Superstitions. Spotlight 9. Module 1
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

В данной презентации: лексические упражнения и текст о шотландском Новом годе, в котором нужно вставить пропущенные слова


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Superstitions Исполнитель: преподаватель английского языка Кучиева Залина Казбековна МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБОРОНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФГКОУ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКОЕ СУВОРОВСКОЕ ВОЕННОЕ УЧИЛИЩЕ»

Слайд 2

Listen and repeat a shooting star a spider a ladybird a butterfly full moon a rainbow a dictionary entry superstition superstitious to be related to good luck bad luck ladder a lucky charm падающая звезда паук божья коровка бабочка полная луна, полнолуние радуга словарная статья суеверие предрассудок суеверный быть связанным с счастливый случай, удача невезение, несчастье, неудача стремянка счастливый талисман

Слайд 3

Match the words to make word combinations good shooting lucky touch a load of full dictionary bring four-leaf lady rain bird rubbish wood entry moon clover star luck charm Luck bow

Слайд 4

Look at the list of superstitions and guess if they bring good or bad luck black cats broken mirrors walk under ladder find eggs in the hay red and white flowers together touch wood have lilacs in the house open an umbrella in the house pick up a coin cross your fingers hem of smb’s skirt comes down cross knives have itching palms split salt see new moon through glass

Слайд 6

Fill in the missing words:

Слайд 7

Hogmanay The Scots celebrate Hogmanay on the night of December 31st. It is a time for people to welcome the coming of the new year.

Слайд 8

Preparations for Hogmanay begin … the end of November when Christmas trees … decorated with colourful ornaments and twinkling lights. Shortbread biscuits and black buns - a … of rich fruit cake are baked . at are kind

Слайд 9

On Auld Year's Night people dress smartly … their best outfits. They also wear … tartan clothes they might have. They gather in town squares and wait … midnight . Many attend parties … traditional folk music fills the air as people perform Scottish country dances . in any for where

Слайд 10

… midnight , the clock strikes twelve and the clanging sound of bells ringing can … heard . Everyone cheers and shouts “Happy New Year!” and sings “Auld Lang Syne”. They kiss … other and drink a glass of Scotch whisky. At be each

Слайд 11

Then the merry-makers go “first footing’': they visit their friends to wish … a happy new year. It … believed that it’s good luck … the first foot to enter some­one’s house in the new year belongs to a tall, dark, handsome man. First footers carry a piece of coal with them … a good luck present. them is if as

Слайд 12

Hogmanay is a great time for everyone. It’s the best time of the year to … fun and enjoy yourself. have

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