презентация "Викторина по истории России и Великобритании"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Караушева Елена Львовна

Отвечая на вопросы викторины, учащиеся вспомнят основные вехи и события русской и английской истории.


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Слайд 1

Linking Past and Present We live in the 21 st century in a fast changing world, the world of new ideas and new technologies, but we shouldn’t forget that our present life has been prepared by everything that has happened on our planet so far. The long history of mankind is not a set of books on your bookshelf or a string of half-remembered events of the past. Our history is what we are now. It explains things to us and warns us about the future because – as the saying goes – history repeats itself. Every minute of our life is history in the making. Today’s events can soon enter history books. You can say every person lives in the past, present and future.

Слайд 2

Answer the questions: Do you like history? What periods in the history of mankind do you find most interesting? At what time would you like to live? What events in history changed the face of the world? What people played a special role in history? What are the greatest problems the humanity faces at the moment? What can help to solve them?

Слайд 3

Do you know Russian history?

Слайд 4

Christianity was introduced into Rus ’ by … a) Grand Prince Vladimir b) Ivan the Terrible c) Catherine II

Слайд 5

St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia in the years… a) 1703 - 1917 b) 1712 - 1918 c) 1712 - 1917

Слайд 6

The Tatar yoke was thrown off during the reign of … in 1480. a) Grand Prince Vladimir b) Ivan III c) Ivan IV

Слайд 7

Ivan III reigned in the years 1462-1505 and claimed that Moscow was the “Third Rome – after … a) Athens b) Paris c) Constantinople

Слайд 8

The tzar who proclaimed himself Emperor and turned Russia into a great power by his victories over Sweden in the Great Northern war was … a) Ivan IV (the Terrible) b) Peter I c) Alexander I

Слайд 9

The Romanov dynasty ruled until … a) 1905 b) 1917 c) 1925

Слайд 10

In February 1945 the “Big Three” leaders – Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill – met at … to decide the future of postwar Europe. a) Yalta b) Sevastopol c) Simpheropol

Слайд 11

The Great Patriotic War was over in … a) May 1945 b) July 1945 c) September 1945

Слайд 12

The Soviet Union was dissolved in … . a) 1981 b) 1991 c) 2001

Слайд 13

The first president of the Russian Federation was … . a) Yeltsin b) Putin c) Gorbachev

Слайд 14

Do you know the history of Great Britain?

Слайд 15

James VI of Scotland became also James I of England in … . a) 1503 b) 1603 c) 1703

Слайд 16

In … England and Scotland were joined by an Act of Union which abolished the Scottish Parliament. a) 1507 b) 1607 c) 1707

Слайд 17

King Edward I of England defeated the native princes of Wales in … and named his son “Prince of Wales”. a) 1301 b) 1401 c) 1501

Слайд 18

Wales was brought into the English system of national and local government by an Act of Union in … . a) 1336 b) 1436 c) 1536

Слайд 19

In … rebellions by Jacobites who wanted a Catholic king in Scotland and hoped to put Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) on the throne were finally defeated at Culloden, near Inverness. a) 1716 b) 1746 c) 1816

Слайд 20

Queen Victoria came to the throne in … a) 1737 b) 1837 c) 1937

Слайд 21

George V changed the name of the royal family to Windsor in … . a) 1857 b) 1900 c) 1917

Слайд 22

Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector in … . a) 1653 b) 1753 c) 1853

Слайд 23

Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the UK in … . a) 1900 b) 1920 c) 1940

Слайд 24

Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of the UK in … . a) 1969 b) 1979 c) 1989

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