information I didn`t understand the text | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Speaking | I didn`t make mistakes I made some mistakes I made lot of mistakes | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Audition | I understood necessary information I had difficulties to understand necessary information I didn`t understand necessary information | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
New words | I could remember about 5-7 new words and word combinations I could remember about 3 new words and word combinations I couldn`t remember new words | 2 scores 1 score 0 scores |
Sum up | Less 2 2-4 scores 5-6 scores 7-8 scores | To work at home 3 4 5 |
country | |||
country | New Zealand | ||
Small | [smɔːl] | маленький | |
Quite | [kwaɪt] | полностью | |
Consist of | [kən'sɪst | Состоит из | |
Island | ['iːsland] | осторов | |
Look like | [luk] [laɪk] | выглядеть | |
call | [kɔːl] | называть | |
questions | Where is She from? | She is from… | |
What is the capital of New Zealand? | The capital of New Zealand is… | ||
What is the official language? | The official language is… | ||
How does New Zealand look like? | New Zealand looks like… | ||
Why is New Zealand called «The world`s Biggest Farm» | New Zealand is called «The world`s Biggest Farm» because… | ||
What is New Zealand famous for? | New Zealand is famous for… | ||
Australia | |||
Occupies | ['ɔkjəpaɪ] | Занимать (пространство) | |
between | [bɪ'twiːn] | между | |
Where is Laura from? | She is from… | ||
What is the capital of Australia? | The capital of Australia is… | ||
What is the official language? | The official language is… | ||
What is population? | Population is … | ||
How is Australia called? | Australia is called… | ||
What is Australia famous for? | Australia is famous for…. | ||
country | |||
country | New Zealand | ||
Small | [smɔːl] | маленький | |
Quite | [kwaɪt] | полностью | |
Consist of | [kən'sɪst | Состоит из | |
Island | ['iːsland] | осторов | |
Look like | [luk] [laɪk] | выглядеть | |
call | [kɔːl] | называть | |
questions | Where is She from? | She is from… | |
What is the capital of New Zealand? | The capital of New Zealand is… | ||
What is the official language? | The official language is… | ||
How does New Zealand look like? | New Zealand looks like… | ||
Why is New Zealand called «The world`s Biggest Farm» | New Zealand is called «The world`s Biggest Farm» because… | ||
What is New Zealand famous for? | New Zealand is famous for… | ||
Australia | |||
Occupies | ['ɔkjəpaɪ] | Занимать (пространство) | |
between | [bɪ'twiːn] | между | |
Where is Laura from? | She is from… | ||
What is the capital of Australia? | The capital of Australia is… | ||
What is the official language? | The official language is… | ||
What is population? | Population is … | ||
How is Australia called? | Australia is called… | ||
What is Australia famous for? | Australia is famous for…. |
My impressions | ||
I liked…. I didn`t like … | Мне понравилось……/Мне не понравилось……. | |
This country is…. beautiful, interesting, wonderful, unusually | ['kʌntrɪ] ['bjuːtəfəl ], ['wʌndəf(ə)l] [ʌnju͟ːʒuəli] | Эта страна – красивая, интересная, удивительная, необычная |
I would like
| [wud] [nəu] [mɔː] [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃ(ə)n] [ə'baut] ['træv(ə)lɪŋ] [siː] [traɪ] | Я бы хотел -посетить…… -узнать больше информации о…. -путешествовать - увидеть - заняться….. |
……. is famous for…. | ['feɪməs] [fɔː] | …..знаменита….. |
Nature -Wild -Unusually -Interesting -exciting | ['neɪtʃə] [waɪld] [ʌnju͟ːʒuəli] [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] | природа Дикая Необычная Интересная захватывающая |
Rare animals -kangaroo -koala | [rɛə] ['ænɪm(ə)l] [ˌkæŋg(ə)'ruː] [kəu'ɑːlə] | Редкие животные кенгуру коала |
ocean | ['əuʃ(ə)n] | океан |
river | ['rɪvə] | река |
city | ['sɪtɪ] | город |
Types of sport | [taɪp] | Типы спорта |
surfing | ['sɜːfɪŋ] | серфинг |
diving | [daɪv] | дайвинг |
floating | [fləut] | Сплав по реке |
rock climbing | [rɔk] ['klaɪmɪŋ] | скалолазание |
fishing | ['fɪʃɪŋ] | рыбалка |
alpine skiing | ['ælpaɪn] ['skiːɪŋ] | Горные лыжи |
The culture of ………is …… | ['kʌlʧə] | культура |
developed | [dɪ'veləpt] | развитая |
traditional | [trə'dɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l] | традиционная |
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