контрольная работа для 10 класса в формате ЕГЭ
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
аудирование, чтение, лексико-лексический материал
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10-го класса в (формате ЕГЭ)
Задание 1. Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных A, B, C и D. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
- At the doctor’s 4. In a museum
- In a shop 5. In a swimming pool
- In a classroom
Диалог | A | B | C | D | E |
Место действия |
Задание 2. Установите соответствие между заголовками A – H и текстами 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. А задании один заголовок лишний.
- Teenagers: stress at school E. Playing games helps learn better
- Music improves school results F. Tests: more or fewer?
- Long summer holidays G. No lessons at weekends?
- Computer games motivate pupils H. Breaks between lessons
- Most adults seem to think that children would learn better if they did more homework. But in fact this is not the case. All the evidence suggests that children need to play more, not less. Play, in fact, is the work of childhood and if youngers played more, they would do much better at school. Psychologists say that classroom role-playing can be very good for child’s development. But we see the demands of the curriculum mean opportunities for such role-play are limited. Role play is valued highly by both children and adults. It can make a significant contribution to learning and development.
- I think that breaks between lessons should be longer. It’s necessary for us. We are very tired after our lessons and breaks gives us a chance to stretch our legs after sitting in class. If you are hurry, you can eat something after a lesson. Breaks give an opportunity to prepare for the next lesson. A lot of students want to talk to their friends during the breaks. If the breaks are longer, you won’t feel exhausted at the end of the day.
- Our day is quite short. We have six lessons and finish at 14.05. But we also have lessons on Saturday, which is horrible. Students can’t stand going to school on Saturday morning. The weekends are for relaxing and doing things you enjoy. No one is in the mood for lessons on Saturday morning. Everyone would be much happier if we were free on Saturdays.
- The teachers think that if summer breaks were shorter, children would do much better at school. When children get back from their long summer break, they don’t just carry on from where they stopped in May. They have to do the same things again. If summer holidays were shorter, this would not happen. People who say things like that can’t remember what it was like to be a child. Actually, the summer holiday is the only time of the year when we can escape from all those tests. If we didn’t have the long summer holidays, we would never get the chance to play and discover the world in our own way.
- Tests… Nobody likes them. They are the most stressful situations for pupils. But I can’t say they are a stupid waste of time. If we didn’t have them, I don’t suppose I’d study at all. Some students say that they always forget what they’ve learned as soon as the exams are over. But I remember nearly all of what I’ve learned. What type of tests do I like best: oral or written and which is easier to pass? Of course, ‘essay’ tests are more difficult and serious. You cannot get a high score just by making a lucky guess. So, I think that tests are a necessary part of learning.
- According to the research, the most stressful situations for teenagers are the following: when the teacher shouts at them or he is unfair when they are not prepared for the lesson and before a test. If we are prepared for the lesson, we will avoid the negative impact of stress. If the teacher doesn’t shout at pupils and the relationships between teacher and pupils are not complicated, pupils won’t be under stress.
- A survey of 1,000 teachers suggests a third of teachers are using computer games in the classroom. But they need to understand how, when and when not to use games to support lessons. If teachers believe computer games are a “motivation tool” they will use them in the future. I think, If they use computer games in the classroom, there will be educational benefits.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Лексика и грамматика
Задание 3. Выберите правильный ответ.
- When do you usually have _______ breakfast?
- -- B. the C. any D. first
- He needs a portable computer but he doesn’t have _______ money.
- too B. almost C. much D. many
- _______ computers will continue to get smaller and smaller?
- Think you B. Do you think C. It is possible that D. Maybe yes
- Her brothers _______ in Jakarta.
- were born B. are born C. have born D. borned
- When the thieves broke in they _______ .
- were sleeping B. slept C. are sleeping D. are been sleeping
- Alabama is _______ place they’ve been too.
- more distant B. the most distant C. the distantest D. distant than
- - ___________
- Here you are, Sir.
- Can I have two pounds of bananas? C. Do you give me two pounds of bananas?
- I want two pounds of bananas. D. Give me two pounds of bananas?
- This old book belongs to my father. He says it’s interesting, but it’s boring, in my _______ .
- opinion B. thought C. idea D. feeling
- Good dictionaries aren’t cheap. How much did you ________ on your new one?
- spend B. buy C. charge D. pay
- Our teacher encouraged us to study at home. She ________ us to read more books.
- told B. talked C. said D. spoke
- She stays _______ home to take care ________ her sick mother.
- in / for B. from / at C. at / of D. for / with
- I often take part _______ social activities every weekend.
- in B. for C. against D. over
Задание 4. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова в конце строчек так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста.
One morning Mr Sherlock Holmes was sitting in his room in Baker street. His friend Dr Watson was standing near the window _______ (1) at a look walking stick. This stick _______ (2) by a strange visitor the day before. forget The words ‘To Dr Mortimer’________ (3) on it. Dr Watson had already write been examining it for half an hour but ________ (4) say anything about it. not can Suddenly Sherlock Holmes ________ (5), ‘The owner of this stick has a say dog which is ________ (6) than a terrier. I have noticed the marks of a large dog’s ________ (7) on the stick. Probably the dog often ________ (8) the tooth carry stick behind the master.’ ‘I wonder why this man wanted to visit us,’ asked Dr Watson. ‘Well, we soon _________ (9),’ answered Sherlock know Holmes. ‘I can hear the bell ________ (10).’ ring
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