Cinderella (Представление "Золушка" в современной интерпретации)
проект по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Представление "Золушка" в современной интерпретации
Speaker 1: Cinderella was a beautiful young girl living with her stepmother and two stepsisters.
Speaker 2: All three – the stepmother and her two daughters – were very jealous of Cinderella’s beauty.
Speaker 1: The stepmother made Cinderella do all the housework – washing, sweeping, mopping. She thought that too much work would make her ugly to look at.
One day the family was invited by the King to take part in the Palace Ball. The wicked mother didn’t want Cinderella to go since she feared her beauty.
Man: Open in the name of the king! An urgent message from His Imperial Majesty.
Cinderella: Thank you!
Man: From the King!
Cinderella: Oh, he said that’s urgent.
Drizella and Anastasia: Oh! Sing sweet nightingale to high...ah, ah, ah…
Cinderella: Maybe I should interrupt this music lesson.
Drizalla and Anastasia: In the middle of the night it’s singing well and high...ah, ah, ah…
Drizella: You clumsy!!! You did it on purpose!!!
Anastasia: No, that’s you so clumsy! You did it on purpose!
Stepmother: Girls! Remember, above all!
Drizella: It’s her fault!
Stepmother: Self-control! Yes!!!
Cinderella: Can I?
Stepmother: Cinderella! I’ve warned you to never interrupt us…
Cinderella: But this just arrived from the palace!
Drizella and Anastasia: Wow! From the palace!!!
Anastasia: Let me have it!
Drizella: Me first!
Stepmother: No, girls, I’ll read it. Well, there’s to be a ball…
Drizella and Anastasia: Oh, a ball!!!
Stepmother: In honor of His Highness, the prince…
Drizella: Prince…
Stepmother: And by royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend!
Drizella: Why, that’s us!
Anastasia: And I’m so eligible…oh.
Cinderella: On that means that I can go, too!
Anastasia: Hmm, her dancing with the prince? I’d be honored, Your Highness! Would you mind holding this broom?
Drizella and Anastasia: Ha, ha, ha!
Cinderella: Oh, well why not? After all, I’m still a member of the family, and it says, “by royal command every eligible maiden is to attend!”
Stepmother: Yes, so it does… Well, I see no reason why you can’t go… If you get all your work done…
Cinderella: Oh, yeah! I will! I promise!
Stepmother: And if you can find something suitable to wear!
Cinderella: I’ll try too! Thank you! Thank you stepmother!
Drizella and Anastasia: Mother, do you realize what you’ve just said?
Stepmother: Of course, my darling girls, I said “if”.
Drizella: Oh… “If”.
Anastasia: “If”.
Stepmother: Oh, Cinderella, you have to fit our dresses, you must make them more beautiful than they are now!
Cinderella: Yes mother… I’ll do it, but I will not have time to finish all that you told me to do…
Stepmother: But I know you will my darling! So start to work!
Cinderella: Yes stepmother!
Cinderella: Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...
Cinderella: Hello! All of your dresses are ready! And soon your carriage will arrive.
Cinderella: The carriage here Mrs.!
Stepmother: Oh! Thanks. Why Cinderella, you’re not ready, child!
Cinderella: I’m not going… I’ve not found any dress and I’ve still not finished my work, there’s too much to do…
Stepmother: Not going? What a pity, but of course, there will be other times!
Drizella: Oh Cinderella, the button here has come off! Immediately sew it to my dress!
Anastasia: And this pearl belongs to my dress too!
Anastasia & Drizella & Stepmother:
Oh! I feel good!
I knew that
I would, now!
So good, so good, I got you.
(James Brown)
Stepmother: Hurry my darlings or we will be late! Bye, Cinderella!
Cinderella: Have a good time out there, mother and sisters!
Drizella & Anastasia: Thank you Cinderella, ha, sister – have a nice time, too! Hah, hah, hah.
Stepmother: Girls, let’s go! Or do you want to be late?
Drizella: No mother! Bye Cinderella!!!
Cinderella: No, that isn’t true! It’s just no use, no use at all… I can’t believe I’m not going…
Speaker 2: Tears welled up Cinderella’s eyes and a big tear rolled down her rosy cheek. Her Fairy Godmother could not bear it and appeared before her.
Fairy & Cinderella: Don’t worry, be happy!
Fairy: Oh! Don’t cry! Dry those tears! You can go and you will. That is why I came! My darling, I can help you! But if you want you must keep on believing! And hurrying because you might be late! What is your size? Ok! And the shade of your eyes! Something simple but daring too! So we must make your dress beautiful and ready for a ball! Oh and such an important thing – your shoes!
Cinderella: Oh… That’s wonderfull to hear! I’m so glad that you are here! But where will you get a dress and shoes, dear fairy?
Fairy: Oh, that’s too easy for me! Here is my magic wand. And one, two, three, you are ready! Oh and glass slippers! Aren’t they nice for you? It seems to me that’s the thing we need!
Cinderella: I have a dream, a song to sing,
To help cope with anything.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale.
You can see the future, even if you fail.
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see.
I believe in angels. When I know the time is right for me.
I’ll cross the stream – I have a dream.
Wow! I love you fairy! Thank you! That’s a thrilling dream and it’s come true!!! Oh! I’m so happy!
Fairy: Now, now, now but you must understand my dear on the stroke of midnight the magic will be broken! And everything will be as it was before!
Cinderella: Oh thank you, dear fairy! That’s more than I hoped for!
Fairy & Cinderella:
Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman
I don’t believe you you’re not the truth
No one could look as good as you.
Pretty woman, won’t you pardon me?
Pretty woman, I couldn’t help see,
Pretty woman,
That you look lovely as can be.
Are you lonely just like me?
(Roy Orbison)
Fairy: Bless my child! Oh you must go! Bye! Have a really good time out there! Ball can’t wait!
Cinderella: Bye! Thank you!
Speaker 2: Cinderella went to the palace in grand coach drawn by six white horses created by the Fairy’s magic.
Man: Mademoiselle Augustine Dubois! Daughter of General Pierre Dubois! Madam Violetta de Francis! Daughter of Madam Carolina de Francis. Madams Drizella and Anastasia Tramline!
Prince: Oh, god!
Stepmother: Look girls. He is so handsome.
Stepmother & Anastasia & Drizella:
Hands up, baby, hands up,
Give me your heart, give me,
Give me your heart.
Give me, give me it.
Hands up, baby, hands up,
Give me your heart,
Give me, give me All your love,
All your love.
Prince: You’re a woman, I’m a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right.
Be my lady of the night.
You’re my fortune, I’m your fame.
These are things we can’t disguise.
Be my lady of the night.
(Bad Boys Blue)
Speaker 1: Cinderella’s stepmother and sisters didn’t recognize her so they whispered to one another “Who is this beautiful young lady?”
Drizella: Who is she, mother?
Anastasia: Do we know her?
Stepmother: I know I’ve never seen her.
Anastasia: Neither have I!
Stepmother: But she certainly is…oh wait…there is something familiar about her… Oh… It was a mistake… I’ve never seen her… “Just one last dance”. (only music)
Prince: Who are you?
Cinderella: I’m so admired that I don’t know… (Clock strikes midnight.)
Prince: Если хочешь остаться,
Останься просто так.
Пусть тебе приснятся сны о тёплых берегах,
Давно за двенадцать, а ты ещё в гостях,
Ты думаешь остаться, так останься просто так!
(группа “Дискотека авария”)
Cinderella: Oh, 12! I have to leave this wonderful place…
Speaker 1: The clock began to strike twelve. Cinderella was at once reminded of the fairy’s warning and she ran from the palace. While running down the steps, she lost one of her slippers.
Prince: But why?
Un-break My heart.
Say you’ll love me again.
Undo this hurt you caused,
When you walked out the door.
And you walked out of my life.
Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights.
Un-break my heart. My heart.
(Toni Braxton)
Prince: Listen to me, my guard! Let’s look for the girl who has lost this shoe!
Speaker 1: A few days later, a servant was sent with the slipper to travel throughout the kingdom and to find the owner of the slipper.
Speaker 2: When the servant reached Cinderella’s house, her stepsisters tried the slipper on but it did not fit either of them. When tried on Cinderella’s foot, it fit so nicely!
Anastasia: I want to try the shoe on! Oh, It doesn’t suit me. It’s such a pity!
Drizella: I want to try the shoe on too! Oh! It suits me! I can dance!
Cinderella: It is my glass slipper. I’ve lost it.
Prince: What’s your name, beautiful girl?
Cinderella: My name is Cinderella!
Prince: I love you and I want to marry you. Cinderella, be my wife, please and my palace is yours now.
All guests: Be happy!
Speaker 1 & Speaker 2: The Prince married Cinderella and took her to his palace. And they lived happily ever after!
All the Actors:
The Song “Ding-A-Dong”
(group “Teach In”)
When you’re feeling all right everything is uptight.
Try to sing a song that goes Ding-Ding-A-Dong.
There will be no sorrow. When you sing tomorrow,
And you walk along with your Ding-Ding-Ding.
Ding-Dong every hour when you pick a flower.
Even when your lover is gone, gone,
sing Ding-Ding-Ding.
The End
Егине Карленовна Саркисян ,
школа № 350, г. Москва
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